The reports this morning of scares on the rail network in Spain and in
the USA suggest further developments towards economic terrorism in
contrast to the political excitatory terrorism of gestures like 9/11.

In the London last Thursday week the underground (tube) system was
badly affected.

France has been troubled by threats to its rail network.

This development need not be very consciously planned to occur partly
spontaneously as the authorities and the terrorists each try to
anticipate the others next moves.

It does suggest to me that sledgehammer "New American Century"
approaches are unlikely to be successful. A lot of international
cooperation will be necessary. The interests of finance capitalism
demand it as their system is highly socialised despite the ultimate
private nature of the ownership of the means of production.
Counter-measures require a great deal of social cohesion and consent
from the working class and the working people who may well want
increasing levels of accountability from those who exercise state
power (on behalf of capitalism but in the name of the people).

There is a certain historical inevitability in this which will proceed
independently of the totally conscious awareness of any protagonist in
this fast developing global war.

Chris Burford

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