The Independent (UK)
27 August 2003

Spy chief undermines key plank of case for war
By Kim Sengupta and Paul Waugh

One of the crucial claims in the Government's case for the Iraq war ­ that
Saddam Hussein could threaten the West within 45 minutes with chemical and
biological weapons ­ was seriously undermined at the Hutton inquiry

John Scarlett, chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, which was in
charge of compiling the Iraq weapons dossier, revealed that the alleged
threat related not to long-range missiles, which could hit the West, but
"battlefield mortar shells or small-calibre weaponry" that did not
threaten Britain or even Iraq's neighbours.

In last September's dossier, the 45-minute claim was made alongside
details of Iraq's alleged possession of al-Hussain missiles that could
strike British bases in Cyprus. Ministers and officials repeatedly
stressed that this meant Iraq was a direct and imminent threat to British

In his report on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Andrew Gilligan had said
his source believed that the 45-minute intelligence related to "warheads
for [long-range] missiles". But Mr Scarlett said it was not.

The 45-minute warning related to smaller range munitions, a fact that may
have caused David Kelly ­ the subject of the Hutton inquiry ­ to be in a
"state of genuine confusion about what the report actually said". The
disclosure by one of the most senior intelligence chiefs in Britain is the
first official statement on the exact nature of the threat.

Lord Hutton himself said to Mr Scarlett that Dr Kelly had suggested the
source of the 45-minute claim may have confused it with a "multiple
barrelled weapon".

Weapons experts said yesterday that the normal definition of an
international WMD threat would exclude battle-field mortar shells and
small-calibre weaponry, even if they had chemical or biological stocks
attached. Such small-calibre arms represented no threat to Britain, they
said. Last night, Doug Henderson, a former armed forces minister, said it
was "extraordinary" that the 45-minute claim referred to munitions rather
than missiles. "The news today is that the weapons that were being
referred to were quite different. They were battlefield weapons," he said
on the BBC's Newsnight programme.

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