Max, the list jester, flips into serious mode, waxes afraid and indignant.

>>> Max Sawicky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/03/99 11:43AM >>>

I was very pleased to see Mr. Henry C.K. Liu's latest
pissing and moaning, since it proves definitively
that he is incapable of or uninterested in
distinguishing between racial slurs and comments
directed at his own statements or statements of
those he idolizes.  This waving the bloody shirt
of racism is an injustice to genuine claims and
an obstacle to serious discussion.  It bespeaks
ignorance and reeks of self-righteousness.


Chas: Oh yes, that very important problem in the post-Reaganite white imagination: 
colored people confusing racism with genuine claims of ...........???, injustice 
perpetrated on white commentators, playing the race card on Wax and others unfairly. I 
feel so sorry for you.

This is known as blaming the victim. Max is the real victim here, and we keep blaming 


Reminds me of the old National Lampoon cover,
which headlined, "Buy this magazine, or we'll
shoot this dog."  A comically transparent attempt
at moral blackmail:  take my incoherent ravings
seriously or you're a racist. 


Charles: Reminds Bennie of it, but does not match what Henry is doing. Again 
post-Reaganite plausible denial of white supremacy is what this comment is really. 
Bennie has absolved himself of making prejudicial commentary.


I am a little
surprized to see CB echoing this; I expected
better from him.  (I'm also afraid his sense
of humor is captive to his ideological prejudices.)


Charles: Is this Max or Bennie , who is now "surprized" and probably "appalled" to ? 
Interesting how comedy shades into tragedy , no ?

and he is "afraid" too. Boo hoo. poor thing. But don't worry, your ideological bias 
prevents you from seeing that my humor is better than yours. So things are still 
funny, not scary.

This is an old trick on the left which may yet have
some currency on campuses, but doesn't cut any ice
with me.

I would not be disinterested in moral preachments
from those I would regard as exceptional moral
examples to the rest of us, but Mr. Liu doesn't
qualify.  He's too busy trying to buttress his
own dubious assertions by reference to the
suffering of others, his own people in particular.
He complains bitterly of someone making fun of his
name, then turns around and does the same thing.


Charles: Is this a joke or serious ?


The only racism in the posts is the inference from
others that Mao's babbling is some kind of landmark
in Chinese literature, or in some way examplary of
Chinese intellectual faculties.


Charles: oops. Max sticks his foot in it again. Is this an accident or a mistake that 
Max keeps committing ? Beltway incompetence ? Barkeley would probably say it might be 
explained by chaos theory.

How exactly is this the "only racism in the posts" , oh wise civil rights hero and 
philospher ?


As to Jim C., who's a serious guy, I'd just like
to point out that the fate of imperialism's victims
is one thing, and silly arguments regarding it, in
which I take an admittedly perverse pleasure, are
quite another.

One mistaken notion is that serious and
honest people cannot disagree on whether Mao was a
hero or a beast (or perhaps some of both).  This has
less to do with bourgeois academia than might be
apparent, since plenty of lefts, from soc-dems to
super-Trots, have uncomplimentary views of Mao and


Charles: This Max thought does not sound smarter than Mao's thought.

Charles Brown

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