Instead of creating the home directory as part of a batch job you might
think of having the OS take care of it only when required.

Under linux you might think of updating
/etc/pam.d/system-auth and add this line:
session     required skel=/etc/skel/ umask=0022

The users home directory will get created on the 1st login.

On Tue, 2008-08-19 at 09:46 -0700, Jyotishmaan Ray wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am a new bie in perl. I have to create the home directories of 424 students 
> in a server machine. 
> The path of the home directory would be :-
> /mnt/btech/formatted-rollno.
> where formatted-rollno ="s08-1-5-097"
> And the input file contains all the rollnos of 424 students.
> A sample student file of five  students is as given below (in the format of 
> uid, MD5 password) as below:-
> s08-1-5-093     
> s08-1-5-094     
> s08-1-5-095       
> s08-1-5-096            
> s08-1-5-097     
> For example, the home directories,  for the rollno, s08-1-5-097, would be 
> this->
>  /mnt/btech/s08-1-5-097
> All the student should have read/write and execute permissions in their home 
> directories.
> Can any one provide the perl script  for doing this ?
Jason A. Kates ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
Fax:    208-975-1514
Phone:  212-400-1670 x2

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