(WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Americans have apparently heeded the U.S. government's
advice to prepare for terror attacks, emptying hardware store shelves of
duct tape. . .)

Now that duct tape is key to our survival, you might want to listen to the
classic, Duct Tape Blues.

It is a free MP3 (unfortunately the second half is an ad for the artist). 
You need to sign up to download the music for free.

The lyrics include:

You say your world has gone to pieces -- Things just fell apart
You want to put things back together -- But you don't know where to start
Well I got your solution -- The stuff you need to use
It's a thing called Duct Tape -- There ain't nothing it can't do


Now the Supreme Court got together and ate democracy for dinner
They took the guy that came in second and made HIM the winner
The system is broken - I can tell you how to fix it
Send some duct tape down to Washington and show 'em where to stick it


Eric Nilsson

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