Title: Build 425 & HitTest

First off, I am very thankful for this module, Aldo's time spent on this module and of course your time (listserv members)..

After having said that, I am creating something like PMX.PL (found with the samples from http://jenda.krynicky.cz/perl/Win32-GUI-samples.zip ) which seems to be failing since moving to 425..

lines 510 - 535 of pmx.pl are below (with minor changes and deletions for brevity)..

In certain situations, this code seems to work, I.E. the HitTest returns information, but focus is shifted to another object and data for that object is returned instead of the object the user right-clicked on.. 

Using PMX and right-clicking on the Time Directory (on my install of Perl) returns Term as the right-clicked item...

Any ideas??  A bug perhaps??

Anyway, please tell me what I am doing wrong, if I am..  I'll stick to 335 until I hear from someone...

Thanks in advance,


sub Tree_RightClick {
    my($X, $Y) = Win32::GUI::GetCursorPos();
    my($TVI, $flags) = $TV->HitTest($X-$TV->Left, $Y-$TV->Top);
    print "TV.HitTest.TVI = $TVI\n";
    print "TV.HitTest.flags = $flags\n";
   if($TVI) {
        print "Selected Item: ", $itemdata{-text}, "\n";
    return 1;

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