For someone who volunatarily admits: "I must confess my first two sentences were
lies" to accuse another person of a lack of credibility is typical Max style.
Of course, he produced the misleading e-mail.  There was another in which he
made a promise to the effect that he will not engage me anymore.  Unlike him, I
did not keep copies of these idotic exchanges because they are not worth the
hard disk space, but I have not admitted that I lie, then, now or in the
future.  I vaguely remember that a copy of the e-mail was also copied by him to
someone else on one of the two lists,  That person will know who is lying.
At any rate, this is getting boring, and I wish he will stop.  I told Michael
off line that I will stop, but this pitbull just won't let go.
Go do something useful, Max and pick on somebody white.


Max Sawicky wrote:

> << 03 June 1999 19:06 UTC
> Typical. I did not engage him.  Max engaged me by posting a lampoon on my
> post which had not been addressed to him.  As some one quoted Chomsky: In
> American, facts matter little.  I had thought that since the last encounter
> with the incident of ridiculing my name, he would keep his direct off-list
> promise to me to keep his distance. But not keeping his word to unworthy
> people is standard procedure for him, apparently. Perhap this time I would
> be lucky and earn his benign neglect.
> Henry C.K. Liu >>
>       *     *      *
> The post referred to is reproduced below, verbatim.
> I must confess my first two sentences were lies.
> ---------------
> [May 2]
> Dear Henry,
> I think you ought to consider re-subbing to LBO and PEN-L.  My impression is
> that your contributions are well-regarded by most.
> To me the lists are, among other things, a form of recreation that affords
> the opportunity to kid and be kidded in return.  Sometimes the jibes are
> sharp, and sometimes one can misjudge the taste of others for this sort of
> exchange.  My tendency is to gauge the sharpness by the extent to which I
> take exception to something I read, rather than by the disposition of the
> individual targeted by some of my remarks.
> My joke made no reference to any racial stereotype about Chinese people.
> Nor did it exploit any particularly Chinese aspect of your name.  The sound
> of "lou" has no particular connotation to Americans.  In any case, I
> certainly had no racist intent in punning on your name, and I regret any
> hurt that it caused.  I am not a sadist.  I do enjoy kidding people.  I
> seldom kid people for whom I have no regard.  There is little pleasure in
> trading insults with someone whom one genuinely dislikes.
> So do come back.  As for myself, I've written more e-mail than is good for
> me and I'll be taking a vacation.  Be well.
> Regards,
> Max Sawicky

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