Kerry: The Cause of Israel is the Cause of America

2004-02-19 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
*   February 17, 2004
Another President for the Occupation?
The Cause of Israel is the Cause of America

Editors' Note: We offer this unfettered pledge of fealty to Israel by
John Kerry as yet more evidence that there's scarcely a dime's worth
of difference between the major political candidates of both parties
on the life-and-death issues of our time. AC/JSC
My first trip to Israel made real for me all I'd believed about Israel.

I was allowed to fly an air force jet from the Ovda Airbase. It was
then that Israeli insecurity about narrow borders became very real to
me. In a matter of minutes, I came close to violating the airspace of
Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. From that moment on, I felt as Israelis do:
The promise of peace must be secure before the Promised Land is
secure on a thin margin of land.
Back on the ground on that first trip, I toured the country from
Kibbutz Mizgav Am to Masada to the Golan. I stood in the very shelter
in a kibbutz in the north where children were attacked and I looked
at launching sites and impact zones for Katousha rockets. I was
enthralled by Tel Aviv, moved by Jerusalem and inspired by by
standing above Capernaum, looking out over the Sea of Galilee, where
I read aloud the Sermon on The Mount. I met people of stunning
commitment, who honestly and vigorously debated the issues as I
watched and listened intently. I went as a friend by conviction; I
returned a friend at the deepest personal level.
As the only true democracy in the Middle East, Israel has both the
burden and the glory of a vigorous public square. We as Americans
must be the truest and best kind of ally--forthright enough to say
what we think--and steadfast enough to stay the course in hard
passages as well as easy days.
Herzl's famous words--If you will it, it is no dream--signify the
promise and the greatest power of Israel--and the hope that a fair
and secure peace can be achieved. We must be committed to support
Israel in the exacting, essential search for that dream.
I will never forget a moment on top of Masada, when I stood on that
great plateau where the oath of new soldiers used to be sworn against
the desert backdrop and the test of history. I had spent several
hours with Yadin Roman debating whether or not Josephus Flavius was
correct in his account of the siege--whether these really were the
last Jews fighting for survival--whether they had escaped since no
remains were ever found. After our journey through history--which we
resolved with a vote in favor of history as recorded--we stood as a
group at the end of the cliff and altogether we shouted across the
chasm--across the desert--Am Yisrael Chai. And across the silence we
listened as voices came back--faintly we heard the echo of the souls
of those who perished--Am Yisrael Chai. The State of Israel lives.
The people of Israel live.
In this difficult time we must again reaffirm we are enlisted for the
duration--and reaffirm our belief that the cause of Israel must be
the cause of America--and the cause of people of conscience
John Kerry is a Massachusetts Senator and a Democratic Candidate for
the Presidency of the United States. Article is originally appeared
in the Brown Students for Israel publication Perspectives: An Israel
Review   *
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Re: Kerry: The Cause of Israel is the Cause of America

2004-02-19 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
 In this difficult time we must again reaffirm we are enlisted for the
 duration--and reaffirm our belief that the cause of Israel must be
 the cause of America--and the cause of people of conscience

Bear in mind that Kerry is the wealthiest member of Congress, and worth
$550 million. This formulation reminds me of that old Paul Simon track:

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail.
Yes I would.
If I could,
I surely would.
I'd rather be a hammer than a nail.
Yes I would.
If I could,
I surely would.
Away, I'd rather sail away
Like a swan that's here and gone
A man grows older every day
It gives the world
Its saddest sound,
Its saddest sound.
I'd rather be a forest than a street.
Yes I would.
If I could,
I surely would.
I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet,
Yes I would.
If I could,
I surely would.

