RE: run C++ TAP output? (even easier)

2007-03-11 Thread leif . eriksen
 Another option is to use IPC::System::Simple.

The driver script is a neat idea, I used this variation for testing my
harness wrapped around my Utils C library

Say I had C code in a Utils library, one source file which might have
this code

  * internal function
static int hexChar2Int (unsigned char ch) {
if (ch = '0'  ch = '9') return ch - '0';
if (ch = 'A'  ch = 'F') return ch - 'A' + 10;
return -1;

The test harness might look like this

#include tap.h
#include Utils.c
isInt(hexChar2Int('0'), 0);
isInt(hexChar2Int('Z'), -1);

And the perl driver could look like this

use IPC::System::Simple;


run('test_Utils', @args);

Note how the function we're testing is declared static, but we include
the C file in the harness - this is a neat way to get at the internal
functions and state variables in C code, if your testing down at that

IPC::System::Simple give me finer grained control over testing return
codes from calls to run various harnesses

As with Ovid's code I options as to how I want to run this.

perl -MTest::Harness -e 'runtests(qw(test_Utils.t))'
prove test_Utils.t
make test


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, 9 March 2007 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: run C++ TAP output? (even easier)

If you want things to be *really* easy to run test suites in multiple
languages, do this.

First, make sure that all test programs are executable.  Then use this
driver program:

   $ cat bin/ 
   use strict;
   use warnings;
   my $prog = shift;
   unless ( -e $prog  -x _ ) {
   die Cannot find or execute ($prog);
   exec $prog;

Then 'find' all executable files and use the '--exec' option with
runtests to execute all of them with the 'bin/' program:

  $ find t/ -perm /u+x -type f | xargs runtests --exec bin/
  t/tap Failed 1/3 subtests 
  Test Summary Report
  t/tap.exe (Wstat: 0 Tests: 3 Failed: 1)
Failed tests:  2
  Files=2, Tests=5,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.04



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Re: run C++ TAP output? (even easier)

2007-03-09 Thread Geoffrey Young
Ovid wrote:
 If you want things to be *really* easy to run test suites in multiple
 languages, do this.

another option is this:

which illustrates how to separate planning, etc in perl but use a
foreign tap producing faile - something we do all the time over in httpd

anyway, in that tarball t/plan.t calls

  print qx!perl t/!;

so alter that call to execute whatever shell command you like, say

  print qx!./response.exe!;

 and alter response.exe to emit tap using $language and you're all set.



Re: run C++ TAP output? (even easier)

2007-03-09 Thread Michael G Schwern
Julien Beasley wrote:
 Well at my last job, we had hundreds of test files.. and most of them were
 really fast because we wanted to keep the total time to a minimum. Even
 then, it took over five minutes to run all of our tests, and that was
 getting to be Too Long. So I could definitely see in a case like that that
 the overhead of starting a new interpreter for each file would add up

$ time perl -wle 'for (1..$ARGV[0]) { system perl -e 1 }' 1000

sys 0m3.474s

And that's on my dinky little Macbook.

Firing up a new perl interpreter for each test will not be your bottleneck
if your tests actually do anything.