Gar Lipow wrote:
> Not all work is pleasant even in small amounts. There is a certain
> amount of dirty work which has to be done, which simply is not a
> source of pleasure to many. Not all of this can be automated out of
> existence even in a decently run society (no examples of which are
> known) at least not in the short run. I would argue that to the extent
> such work has to exist it should be divided up fairly evenly.
> We cannot avoid specialization;  no one can know how to do everything.
> But there is no reason some specialties should consist mostly of
> empowering pleasant work, and others of robotic, drudge tasks.

I hartily endorse the above sentiment, and hasten to point out that the
more labor markets are left to the forces of supply and demand the less
likely it is that jobs will take on this desirable aspect.

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