Re: IMF: evict Argentinians now

2003-06-23 Thread Louis Proyect
On evictions in Argentina.

Larry Rothers Brofmans (and many thousands like them) will not be 
seriously menaced before the last turn of elections, this year, takes place.

Same can be said of the jeopardized owners of millions of hectares of 
land who were so indebted that their situation does not get better even 
after the extraordinary revenues they are getting through a rise in the 
foreign currency exchange rates which brought the dollar from one peso 
to more or less 3 pesos (most Argentinean agricultural produce is sold 
overseas, quite interesting for a country where people suffer 
Kwashiorkor and other food-deprivation related ailments).

Bankrupted or defaulting debtors with the Banco Nacin (state-owned,
providing most if not all credit for agricultural production), in
particular, number hundreds of thousands. That is why the IMF also 
claims that the Banco Nacin be privatized. If it falls into private 
hands, a wave of evictions will further decrease the numbers of 
agricultural holdings in Argentina, which dwindled from some 430,000 to 
320,000 in 14 years, particularly between 1991 and 2001.

Once the elections are over, Kirchner will have free hand to strike the 
deal that the imperialists are dreaming of. Will he? Wont he? This is 
exactly what haunts the Brofmans and their similars.


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Re: IMF: evict Argentinians now

2003-06-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Louis Proyect wrote:
On evictions in Argentina.

This was from Nestor Gorojovsky, btw. As was probably obvious.


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