>G'day Ken,
>>  Deregulation surely does not minimize transportation costs for 
>>smaller communities and to distant communities. For them 
>>deregulation is often a disaster. Before deregulation many smaller 
>>cities had to be served as the price airlines had to pay for 
>>lucrative routes. Now these cities have to beg airlines to serve 
>>them and even when they are served fares are high, and there is no 
>>competition at all.<
>Same with broadband IT links.  Which makes me wonder if we're not talking
>about something close enough to a network to ask Brad if the DeLong Law of
>diminishing returns to and from minor nodes in networks (if I've got it right)
>might not be relevant to airline policy debates.
>Waddyareckon, Brad?

I think so. Markets aren't friendly toward universal service--they're 
friendly toward people in the really,really big nodes...

Brad DeLong

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