[PEN-L:1914] Russia: Weir on Orphanages

1998-12-30 Thread Gregory Schwartz

Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998
For the Hindustan Times
From: Fred Weir in Moscow

DIMITROV, Russia (HT) -- Seven year old Maxim claps his
hands and smiles delightedly as he rummages through a package of
New Year's treats brought by visitors from Moscow. The goodies
include a toy car, a chocolate figure of Ded Moroz -- the Russian
version of Santa Claus -- a bag of apples and a bunch of bananas.
``I hope he'll share it. None of the children here have
seen fresh fruit since last summer,'' mutters Nina Sergeyeva,
head doctor of the Dimitrov Specialized Children's Home, a
facility for severely disabled orphans.
Little Max, paralyzed from the waist down by a birth
defect and abandoned by his natural mother, looks radiant as he
chatters excitedly with Alyona, a Moscow professional woman who
has been helping out financially with his care for the past
couple of years.
But otherwise it's not a pretty picture. The orphanage,
which occupies the outbuildings of an old Orthodox hillside
monastery in Dimitrov, about 100 km north of Moscow, looks like
something Charles Dickens might have described.
About 120 children live in the combination
school-hospital, sleeping on narrow cots, four per tiny room,
amid peeling paint, fraying linoleum and rattling pipes. In a
small, cold common room, about a dozen kids crowd around
a single TV set -- with no adult supervision in sight.
``I know that many of these children wouldn't be
institutionalized in a Western country,'' Ms. Sergeyeva says.
``But here there are so few options for them.''
She admits that life in the orphanage is tough. Ms.
Sergeyeva is the only permanent doctor in the entire facility,
with just four nurses to help. None of the staff has been paid in
at least two months. Morale is extremely low, she says.
State funding, never very much, has virtually dried up
since financial crisis struck Russia last August.
``It's a lucky thing we have our own garden in the
orphanage. We still have some potatoes, cabbage and beets left
from last summer's crop,'' Ms. Sergeyeva says.
``Otherwise there would be very little. We haven't eaten
meat, cheese or eggs for months now.''
Despite the grim conditions, the children in the Dimitrov
home appear reasonably well cared for and their relations with
the staff seem warm and friendly.
That is not the case everywhere in Russia's vast network
of state orphanages, according to a report issued this month by
the non-governmental monitoring agency Human Rights Watch.
The result of a year-long investigation, the report
alleges that Russia's 200,000 institutionalized orphans are
subjected to systematic ``cruelty and neglect'' and are deprived
of their most basic human rights.
It says that Russian orphans are routinely mislabelled as
``ineducable'' and warehoused in closed institutions -- like the
Dimitrov facility -- where minimal resources are expended on
caring for them.
The report alleges a widespread pattern of abuse by staff
in Russian orphanages that includes beatings of children, sexual
assault, criminal neglect and punishment by public humiliation.
``The abuse in orphanages cannot simply be attributed to
Russia's economic crisis,'' says Kathleen Hunt, the report's
author. ``The problem of scarce resources does not justify the
appalling treatment children receive at the hands of the state.''
Photographs accompanying the study depict concentration
camp-like conditions in some Russian orphanages, including
starvation, filth, overcrowding and physical mistreatment. (The
entire report, with photos, is available on the internet at:
Russian experts say the abuses cited in the Human Rights
Watch report are the exception rather than the rule, but admit
that the system is not working.
``In today's harsh economic climate many parents are
simply dumping their children on the state,'' says Maria
Ternovskaya, director of Children's House number 19, a clean and
apparently well-run orphanage in downtown Moscow.
``More than half the kids we get have parents somewhere.
The numbers are increasing every year, and the system is
Ms. Ternovskaya says it is true that the state medical
commission is often too quick to diagnose a child as ``retarded''
or ``disabled''.
``Resources are stretched to the limit, and we have no
staff to bring up all these children properly,'' she says. ``The
easy way is just to say nothing can be done with them, and that's
what happens all too frequently.''
About half the children from Children's House 19 have
been given to foster families over the past year, an experimental
approach for Russia that Ms. Ternovskaya believes should be
widely adopted.
``We pay professional foster parents, often unemployed
women, to do what we cannot: give the children some sort of
normal family life,'' she says.
``It doesn't 

[PEN-L:1913] Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: Vicious Holiday Silliness

