Spiked-online and the Hubbert curve

2004-06-04 Thread Louis Proyect
Last November, Paul Flewers had the following to say about spiked-online.
Re Spiked and their new pals Hill and Knowlton. As a former supporter 
of the Revolutionary Communist Party, I'm hardly surprised at this. 
They'll go with anybody, so it seems, these days. The question is: Who's 
listening to them? An interesting exercise to while away idle hours is 
to take some names from the Spiked web-site, do a Google search, and 
find for what corporations and think-tanks they've been working. We're 
talking about Big Oil here, that sort of thing.

I should explain the reference to Hill and Knowlton. This is a PR firm 
that was responsible for creating the campaign that led to Gulf War 1. 
Remember the business about Iraqi soldiers plucking Kuwaiti babies from 
their incubators and dumping them on the cold floor to die? That lie was 
cooked up by Hill and Knowlton. If you go to www.spiked-online.com and 
clink events, you'll discover no less than 3 soirees co-sponsored by 
Hill and Knowlton.

Although there are fewer and fewer radicals who have connections with 
this crew, they do seem to maintain some credibility--largely through 
the efforts of James Heartfield, an erstwhile ubiquitous figure on the 
Internet who still writes Marxish sounding tracts. For example, a young 
Barnard professor named Bashir Abu-Manneh has a polemic against Hardt 
and Negri in the latest MR that finds these words by Heartfield worth 
quoting: The real meaning of the new social movements is a move away 
from the idea of an agent of social transformation altogether. The novel 
forms of organization are a break with the idea of collective agency.

Unfortunately, Abu-Manneh, with whom I had a discussion with on this 
citation, seems unaware that in the world of James Heartfield social 
transformation entails the liberal use of DDT, a right to smoke 
cigarettes in restaurants, etc. There was some progress, however. In the 
original version of the article, there were also favorable references to 
Frank Furedi, Hardt's guru, that are now nowhere to be found. I imagine 
that after I pointed these words written by Furedi in a U. of Kent 
faculty newsletter--I am feeling depressed. The violence in the Middle 
East dominates the news. The media have dropped the sex education 
debate--he must have had second thoughts.

All this is background, especially Paul Flewer's discovery of 
spiked-online connections to big oil companies, to an article that 
appears on spiked-online today:

Inflaming the oil crisis by Joe Kaplinsky
Are we running out of oil? Terrorism in Saudi Arabia, the world's 
largest oil producer, and ongoing instability in Iraq have put oil 
security back in the headlines. Prices have risen to over $40 a barrel 
and the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is 
under pressure to increase quotas. Many fear that a catastrophe in the 
Middle East could cut off oil supplies.

Worries about supplies have been slowly building for some time; recent 
events have brought them to a head. But to the extent that real problems 
exist, they are less the result of oil scarcity or instability in the 
Middle East than of more general fears within the West.

In the USA high petrol prices are a talking point of the election, where 
the subtext is that intervention is Iraq created the problem. But some 
argue that what makes the apparent oil shortage really scary is an 
underlying problem of oil depletion. Economist Paul Krugman argues that, 
'the disastrous occupation [of Iraq] is only part of the reason oil is 
getting more expensive; the other, which will last even if America 
somehow finds a way out of the quagmire, is the intensifying competition 
for a limited world oil supply' (1).

Fears about running out of oil have become widespread in America. A slew 
of books have recently put forward the imminent oil depletion argument: 
Hubbert's Peak by Kenneth Deffeyes (2001), The Party's Over by Richard 
Heinberg (2003), and Out of Gas by David Goodstein and The End of Oil by 
Paul Roberts, both published this year (2).

Like earlier concerns about oil depletion, the current panic has little 
basis in the geology of oil. The argument that we are about to run out 
of oil has been around for as long as oil has been produced. But the 
depletion argument becomes popular at different times for different 
reasons. The last time oil depletion became a major concern was during 
the OPEC boycott of 1973/4, and carried on through the recession of the 
early 1980s. From the mid-1980s, concerns about global warming took over 
- and instead of worrying that we had too little oil many fretted that 
we had too much. Burning all that oil would disrupt the climate, they 
argued, by adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Today we have a synthesis of these two arguments. We apparently have 
both too little oil and too much. The most pessimistic forecasters argue 
that, not only is industrial civilisation about to collapse as it runs 
out of oil, 

Re: Spiked-online and the Hubbert curve

2004-06-04 Thread s.artesian
The connections to and from Big Oil are not confined to those who think the
issues are social, economic, not natural in origin.  I for example don't even
have an ExxonMobil credit card, nor an automobile for that matter.

