At 15:17 11/11/98 -0500, you wrote:
>     I apologize (to Newitz?) if I came across as 
>sarcastic.  I am well aware that there are lots of people 
>who have suffered, yourself included.  Even those on tenure 
>track often go through all kinds of unpleasant garbage, 
>quivering on floors and admissions to mental wards (no 
>shit), when they actually go up for tenure, even those who 
>get it.  I grant that after one gets it, life can become a 
>lot easier.
>     I am also very aware that scholarly radicals have a 
>much harder time on the job market than do boring poop 
>mediocrities.  I am personally aware of this, in that more 
>than one person has claimed that, given my personal 
>research record, I "should" be at a "more prestigious 
>school."  Well, I'm not; but I grant that I have not the 
>unpleasant experiences in the job market that you have had.
>     However, none of this undoes my arguments against 
>Newitz's arguments.  Would eliminating tenure make life 
>easier for radicals or heterodox scholars on the job 
>market?  I seriously doubt it and suggest that it might 
>well make it worse.  Indeed, it is not clear that Newitz 
>actually called for the elimination of tenure, although she 
>certainly exhibited massive envy (understandable) of those 
>who have it, however radical they might be.
>     What did seem to be her practical bottom line was that 
>English grad students should be taught skills allowing them 
>to get non-academic jobs.  That may well be, but I see no 
>relevance of that to economists.  Hence, I did not see the 
>relevance of Lou's posting of this article to this list.
>Barkley Rosser

Thanks Barkley! I agree with verything you say. Though the interest Lou P's
post generated gives it an implicit justification. Cheers, ajit sinha

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