1998-12-30 Thread Rosser Jr, John Barkley

 Just as a further addition to this I note that in 
Arabic even now the Palestinians are the "Filistineen".  
"Palestine" is the name the Romans gave to their province 
in that region of the world.
 Happy New Year everybody and hope to see some of you 
in New York!
Barkley Rosser
On Mon, 28 Dec 1998 13:40:53 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 12/28/98 10:24:01 AM Pacific Standard Time,
  I was wondering: is the word "philistine"  a version of the word
  "Palestine"? (That's why I put this negative term in quotation marks.)
 Response: Indeed it--the term "Philistine"--is the origin of the modern
 Palestinian just as the ancient Philistines are considered descendants of the
 modern Palestinians who stood versus Caananites in various Biblical accounts.
 The perjorative aspects of the term "philistine" and the slurs associated with
 the term to the point that the term "philistine" itself became a slur
 embodying--as a kind of shorthand--a set of other slurs (mercenary, pecuniary,
 lacking in good taste and graces, crass materialistic etc) go way back. But
 suffice to say that many Palestinians--and non-Palestinians--know the popular
 or vulgar use and know that most who use it are unaware of the ethnic
 orgins/implications, but nonetheless feel that it can be likened to terms like
 "Jewing down", "Gypping or Gypped",
 etc. After all, no one says "Caananite capitalists" or "The Pawnbroker 'Anglo-
 Saxoned me down from the price I should have got.
 Just as a point of history and clarification in response to your question and
 in no way intended as a criticism off use of term quite obviously used with no
 intent to slur any group
 Jim Craven

Rosser Jr, John Barkley

[PEN-L:1912] Re: Daimler's new culture: How wide?

1998-12-30 Thread Jim Devine

At 04:26 PM 12/29/98 -0600, you wrote:
Does Herr Tropitzsch merely refer to the new company's own 
corporate culture, or more grandly to a world-shaper's prerogatives?

obviously the former, since D-C can't change the world on its own. It needs
A-C's help. ;-) Seriously, it's capital as a whole (including its
intramural competition) that shapes the world's culture, along with the
resistance by working people against being treated as interchangeable parts.


[PEN-L:1909] Daimler and Macdonalds

1998-12-30 Thread Bill Burgess

Before anyone rushes out to buy Daimler stock with December's extra
bi-weekly cheque because of Valis' hydrogen fuel cell hype, this is really
being developed by their 'partner' here in Vancouver, Ballard Power. Their
stock just dropped because of problems reported in their experimental
engines installed in public transit buses (in Chigago, I think). Ford is
another 'partner'. 

Ballard is one of those stock market wonders that has yet to sell a product
other than its name, plus Daimler's, Ford's and the other signers-on. BTW,
it always talks about how the hydrogen cell emits only H2O, but their
production cells apparantly will actually use natural gas or even gasoline.
But don't ask me what a fuel cell is, I don't understand how it works even
though I hope it does.   

On a much more important topic, I'm happy to report that the MacDonalds
workers in nearby Squamish have won a Labour Board challenge by the
employer against their 61% strike vote. The Canadian Auto Workers Union
refuted the employer's claim that workers had been hoodwinked into voting
for a strike.  The union reports some progress in negotiations under a
mediator - e.g. agreement on seniority and no harassement clauses. 

Under B.C. labour law, a first contract may be imposed by the labour board
if one cannot be reached through negotiations. From the workers point of
view they often do not amount to more than the employer's obligation to
recongize the union as sole bargaining agent and a minimalist grievance
procedure, but this is better than nothing. The CAW has blamed MacDonald HQ
for the problems in negotiations, saying they could have reached agreement
if it was only the local franchise owner involved. 

Bill Burgess

[PEN-L:1907] Fwd: (Fwd) Twas The Night Before Impeachmentboundary=part0_914996460_boundary

