Price of Free Trade: Famine

Los Angeles Times
March 22, 2002 

Price of Free Trade: Famine


Central America is in the grip of famine, and if President Bush mentions it when he 
visits El Salvador on Sunday, he will likely suggest that free trade is the solution.

Yet Bush's proposed Central American Free Trade Agreement is hardly going to 
remedy the worsening disaster in rural Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and 
Nicaragua. Unregulated markets are a large part of the reason why 700,000 
Central Americans face starvation and nearly 1million more suffer serious food 

Hardest hit are coffee plantation workers and maize farmers. Coffee prices have 
spiraled downward since the 1989 collapse of the International Coffee Agreement, which 
assigned countries production quotas. In the past few years, prices plummeted further 
with a surge in exports from Vietnam and Indonesia, where the World Bank encouraged 
expansion of coffee acreage. With the market glutted, many coffee farmers did not 
bother to harvest this year. The result has been evictions from plantation housing, 
increased migration to teeming slums and severe hunger among unemployed coffee workers.

Maize farmers too have been feeling the free-market squeeze. Since 1992, Central 
America has had intra-regional free trade in grains and almost no tariff protection 
against low-cost imports. Forced to compete with highly subsidized U.S. farmers, many 
Central American farmers have abandoned food production, gone bankrupt and lost their 

Some of Central America's most conservative figures--Guatemalan President 
Alfonso Portillo and Nicaraguan Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo--acknowledge that the 
intensity and suddenness of the food emergency make it a famine, worse than the hunger 
characteristic of the region.

Famine is always rooted in economic policies and political decisions, as Amartya Sen, 
the 1998 Nobel Prize winner in economics, has long maintained. Sen also points out 
that famines do not occur in democracies, where contested elections and vigorous 
journalistic oversight force policymakers to try to prevent occurrences that might 
threaten constituents or allow opponents to make 
political hay.

U.S. policymakers should ask, then, what the widening famine says about Central 
American democracy, for which Washington spent billions of dollars and waged 
three proxy wars during the 1980s.

Apparently, the gap between rulers and ruled in the four affected countries is 
so large that policymakers feel little pressure to address the crisis. No wonder polls 
show that a mere 35% of Hondurans, 24% of Nicaraguans, 21% of Salvadorans and 16% of 
Guatemalans say they are "satisfied" with how democracy functions in their countries.

Right now, tens of thousands of Central Americans are heading north. In contrast to 
the 1980s and early 1990s, most are not escaping war and repression. Many are 
abandoning farms that failed because of globalized trade and the dumping of U.S. 
grain. Others are fleeing liberalized interest rates so high that they have no hope of 
ever starting a small business. Still others are trying to escape life in the free 
trade zones, where factory owners enjoy huge public subsidies and workers face immense 
obstacles in organizing for a living wage.

Central American land could produce decent living standards for small farmers if they 
could obtain small-scale irrigation systems, better access to land, secure title to 
property, low-cost credit and shelter from unfair competition and the ravages of 
global market forces.

These measures would give even the poorest of the poor a stake in their 
societies, but they would require elites to take popular needs seriously. Public 
sectors eviscerated by privatization and budget cuts can't address the 
inequalities that globalization generates.

Rural Central Americans are already reeling after a decade or more of 
free-market reforms. President Bush's trade proposals could be the knockout 

Marc Edelman, a professor of anthropology at Hunter College and the CUNY 
Graduate Center, is author of "Peasants Against Globalization" (Stanford 
University Press, 1999).

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