Moreover, as the Hubbertists are proud to tell you their credentials include
past and current connections to Big Oil, and at the fees these guys charge for
consulting services and a peek at their exclusive databases only Big Oil can
afford them.

So tarring anybody with a Big Oil brush is somewhat ridiculous as I'm sure comrade
Proyect would not hesitate in reproducing an article quoting any geologist or finance
officer of a Big Oil company worrying about exploration costs and the inability to
replace reserves.

-Original Message-
From: Louis Proyect [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Jun 4, 2004 12:41 PM
Subject: [PEN-L] Spiked-online and the Hubbert curve

Last November, Paul Flewers had the following to say about spiked-online.

Re Spiked and their new pals Hill and Knowlton. As a former supporter
of the Revolutionary Communist Party, I'm hardly surprised at this.
They'll go with anybody, so it seems, these days. The question is: Who's
listening to them? An interesting exercise to while away idle hours is
to take some names from the Spiked web-site, do a Google search, and
find for what corporations and think-tanks they've been working. We're
talking about Big Oil here, that sort of thing.

I should explain the reference to Hill and Knowlton. This is a PR firm
that was responsible for creating the campaign that led to Gulf War 1.
Remember the business about Iraqi soldiers plucking Kuwaiti babies from
their incubators and dumping them on the cold floor to die? That lie was
cooked up by Hill and Knowlton. If you go to www.spiked-online.com and
clink events, you'll discover no less than 3 soirees co-sponsored by
Hill and Knowlton.

Although there are fewer and fewer radicals who have connections with
this crew, they do seem to maintain some credibility--largely through
the efforts of James Heartfield, an erstwhile ubiquitous figure on the
Internet who still writes Marxish sounding tracts. For example, a young
Barnard professor named Bashir Abu-Manneh has a polemic against Hardt
and Negri in the latest MR that finds these words by Heartfield worth
quoting: ?The real meaning of the ?new social movements? is a move away
from the idea of an agent of social transformation altogether. The novel
forms of organization are a break with the idea of collective agency.?

Unfortunately, Abu-Manneh, with whom I had a discussion with on this
citation, seems unaware that in the world of James Heartfield social
transformation entails the liberal use of DDT, a right to smoke
cigarettes in restaurants, etc. There was some progress, however. In the
original version of the article, there were also favorable references to
Frank Furedi, Hardt's guru, that are now nowhere to be found. I imagine
that after I pointed these words written by Furedi in a U. of Kent
faculty newsletter--I am feeling depressed. The violence in the Middle
East dominates the news. The media have dropped the sex education
debate--he must have had second thoughts.

All this is background, especially Paul Flewer's discovery of
spiked-online connections to big oil companies, to an article that
appears on spiked-online today:

Inflaming the oil crisis by Joe Kaplinsky

Are we running out of oil? Terrorism in Saudi Arabia, the world's
largest oil producer, and ongoing instability in Iraq have put oil
security back in the headlines. Prices have risen to over $40 a barrel
and the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is
under pressure to increase quotas. Many fear that a catastrophe in the
Middle East could cut off oil supplies.

Worries about supplies have been slowly building for some time; recent
events have brought them to a head. But to the extent that real problems
exist, they are less the result of oil scarcity or instability in the
Middle East than of more general fears within the West.

In the USA high petrol prices are a talking point of the election, where
the subtext is that intervention is Iraq created the problem. But some
argue that what makes the apparent oil shortage really scary is an
underlying problem of oil depletion. Economist Paul Krugman argues that,
'the disastrous occupation [of Iraq] is only part of the reason oil is
getting more expensive; the other, which will last even if America
somehow finds a way out of the quagmire, is the intensifying competition
for a limited world oil supply' (1).

Fears about running out of oil have become widespread in America. A slew
of books have recently put forward the imminent oil depletion argument:
Hubbert's Peak by Kenneth Deffeyes (2001), The Party's Over by Richard
Heinberg (2003), and Out of Gas by David Goodstein and The End of Oil by
Paul Roberts, both published this year (2).

Like earlier concerns about oil depletion, the current