At 04:34 10/12/98 +1100, Angela wrote:
>in any case, i would have thought that the problem with 'spectres of marx' is
>quite of a different order: namely, in an entire book on ghosts and haunting
>(which is interesting in only the most banal of ways), not once does derrida
>confront or think through marx's central critical concept: surplus value.  at
>least spivak had a go.  but derrida can't even begin to think through this
>stuff because he wants to avoid the materiality of marx's use of things like
>'spectre' and haunting and reification and objectification, etc as related
>concepts.  so, he does marx a big disservice whilst pretending that he has in
>fact dealt with marx.  i also thought his stuff on deconstruction being the
>equivalent to perestroika was one of the stoopidest and arrogant things i had
>read for a long time.

Once I asked Etienne Balibar why there is not much analysis of the question
of "value" in *Reading Capital*. He very candidly told me that it is simply
because neither he nor Althusser knew political economy well enough to deal
with this subject properly. I think Derrida's reason for staying away from
the concept of surplus value would be similar. These are serious scholars
and thinkers and they don't wanna talk about things which they don't think
they have a very good understanding of. Whatever little I have read of
Spivak's discussion on value and surplus value, I have found it of poor
quality--showing very little understanding of the problem. In my opinion,
she should have kept away from it too. Whether you like Derrida's theme of
ghosts and specters in his essay on Marx or not, you cannot deny that he
succeeds in drawing out this theme in Marx's writings in a surprisingly
consistent manner. I had never seen this aspect of Marx's writing before
reading Derrida. I don't understand Derrida--I think one needs to know
phenomenology inside out to understand him. But I think he is a character
similar to Wittgenstein, a true genius-- as Althusser referred to him in
his autobiography,*The Future Lasts a Long Time*, "that genius of a
philosopher" (quoting from memory).
Cheers, ajit sinha   

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