William S. Lear wrote:
> I'm a bit naive on these topics and I'd like to read some critical
> assessments of them.  Chomsky contends (if I remember correctly) that
> the Bolshevik revolution really destroyed the nascent socialism that
> existed in the soviets, and I'm curious to know more about this
> episode.  Any suggestions would be welcome...

For a presentation of this position -- with citation of evidence from
secondary sources -- see Albert and Hahnel, Chapter 2: The Soviet
Experience, in Socialism Today and Tomorrow, South End Press, 1981. For
earlier and more detailed material start with Paul Avrich, Krondstadt
1921, and Maurice Brinton, The Bolsheviks and Workers Control.

There are a number of anarchist types who are much more familiar with
this literature than I. If you run this request on an anarchist oriented
forum I'm sure you will get a much fuller response. There is a rather
extensive anarchist literature on this subject that was published by
smaller anarchist presses in the West up through the early 1970s. [Try
Root and Branch]. This historical work was never published by any
mainstream or university press that I am aware of, and of course, was
rejected outright and then ignored entirely by any and all Leninist
versions of Marxism [Stalinist, Trotskyist and Maoist]. For less obvious
reasons (to me) social democratic authors have ignored this literature
as well. [This may be due to the Trotskyist origins of influential
social democrats laboring in this field, like Isaac Deutscher, which may
have saddled him with sectarian biases against anarchists who traced the
origins of soviet totalitarianism back to Lenin and Trotsky, instead
treating the defeat of Trosky by Stalin as the source of all Soviet
evil.] As a result, not only has the public at large received no
exposure to this position, the great majority of the academic and
political left since the late 1920s has remained largely unaware of what
has always seemed to me to be the most compelling interpretation of
Soviet history.

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