Dubya has a list of economist endorsements now.
It ran in USA Today in selected markets. Focus
is on the fiscal kosherness of his tax cut, the
need to cut government spending, vouchers, and
free trade.

The Nobels are Friedman, Lucas, Buchanan, Scholes,
Becker, and Mundell.  There seems to be a curious
gap in the sense of few of the better public
universities or the private second-tier schools.
Many from Stanford/Hoover, a bunch from Harvard
and USC, the usual Buchananoids and think tank
suspects, and many from small schools, not much else.
Jim Devine's name was a surprise.

Conspicuous absences (from a DC-centric standpoint):
Republicans Niskanen, Rudy Penner, and Gene Steuerle.

I predict a pro-Gore counter-list.  And no, I will
not be on it.

If anyone wants a copy, the best I can do is a JPG
file.  You have to load it in Paintbrush or something
like that, then turn up the zoom setting.


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