[Perl-win32-gui-cvscommit] Win32-GUI CHANGELOG, 1.106, 1.107 GUI.h, 1.30, 1.31 GUI.pm, 1.58, 1.59 GUI.xs, 1.63, 1.64 GUI_Helpers.cpp, 1.22, 1.23 Textfield.xs, 1.8, 1.9 Tooltip.xs, 1.9, 1.10

2007-01-20 Thread Robert May
Update of /cvsroot/perl-win32-gui/Win32-GUI
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv32668

Modified Files:
CHANGELOG GUI.h GUI.pm GUI.xs GUI_Helpers.cpp Textfield.xs 
Log Message:
Bug Fixes

Index: GUI.xs
RCS file: /cvsroot/perl-win32-gui/Win32-GUI/GUI.xs,v
retrieving revision 1.63
retrieving revision 1.64
diff -C2 -d -r1.63 -r1.64
*** GUI.xs  31 Oct 2006 22:24:15 -  1.63
--- GUI.xs  20 Jan 2007 17:09:22 -  1.64
*** 5094,5097 
--- 5094,5099 
  #  -printeronly => 0/1 (default 0)
  #  only enable printers to be selected
+ #  -directory => PATH
+ #  the default start directory for browsing
  #  -root => PATH or CONSTANT
  #  the root directory for browsing; this can be either a

Index: GUI.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/perl-win32-gui/Win32-GUI/GUI.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.58
retrieving revision 1.59
diff -C2 -d -r1.58 -r1.59
*** GUI.pm  5 Nov 2006 20:04:49 -   1.58
--- GUI.pm  20 Jan 2007 17:09:22 -  1.59
*** 20,24 
! $VERSION = "1.05";# For MakeMaker
  $XS_VERSION  = $VERSION;  # For dynaloader
  $VERSION = eval $VERSION; # For Perl  (see perldoc perlmodstyle)
--- 20,24 
! $VERSION = "1.05_01"; # For MakeMaker
  $XS_VERSION  = $VERSION;  # For dynaloader
  $VERSION = eval $VERSION; # For Perl  (see perldoc perlmodstyle)
*** 2670,2674 
  # unlikely event of someone doing PARENT->{Timer name} = undef;
  my $window = Win32::GUI::GetWindowObject($self->{-handle});
! if(defined $window) {
  # Remove id from -timers hash
  delete $window->{-timers}->{$self->{-id}};
--- 2670,2674 
  # unlikely event of someone doing PARENT->{Timer name} = undef;
  my $window = Win32::GUI::GetWindowObject($self->{-handle});
! if(defined $window && tied %$window) {
  # Remove id from -timers hash
  delete $window->{-timers}->{$self->{-id}};
*** 2937,2941 
  # unlikely event of someone doing PARENT->{NotifyIcon name} = undef;
  my $window = Win32::GUI::GetWindowObject($self->{-handle});
! if(defined $window) {
  # Remove id from -notifyicons hash
  delete $window->{-notifyicons}->{$self->{-id}} if defined 
--- 2937,2941 
  # unlikely event of someone doing PARENT->{NotifyIcon name} = undef;
  my $window = Win32::GUI::GetWindowObject($self->{-handle});
! if(defined $window && tied %$window) {
  # Remove id from -notifyicons hash
  delete $window->{-notifyicons}->{$self->{-id}} if defined 

RCS file: /cvsroot/perl-win32-gui/Win32-GUI/CHANGELOG,v
retrieving revision 1.106
retrieving revision 1.107
diff -C2 -d -r1.106 -r1.107
*** CHANGELOG   5 Nov 2006 20:04:49 -   1.106
--- CHANGELOG   20 Jan 2007 17:09:22 -  1.107
*** 6,9 
--- 6,18 
  Win32-GUI ChangeLog
+ + [Robert May] : 20 January 2007 - Bug Fixes
+ - Tooltip.xs - SetTitle method had warning and info icons
+   swapped. [Brian Millham]
+ - GUI_Helpers.cpp, GUI.pm - fix deleting from parent during global
+   destruction.
+ - Textfield.xs - re-write GetLine() to fix truncation caused by
+   line number being used as a character index, and to correctly
+   return zero lenght lines
  + [Robert May] : 5 November 2006 - 1.05 Release
  - docs/GUI.pod - update references to v1.05 to v1.06, and v1.06

