Michael Ludwig (mil...@gmx.de) writes:
>> For instance, I use Windows exclusively, so Unicode in file names is
>> no problem.
> Did a quick test:
> (v5.12.1) built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread (so ActiveState)
> * a…b.txt
> * not correct
> * doesn't have anything with "uni" or "utf" in "perl -V"
OK, so the implementation would have to know that on this platform 
filenames are in UTF-16, on this it is UTF-8 and so on.

Not that it is a terribly big deal. In the program where I want to 
support Unicode names, I've already written a module around Win32API::File,
which permits to open a file in Windows, and the associate it with 
a file handle.

Erland Sommarskog, Stockholm, esq...@sommarskog.se

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