Summary of changes:

  c5dda9b... Initialize branch F-13 for perl-Devel-Declare (*)
  8c80afd... initial import (*)
  f133d62... - cleanup spec for modern rpmbuild (*)
  4871c7c... dist-git conversion (*)
  8c61d20... - 661697 rebuild for fixing problems with vendorach/lib (*)
  6e42901... - Rebuilt for (*)
  3861e22... update to 0.006001 (*)
  fed721d... update to 0.006002 (*)
  359995c... update to 0.006003 (*)
  6abf0fe... initial pseudo-merge for dist-git setup (*)
  6af73a3... update to 0.006004 (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent
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