Re: Problems of the Left in North America

2002-05-10 Thread Michael Pugliese

   Lou called me a Tawat on pen-l, yesterday. Whatta loon.
Michael Pugliese, Twatskyist

5/10/02 7:03:00 AM, Louis Proyect [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At 03:37 AM 5/10/2002 -0500, Dr. Paul Stevenson wrote:
Louis Proyect has taken a potshot at Ellen Meiksins Wood, Leo Panitch and
Cloin Leys and has provided absolutely no evidence as to why such a potshot
is justified. He has accused Wood of being intellectually lazy and has
basically stated that the Socialist Register (edited by Panitch and Leys)
as not being on the left, or on the socialist left, or, much less, on
the Marxist left. Again, absolutely no evidence in support of such a
position is offered. Whether or not, any or all of these individuals is an
enemy of Marxism and stalling the class struggle might be a debatable point
(all in my view are strong Marxists and strong supporters of a radical
leftwing socialism regardless of the comradely disagreements we each might
have with what their respective positions on this or that might be
[frankly, much of what each and all have written and said I find myself in
agreement with]). Frankly, we on the left (especially in North America)
need to find all the common ground we can and we certainly do not need to
throw out insulting epithets at people and not provide some really good
documentation for doing so. 


I am not sure what you mean by potshot. I described Socialist Register as a
general interest social democratic journal. Since Leon Panitch, one of the
co-editors, has argued forcefully against what he calls Leninism, I am not
sure what the problem is. Oh, I think I know. It is rather fashionable on
the left academy to make fire and brimstone speeches about the evils of
capitalism, but it is not so fashionable to actually roll up your sleeves
and construct Marxist organizations. I find it vastly amusing that such
figures as the SR editors, Immanuel Wallerstein, Barbara Epstein, Slavoj
Zizek and Michael Hardt end up giving speeches on how to make a revolution.
I don't think any of them ever made a leaflet in their illustrious lives.

As far as Wood is concerned, I have replied to both her and Brenner on my
own email list:

1. The Brenner Thesis

2. The Brenner Thesis, Ireland and Spain

3. The Brenner Thesis as Iberiantalism

4. Testing the Brenner Thesis Against Colonial Spain and Modern South Africa

All of these are located at: along with a review of
the late Jim Blaut's 8 Eurocentric Historians that appeared in Socialism
and Democracy originally. I began to take an interest in the Brenner
Thesis after running into Jim on Marxmail, where we became very close

As far as Colin Leys is concerned, I had a running exchange with him that
can be found at:

John Enyang, a Kenyan graduate student, also replied to him as follows:

Colin Leys  wrote:

  2) The reaction against the then prevailing dependency
  interpretation of African development was more linked to
  Lenin's critique of the narodniks than to Marx's Preface to
  Volume 1 of Capital. In particular the dependentistas
  tended, as Lenin said the narodniks did, to picture
  capitalism as something existing in a few 'corners' of the
  economy, i.e. foreign-owned plants and estates and their
  penumbra of financial and other services, plus the ports and
  the railway system, and to see the rest of the economy as
  consisting of precapitalist social relations, capable of
  supporting some sort of non-capitalist alternative
  development path.

By the mid-1950's the large majority of the Kenyan population had
been either (i) expropriated of their land by the settlers who
turned them into wage labourers on their plantations or (ii) been
forced into the cash economy and through devices like hut-taxes and
head-taxes imposed by the Britishers to stimulate the interest
of the otherwise reluctant natives in export cash crops -- coffee,
tea. [Exceptions to this would be pastoral peoples in the rather
sparsely populated regions like Turkana, who retained relative
autonomy from the colonial economy]. In the words of a character
of Ngugi, 'the foreigner from Europe was cunning: he took their
land and their sweat and their wealth [livestock], and told them
that the coins he had brought, which could not be eaten, were the
true wealth'.

  Of course a lot of Kenyan
  capitalists are dependent on foreign capital, as -
  nowadays - are a lot of British, Canadian, and even American
  capitalists, though much less so of course.

A most peculiar statement. The relations which exist between say
German and Japanese capital are in no way comparable with the
relation between British capital and the Kenyan elites. Nor would
anybody in their right mind would argue that the German capitalist
class has no independent existence beyond acting as the local
business agent of Japanese capital. But this is a good approximation
to the 

Re: Re: Problems of the Left in North America

2002-05-10 Thread Louis Proyect

At 07:51 AM 5/10/2002 -0700, Michael Pugliese wrote:
   Lou called me a Tawat on pen-l, yesterday. Whatta loon.
Michael Pugliese, Twatskyist

I don't understand how Michael Pugliese has become so confused. He is
responding to an exchange I had on PSN, not PEN-L, number one. Number two,
if you check the PEN-L archives
(, you will find no such
reference to me or anybody for that matter calling him a Tawat. Isn't
there some way that PEN-L can be protected from these disruptions?

