Though one can sympathise with someone who always
wanted to be a prof and took the appropriate training
before finding out that there were more candidates than
there were openinings, I find the condementory tone and
accusations of elitism to be off the mark.  Both my wife
and my daughter are 'ABT's, one in English, one in religious
studies.  Both had intended to be profs but when the
possibilities were shipwrechted on the rocks of reality,
they chose alternative careers which utilize their academic
skills.  Both have had/now have rewarding careers.  And when
they see my stress and disappointment with academe, they
are somewhat derisive in my loyalty to the academy.
  Besides which, Monday we are scheduled to be on the
picket line trying to force the university to hire new
profs rather than 'just in time' sessionals.  So I guess
I resent those recent grads that think we 'old white men'
should jump of the bridge just so that the new, young
brilliants can have a secure and tenured job -- until
someone asks them to jump off the bridge.

Paul Phillips,
University of Manitoba

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