1998-12-30 Thread Nativejmc

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


In a message dated 12/29/98 9:31:14 AM Pacific Standard Time,

 j:(Fwd) Twas The Night Before Impeachment
 Date:  12/29/98 9:31:14 AM Pacific Standard Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Michael Craven)
 --- Forwarded Message Follows ---
 From:  "Robert Ward" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:   Twas The Night Before Impeachment
 Organization:  Angelfire  (http://email.angelfire.com:80)
 byChris Duel
  'Twas The Night Before Impeachment, when all through the House,
  All the Congress was stirring, even Gingrich, the louse.
  The Articles were hung by the Capitol with care,
  In hopes that Saint Bubba would be trapped in the lair.
  The Republicans were nestled, all smug with The Feds,
  While visions of perjury danced in their heads.
  And Barr with his rhetoric and Hyde with his trap,
  Had just settled in for a long evening's nap.
  When out in The Gulf, there arose such a clatter
  They clicked on CNN to see what was the matter.
  When what to their wondering eyes should appear
  But Tomahawk cruise missiles flying like reindeer.
  With a Presidential address, so lively and quick,
  They knew in a moment, it must be Saint Slick!
  More rapid than eagles, his supporters they came,
  And he whistled and shouted and called them by name:
  "Now Conyers, now Gephardt, let's forget about The Vixen!
  On Barney!  On Maxine!  I'm no Richard Nixon!!!"
  "From Capitol Hill to the Washington Mall,
  Now dash away, dash away, dash away all !!!"
  And then the Republicans heard on the roof
  The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
  As they scratched their heads and were turning around
  The resilient Saint Willie scored another rebound.
  No longer was he eating from his humble pie,
  While assaulting Saddam with his bombs from the sky.
  A bundle of weapons he had flung at Iraq,
  It looked once again like "The Prez" had bounced back.
  His eyes, how they twinkled!  His dimples, how merry!
  His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry.
  His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
  And the hair on his head was as white as the snow.
  The stump of a stogie, he held tight in his teeth,
  And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath.
  He had a broad face and a little round belly
  That shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly.
  He was chubby and plump - a right jolly old elf,
  And the Republicans wept, in spite of themselves.
  And a wink of his eye and a twist of his head
  Soon gave them to know they had something to dread.
  He spoke the right words and went straight to his work
  Hard to believe that an Intern once called him "The Jerk."
  And shaking his finger and thumbing his nose,
  By "Wagging The Dog," up the polls he rose.
  He turned to his spinmeisters and gave them a whistle,
  Then they cheered-on "The Prez" as he launched another missile.
  They all heard him exclaim, with Impeachment out of sight,
  "Happy Ramadan to all, and to all a good night."
 Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
  James Craven 
  Dept. of Economics,Clark College
  1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
 "The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land
 property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
 (Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)
 "To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue." (Edmund
 *My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*
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[PEN-L:1908] Fwd: Daimler's new culture: How wide?boundary=part0_915001664_boundary

1998-12-30 Thread Nativejmc

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


I believe I saw an announcement like this from Daimler dated around 1933.
Something about high quality engines for German bombers and fighters that
could operate on both sides of the Atlantic. Also something about providin=
employment opportunities for slave labor to stirve for higher levels of
productivity to produce a new culture, weltordnung, and weltanschaaung.

Absent at Nuremburg: Krupp Werke, Badische Analin und Sodafabrik, I.G. Far=
Daimler-Benz Werke, ITT, Texaco, Ford, GM, Standard Oil, Messerschmidt Wer=

Jim Craven

In a message dated 12/29/98 9:02:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, valis@EXECPC=

 Does Herr Tropitzsch merely refer to the new company's own 
 corporate culture, or more grandly to a world-shaper's prerogatives?
  Daily News - 12/08/1998  
Treading Carefully Toward a New Culture
Stuttgart, 12/08/1998 - 'We are going to create a new culture,'
DaimlerChrysler Board member Heiner Tropitzsch explained to the German
business newspaper Handelsblatt. Emphasizing the need to tread
carefully on both sides of the Atlantic, he added that cultural
integration must follow the principles of a 'merger of equals.' During
a recent interview, Tropitzsch once again stated that
DaimlerChrysler's goal 'is to become the world's leading and most
successful automotive, transportation and services company.'
=A91998 DaimlerChrysler. All rights reserved.
 --- Headers 
 Received: from  rly-zc03.mx.aol.com (rly-zc03.mail.aol.com [])=
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 =09  Wed, 30 Dec 1998 00:02:25 -0500 (EST)
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 Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 16:26:32 -0600 (CST)
 From: valis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-Sender: valis@earth
 Subject: [PEN-L:1902] Daimler's new culture: How wide? 
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  by rly-zc03.mx.aol.com (8.8.8/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0)
  Wed, 30 Dec 1998 00:02:25 -0500 (EST)
Tue, 29 Dec 1998 21:03:05 -0800 (PST)
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 16:26:32 -0600 (CST)
Subject: [PEN-L:1902] Daimler's new culture: How wide? 

Does Herr Tropitzsch merely refer to the new company's own 
corporate culture, or more grandly to a world-shaper's prerogatives?

 Daily News - 12/08/1998  

   Treading Carefully Toward a New Culture
   Stuttgart, 12/08/1998 - 'We are going to create a new culture,'
   DaimlerChrysler Board member Heiner Tropitzsch explained to the German
   business newspaper Handelsblatt. Emphasizing the need to tread
   carefully on both sides of the Atlantic, he added that cultural
   integration must follow the principles of a 'merger of equals.' During
   a recent interview, Tropitzsch once again stated that
   DaimlerChrysler's goal 'is to become the world's leading and most
   successful automotive, transportation and services company.'

   ©1998 DaimlerChrysler. All rights reserved.