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list:

Re: Re: Re: Problems of the Left in North America

2002-05-10 Thread Michael Pugliese

   You called me a Twat. I mistyped, you !@#$%^*()_+
Michael Pugliese

see the final part of the below.

You are a twat.

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list: http:/ /
5/10/02 8:03:25 AM, Louis Proyect [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Display all headers
Michael Pugliese [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Thu, 09 May 2002 21:58:42 -0700

Lou Calls Me a Twat

   The juvenile, bullying windbag is  really in need of yrs. of  psychoanalysis
from Joel Kovel.

Thu, 09 May 2002 15:48:36 -0400


RE: [PEN-L:25828] Re: Re: on the , axis of EEEevil (Richard
Burton in Exorcist II)

michael pugliese [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Apologies for my recent extreme   obnoxiousness, first to all.
Even, Lou, who I have learned more   than a few things over the
yrs. But, that said, what is the   Howrad stern of the internet
Left doing talking about manners?   The king of scatology on
newsgroup. My position on Cuban   socialism, briefly. As a left
Shactmanite I'd call it bureucrtic   collectivism, as an oerthodox
trot I'd say it's a deformed workers   state in need of political
revolutiuon from below which would   strengthen the political base
of the regime against the presures   of the world market and the
USG. Opposed to the embargo, in   favor of a careful perestroika
style opening of the the system   without demogogic attacks on
the internal opposition as purely   the creation of the CIA and
CANF. If Lou has ever seen the   documentary by Nestor Alemendros
on Cuba that interviews many exiled   Cuban Communists he would
have a more nuanced, less defensive   p.o.v. that might generate
more respect for his p.o.v. ---   Original Message ---

You are a twat.

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list: http:/ /
5/10/02 8:03:25 AM, Louis Proyect [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At 07:51 AM 5/10/2002 -0700, Michael Pugliese wrote:
   Lou called me a Tawat on pen-l, yesterday. Whatta loon.
Michael Pugliese, Twatskyist

I don't understand how Michael Pugliese has become so confused. He is
responding to an exchange I had on PSN, not PEN-L, number one. Number two,
if you check the PEN-L archives
(, you will find no such
reference to me or anybody for that matter calling him a Tawat. Isn't
there some way that PEN-L can be protected from these disruptions?

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list:


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Groups search result 3 for Proyect's Morning

From: uchural ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Search Result 3
Subject: f loves Proyect
Newsgroups: alt.politics.socialism.trotsky
View: Complete Thread (2 articles) | Original Format
Date: 1999/10/13

Some people might regard being compared with Proyect as high praise.

 Jim F.

For those of you who have not had a chance to read them, I submit
Proyect's Morning and The Resume of Louis N. Proyect:


Subject: Proyect's Morning
From: uchural
Newsgroups: alt.politics.socialism.trotsky
Date: Wed, Jul 7, 1999 11:36 AM

Not even noon, and Columbia University's computers have
churned out the following for the world to read:

The Morally Filthy Louis N. Proyect Has a Busy Morning

You miserable dirty little cunt

the same fucking rot

You miserable little mother-fucker

Get cancer, you little prick

You have a lot of fucking nerve quoting Rosa Luxemburg

People like yourself who champion Ayn Rand, the Cato Institute, and
Wall Street Journal editorials are no different than the social
democratic scum who murdered Luxemburg and Liebknecht

libertarian scum like yourself are good for nothing except defending
corporate profits

Therefore, you should get your slimy little ass off this newsgroup and
someplace where you belong

Go there, you little slug, and take your co-religionist Airdale with you

No, what would help is if you took a pistol and stuck the barrel in your
mouth and opened fire

your excesses are driving many
people into fantasizing about plunging knitting needles into your

You are nothing but a scumbag troll like
Watson, aren't you

Are you masochistically inclined

Do you have the same
sickness as Watson who probably masturbates after getting flamed


You should seek out professional help
Oh, big fucking deal
obvious that Mor Cota/Big Mac/Justin Flude would piss on Hunter
do you have a problem with reading comprehension
you are so fucking out of it
some sort of problem with your mental capacities
Are you an alcoholic
under the influence of alcohol
an uneducated rustic who can must suffer from blackouts
dumber than the cat he owns
an illiterate clown
incapable of understanding
do you put on clown makeup