We will continue to raise the question: Who should be held
responsible for everything which takes place in the society? In a
society in which the financial oligarchy holds sway over all the
economic, political, cultural and military affairs, how can anybody
else be blamed for what goes on in the society?
     The notoriety which the armed forces have earned in Somalia,
Bosnia, Haiti and elsewhere has everything to do with what the
financial oligarchy is doing as a result of its obsessive desire
for an empire in its pursuit of making maximum profit. 
     Whether it is the production of arms or interfering in the
internal affairs of other countries under the pretext of
"peacekeeping" or "peacemaking", it is the motive of making maximum
profit which guides the armed forces.   
     All rank and file members of the armed forces, all sons and
daughters of the working class in the armed forces, must oppose the
use of the armed forces for the aim of pursuing nineteenth century
notions of empire-building. It is the government and the financial
oligarchy which must be blamed for all the infamies which the armed
forces are committing. 

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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