Sun, June 27, 2004

Beheadings vowed
Iraq terrorists kidnap Turks

BAGHDAD -- Militants loyal to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said yesterday they have
kidnapped three Turkish workers and threatened to behead them in 72 hours,
heightening tension as President George W. Bush visited Turkey. In new
violence, an explosion -- possibly from a car bomb -- ripped through
downtown Hillah, a largely Shiite Muslim city south of Baghdad, killing 17
people and wounding about 40, the U.S. military said

The bloodshed and the latest in a series of abductions claimed by
al-Zarqawi's movement -- which has beheaded two previous hostages, an
American and a South Korean -- threatened to cast a shadow over a NATO
summit opening tomorrow in Istanbul where Bush is seeking help in
stabilizing Iraq.

The kidnappers demanded the Turks hold demonstrations protesting the visit
by the "criminal" Bush and that Turkish companies stop working in Iraq, or
else the hostages would be killed.

In central Baghdad, insurgents killed a U.S. soldier in an attack on a
patrol yesterday, the military said.

Gunmen launched new attacks in the city Baqouba, northeast of the capital,
sparking battles that killed six insurgents and three civilians.

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