Paul Zarembka visited the VoteToImpeach.org voting site, cast a ballot supporting 
impeachment, and is sending you this note asking you to participate by casting your 
vote in the campaign to impeach George W. Bush for having committed high crimes and 

The war in Iraq, the administration's lies and deceptions to the people and Congress, 
and the administration's assault on cherished civil liberties and civil rights require 
that the people of the United States demand action. In recent months, a mass 
nationwide effort has been created to use the constitutional mechanism to hold the 
president and other high officials accountable when they violate the law.

Please visit the site at http://www.VoteToImpeach.org, read the articles of 
impeachment drafted by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, and cast your ballot 
for impeachment.

Grassroots democracy requires the direct participation of the people. Invite one (or 
more) friend(s) to visit the site, as part of our Each One, Reach One drive to help 
grow exponentially the number of people who have been introduced to, or have joined, 
the impeachment movement.

In the coming period, when we reach the million vote mark, the results will be 
publicized in full page newspaper ads and taken to the House Judiciary Committee.



Here is your friend's personal message to you....
Your consideration of this initiative for impeachment is encouraged.  Paul Zarembka

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