Title: intramural cynicism
From the Denver Post:

Bill Clinton defended his embattled national security adviser Tuesday as a man who "always got things right," even if his desk was a mess.
 Clinton said he has known about the federal probe of Berger's actions for several months, calling this week's news a "nonstory."
"I wish I knew who leaked it. It's interesting timing," he added.
 In an interview with The Denver Post, Clinton questioned the timing of the Berger flap less than a week before the Democratic National Convention and two days before a presidential commission is slated to release its final report on the Bush administration's handling of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

From Dan Scanlan,

If anyone should know of manipulating the American sheeple, its Clinton. It's the timing, stupid.  Put your blue dress on and bomb Afghanistan and The Sudan.

Let me gloat. From the same article:

"Clinton derided the Bush administration for its move this month to give states the opportunity to allow millions of acres of national forests to be opened up for logging, energy development and road building. The plan could affect 4.3 million acres of federal land in Colorado.

""This decision will doubtless make some economic interests happy," he said. "By giving 100 percent of it back to the states, they really put it all at risk. ... There is no national policy here except to let the developers persuade whatever governors and state legislatures they can persuade. It's like saying these are state forests, not national forests."

"Clinton's administration designated or expanded 22 national monuments and banned road building and development in 60 million acres of national forest. He called his record on the environment "one of the least appreciated or sort of best parts of my eight years."

"Differences between the environmental and energy policies of presidential challenger John Kerry and Bush are among the starkest in this year's election, he added.

""One of the things the American people will have to decide in this election is whether they want a strong environmental policy," said Clinton, who is using his book tour partly to plug Kerry, a fellow Democrat. "The choice, I'd say, is pretty clear.""


When Clinton expanded the 22 national monuments etc. at the very end of his administration (at the same time he was pardoning major contributors, as I recall) I suggested in writing that he was merely setting the stage for claiming to be an environmentalist sometime in the future, knowing damn well that the following administration could and would easily overturn his meaningless executive order. It didn't mean shit then and it sure doesn't mean shit now -- except that it affords a glimpse into the cynical and callous manipulations of our company store-bought style of politician, of which Clinton and Kerry are poster-child models.

Dan Scanlan

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