And then there is of course the Book of Ecclesiasticus, Chapter 6:
INSTEAD of a friend become not an enemy to thy neighbour: for
an evil man shall inherit reproach and shame, so shall every
sinner that is envious and double tongued.
2   Extol not thyself in the thoughts of thy soul like a bull:
lest thy strength be quashed by folly,
3   And it eat up thy leaves, and destroy thy fruit: and thou
be left as a dry tree in the wilderness.
4   For a wicked soul shall destroy him that hath it, and
maketh him to be a joy to his enemies, and shall lead him
into the lot of the wicked.
5   A sweet word multiplieth friends, and appeaseth enemies,
and a gracious tongue in a good man aboundeth.
6   Be in peace with many, but let one of a thousand be thy
7   If thou wouldst get a friend, try him before thou takest
him, and do not credit him easily.
8   For there is a friend for his own occasion, and he will
not abide in the day of thy trouble.
9   And there is a friend that turneth to enmity; and there is
a friend that will disclose hatred and strife and
10  And there is a friend a companion at the table, and he
will not abide in the day of distress.
11  A friend ii he continue steadfast, shall be to thee as
thyself, and shall act with confidence among them of thy
12  If he humble himself before thee, and hide himself from
thy face, thou shalt have unanimous friendship for good.
13  Separate thyself from thy enemies, and take heed of thy
14  A faithful friend is a strong defence: and he that hath
found him, hath found a treasure.
15  Nothing can be compared to a faithful friend, and no
weight of gold and silver is able to countervail the
goodness of his fidelity.
16  A faithful friend is the medicine of life and immortality:
and they that fear the Lord, shall find him.
17  He that feareth God, shall likewise have good friendship:
because according to him shall his friend be.
18  My son, from thy youth up receive instruction, and even to
thy grey hairs thou shalt find wisdom.
19  Come to her as one that plougheth, and soweth, and wait
for her good fruits:
20  For in working about her thou shalt labour a little, and
shalt quickly eat of her fruits.
21  How very unpleasant is wisdom to the unlearned, and the
unwise will not continue with her.
22  She shall be to them as a mighty stone of trial, and they
will cast her from them before it be long.
23  For the wisdom of doctrine is according to her name, and
she is not manifest unto many, but with them to whom she
is known, she continueth even to the sight of God.
24  Give ear, my son, and take wise counsel, and cast not away
my advice.
25  Put thy feet into her fetters, and thy neck into her
26  Bow down thy shoulder, and bear her, and be not grieved
with her bands.
27  Come to her with all thy mind, and keep her ways with all
thy power.
28  Search for her, and she shall be made known to thee, and
when thou hast gotten her, let her not go:
29  For in the latter end thou shalt find rest in her, and she
shall be turned to thy joy.
30  Then shall her fetters be a strong defence for thee, and
a firm foundation, and her chain a robe of glory:
31  For in her is the beauty of life, and her bands are a
healthful binding.
32  Thou shalt put her on as a robe of glory, and thee shalt
set her upon thee as a crown of joy.
33  My son, if thou wilt attend to me, thou shalt learn: and
if thou wilt apply thy mind, thou shalt be wise.
34  If thou wilt incline thy ear, thou shalt receive
instruction: and if thou love to hear, thou shalt be wise.
35  Stand in the multitude of ancients that are wise, and join
thyself from thy heart to their wisdom, that thou mayst
hear every discourse of God, and the sayings of praise may
not escape thee.
36  And if thou see a man of understanding, go to him early in
the morning, and let thy foot wear the steps of his doors.
37  Let thy thoughts be upon the precepts of God, and meditate
continually on his commandments: and he 

Re: Kerry: The Cause of Israel is the Cause of America

2004-02-19 Thread Shane Mage
Editors' Note: We offer this unfettered pledge of fealty to Israel by
John Kerry as yet more evidence that there's scarcely a dime's worth
of difference between the major political candidates of both parties
on the life-and-death issues of our time.
This is not the issue on which to come down hard on the
Dumbocrats.  Apr`es tout, Paris vaut bien une messe!
Le Vert Galant

Re: Kerry: The Cause of Israel is the Cause of America

2004-02-19 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Editors' Note: We offer this unfettered pledge of fealty to Israel
by John Kerry as yet more evidence that there's scarcely a dime's
worth of difference between the major political candidates of both
parties on the life-and-death issues of our time.
This is not the issue on which to come down hard on the Dumbocrats.
Apr`es tout, Paris vaut bien une messe!
Le Vert Galant
Sure, Paris would be worth a mass, but the buckeye state?

It is true that Ohio doesn't count as a safe state:



BUSH  2,350,363   (50.0%)
GORE  2,183,628   (46.4%)
NADER   117,799(2.5%)
OTHERS   50,208(1.1%)   *

But look at the polls, nationwide and statewide:

*   Kerry, Edwards Both Lead Bush, Poll Shows
Updated: Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004 - 2:07 PM
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - Both John Kerry and John Edwards are ahead of
President Bush by double digits when matched against him in
hypothetical elections, says a poll released Wednesday.
Kerry, the Democratic front-runner and a Massachusetts senator, leads
Bush by 55 percent to 43 percent among likely voters, according to
the CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll. Edwards, the North Carolina senator
who is challenging Kerry, leads Bush by 54 percent to 44 percent. . .
.   *

*Poll shows Bush's approval rating in Ohio dips to 49%

By Vince McKelvey
Dayton Daily News
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
President George W. Bush's approval rating has slipped below 50
percent in Ohio for the first time in his presidency, according to
the latest Ohio Poll, released this morning.
In the poll, conducted by the Institute for Policy Research at the
University of Cincinnati, 49 percent said they approve of the
president's performance, 49 percent disapprove and 2 percent neither
approve nor disapprove.
The president's approval rating in previous Ohio Polls has reached as
high as 87 percent in November 2001, but has been dropping in recent
months. In October, it stood at 54 percent. . . .
*   In Ohio, A First Strike
Bush's Efforts On Jobs Hailed
By Mike Allen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, February 18, 2004; Page A10
President Bush's reelection campaign moved deeper into its
general-election playbook yesterday and launched a preemptive defense
of his economic record in Ohio ahead of a visit by his likely
opponent, Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.).
The decision reflects the Bush campaign's growing concern about Ohio,
a state he won by 4 percentage points in 2000 but is among the
hardest hit by job losses. The move is the latest of near-daily signs
Bush's campaign is engaging Kerry as if he were the Democratic
Labor Department figures show that in 2003, Ohio was second only to
another swing state -- Michigan -- in number of jobs lost. In
January, Michigan was first and Ohio second in the number of jobs
lost in the previous month. . . .   *
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* Calendars of Events in Columbus:,,
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