Re: Did Bush Sacrifice Nick Berg?

2004-05-12 Thread Tom Walker
On March 7, 2004 an";>"enemies
list" composed of signatories to an anti-war petition was posted on the
Free Republic website. The introductory and subsequent comments on that list
suggest that the purpose of the posting was to encourage people to harrass
the individuals on the list and to circulate their names to agencies and
individuals that might take action against them.

Nicolaus Berg's father, Michael Berg was on that list and he named
Prometheus Methods Tower Service, Inc. as an affiliation. According to his
family on March 24, 2004 -- approximately two weeks after publication of the
enemies list on the Free Republic website -- Nicolaus Berg was detained by
Iraqi police who handed him over to US forces, he was then held until April
6 when he was released, the day after his family had filed a lawsuit in
Philadelphia federal court. Nicolaus Berg was not heard from again after
April 9.

Tom Walker

Did Bush Sacrifice Nick Berg?

2004-05-12 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Michael Berg, the farther of Nick Berg who was executed by an
Islamist militant group in Iraq, speaks to Robin Young of Here and
Now, a radio program on WBUR.  Robert H. Reid of the Associated Press
reports: In the video of Berg, the executioners said they had tried
to trade him for prisoners at Abu Ghraib. 'For the mothers and wives
of American soldiers, we tell you that we offered the U.S.
administration to exchange this hostage for some of the detainees in
Abu Ghraib and they refused,' one of the men read from a statement."
Did Bush sacrifice Nick Berg, refusing to negotiate with the
hostage-takers, without telling Nick's family?  More on the subject
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