Re: Re: Wernher von Braun

2000-09-29 Thread Jim Devine

At 09:38 PM 9/28/00 -0700, you wrote:
Ah. Tom Lehrer...

Where oh where is his equal today?

Try Roy Zimmerman (no relation to Bob) or the group he used to lead, The 
Foremen. I think their albums are still available (from Warner Brothers, I 
believe). Like many of the best artists, most of their CDs are self-published.

One of my favorites is a song called "3 Strikes and You're Out," about the 
"legal justice" system we have in California, under which if a person gets 
convicted of three felonies he or she gets a life sentence, no matter 
whether the felonies are violent or not. (Correct that: not all persons get 
that punishment, since "legal persons" -- i.e. corporations -- are exempt.) 
Anyway, in their early, self-published album, the Foremen sing it à la Bob 
Dylan. In the Warner album, they do it à la the Byrds, a group that sang a 
lot of Dylan songs.

Anyway, they produce excellent topical/political songs (including 
Lehrereseque lyrics) in sort of a folk-rock mode. In fact, they got Tom 
Lehrer's endorsement on one of their albums. Brad may not like their 
politics, though they don't have any songs about "free" trade (yet).

(I have no financial or commercial connection with either Roy Zimmerman or 
the Foremen. Even though Zimmerman left the band, BTW, the Foreman still 
exist and do gigs.)

(Néstor, I thought the term "gringos" came from the song "green grows the 
rushes grow," a US folk song which probably came from the British Isles 


Re: Re: Wernher von Braun

2000-09-28 Thread JKSCHW

In a message dated 9/29/00 12:43:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Ah. Tom Lehrer...
 Where oh where is his equal today?

Nowhere, then or now. 

"in German oder Englisch I know how to count down
And I'm learning Chinese, says Wernher von Braun."

There is a true story that an admissions officer at a major university,. I 
think Stanford, was interviewing a young woman some years back, and remarked, 
your last name is von Braun, are you related to THE Wernher von Braun? 
Oh yes, he's my grandfather. 
Well, how is your grandfather?
Oh, just fine. He's learning Chinese.
The admissions officer nearly fell off his chair with laughter. He knew 
the song; she, apparently, didn't. 

Lehrer says he quit writing satirical songs because reality surpassed 
him. Apparently in more ways than one.
