Okay, folks: here's a question that in various forms has been debated
(including on this list) over and over and over and....

Suppose one is teaching intro econ to "typical" (?) university students,
which means mainstream range of conservative, and some liberal ideas,
including many who will either in school or later go into "business."

Do you (I'm asking for your personal opinions here) teach that corporations
*must* e.g. open non-union shops, invest abroad where labor is cheaper,
skimp on quality, etc., in order to compete in capitalist markets, thereby
reinforcing those tendencies in those who are or will be in business; or

do you teach that unions can increase productivity; "environmentally
friendly commodities" can be profitable, and the like, thereby reinforcing
liberal tendencies at the cost of pushing "socialism" away?

Eagerly awaiting your responses.


Blair Sandler

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