On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 06:23:47AM +0000, Yaroslav Kuzmin wrote:
> Log available at 
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jGDVWAw-L_ZBZHzfupDKy5uBNRKI9Dm7<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jGDVWAw-L_ZBZHzfupDKy5uBNRKI9Dm7/view?usp=sharing>

Strange. In that run, it is failing four tests. In each case, a string
concatentation is inserting a spurious null character. For example with

    $function        = "XDIGIT";
    $suffix          = "_utf8"; # or "_LC_utf8"
    $char            = "\x{b3}"; utf8::upgrade($char);
    $utf8_param_code = "0";   # or "-1"


the result is

    "test_isXDIGIT\x{0}_utf8('\x{b3}', 0)"

with similar results for the variants shown in the comments.

If you do further runs, do you get the same 4 tests consistently failing?
Can you run the attached test script and show any output. If should produce
no output normally.

My Dad used to say 'always fight fire with fire', which is probably why
he got thrown out of the fire brigade.
use Devel::Peek;

sub set_code {  $_[0] = $_[1]; }

$function = "XDIGITx"; chop $function;
for my $n (0..255) {
    for $suffix ("_utf8", "_LC_utf8") {
        my $char = chr($n);
        $char = quotemeta $char if $char eq '\\' || $char eq "'";

        $utf8_param_code = "0"; # 1/10 P,IOK
        $utf8_param_code = 0; my $x = "$utf8_param_code";

        my $code;
        set_code($code, "test_is${function}$suffix('$char',");
        next if $code =~ /^test_isXDIGIT(_LC)?_utf8\('/;
        print STDERR "mismatch: n=$n suffix=$suffix\n";
        Dump $code;

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