Come join the
for a Bush Birthday Bash

George Bush has given so much to the Billionaires that we just had to
give something back.  So on Tuesday, July 6th, from 5:00 to 7:30PM at a
bucolic location on the north side of Santa Monica Boulevard between
Canõn and Rodeo Drives in Beverly Hills, the Billionaires for Bush will
be wishing our favorite Cancer a Happy Birthday.  Among our birthday
gifts for our beloved leader will be the state of Ohio (thanks to Wally
O’Dell, chairman of Diebold), Florida (thanks to Georgie’s own brother
Jeb), the Bill of Rights (with everything but the 2nd Amendment crossed
out), and all those missing Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction.  We will
greet rush hour traffic with our joyful revelry, chanting “Four More
Wars!” and “More Money, Fewer Hands!”

Put on your Billionaire attire - your power tie and top hat or evening
gown and pearls (or any combination thereof) and come out and celebrate
with the Billionaires.  Whether you're a War Profiteer, a Corporate
Polluter, a Clear-Cutting Timber Baron or a Merged Media Magnate,
you're welcome at the party.  Have your chauffeur park the Stretch
Hummer at one of the metered spaces at the parks in that neighborhood,
or one of the paid parking lots South of Santa Monica.  We will be
setting up at 4:30PM, but you are welcome to come and join us whenever
you're able to leave the boardroom that evening.

And check us out online at:

"Run for the hills, here come the Billionaires!"

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