Index: Textfield.xs
RCS file: /cvsroot/perl-win32-gui/Win32-GUI/Textfield.xs,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** Textfield.xs23 Jun 2006 23:08:07 -  1.8
--- Textfield.xs20 Jan 2007 17:09:22 -  1.9
*** 265,269 
  # (@)METHOD:GetLine(LINE)
! # Return line of text.
  GetLine(handle, line)
--- 265,273 
  # (@)METHOD:GetLine(LINE)
! # Get a line of text.
! #  LINE: zero based index to the line to be retrieved
! #
! # Returns the text of the line.  Returns undef if LINE is
! # greater than the number of lines in the Textfied.
  GetLine(handle, line)
*** 273,295 
  Win32::GUI::RichEdit::GetLine = 1
! UINT size = SendMessage(handle, EM_LINELENGTH, line, 0);
! i

[Perl-win32-gui-cvscommit] Win32-GUI/Win32-GUI-ReleaseNotes RN_1_06.pod, NONE, 1.1

2007-01-20 Thread Robert May
Update of /cvsroot/perl-win32-gui/Win32-GUI/Win32-GUI-ReleaseNotes
In directory 

Added Files:
Log Message:
Bug Fixes

--- NEW FILE: RN_1_06.pod ---
=head1 NAME

Win32::GUI::ReleaseNotes::RN_1_06 - release notes for v1.06 of Win32::GUI

=head1 Release Date


=head1 Summary of Changes

This is a summary of changes between V1.05 and V1.06
See the CHANGELOG file in the distribution for the
full detail.

This release is a XXX release addressing the issues

=head2 New Features

There are no new features in this release.

=head2 Bug Fixes


=item Baloon Tooltip info and warning icons swapped

Fix inverted info and warning icon for balloon

=item Textfield::GetLine() truncates lines

Textfield::GetLine() has been re-written to stop it
truncating lines, and to correctly return empty

=item Error During Global Destruction

It was common to get an error like:

  (in cleanup) Can't call method "DELETE" on an undefined value at C:/Perl
  /site/lib/Win32/GUI.pm line 3451 during global destruction.

This is now, hopefully, fixed.  Please report if you still see errors
like this.


=head1 Deprecated feature status

This section documents features that have been deprecated
in this release, or in recent releases, and feature that
will be deprecated in up-coming releases.

=head2 Win32::GUI::Constants

The introduction of Win32::GUI::Constants in v1.04 means
that we now have access to a very large number of constants,
so the current behaviour of Win32::GUI to export all
constants to the calling namespace by default is no longer
appropriate. So, a bare

  use Win32::GUI;

now generates a warning that the old default behaviour will
be deprecated - although the export behaviour of
Win32::GUI v1.03 is maintained except for this

To eliminate this warning and correct your script, do one
of the following:


=item If you don't need any constants, use the empty list:

  use Win32::GUI();

=item If you need some constants, name them explicitly:

  use Win32::GUI qw(ES_WANTRETURN CW_USEDEFAULT); # Two constants exported
  use Win32::GUI qw(/^MB_/);   # Export all constants starting with MB_


See the L documentation
for the full allowable syntax.

You are advised to fix your scripts now, as a future version will stop
exporting any constants by default.

Although not advised, you can suppress the warnings by turning deprecated
warnings off:

  no warnings 'deprecated';

Additionally accessing constants from within the Win32::GUI namespace
is deprecated.  I.e.

   -addstyle => Win32::GUI::WS_BORDER,

will generate a warning with this release, and will stop working with
a future release.  Use one of the following methods instead:


=item use the Win32::GUI::Constants namespace instead

  -addstyle => Win32::GUI::Constants::WS_BORDER(),

=item use any other namespace you fancy

  use Win32::GUI qw(-exportpkg => A::B -autoload);
  -addstyle => A::B::WS_BORDER(),

=item maintain compatibility of existing scripts

  use Win32::GUI::Constants qw(-exportpkg => Win32::GUI 
  -addstyle => Win32::GUI::WS_BORDER,


=head2 Win32::GUI::NotifyIcon

It is no longer necessary to use the '-id' option to any of the
Win32::GUI::NotifyIcon methods.  The ID is now entirely handled
internally.  You will receive deprecated warnings if you use it.

In particular, removing Icons from the system tray should be done


and not by the (now deprecated)

  $NI->Delete(-id => 1);

Use of the C<-id> option will generate a warning.

=head1 Contributors to this release


=item Robert May

=item Brian Millham



[Perl-win32-gui-cvscommit] Win32-GUI CHANGELOG, 1.107, 1.108 GUI_Helpers.cpp, 1.23, 1.24

2007-01-20 Thread Robert May
Update of /cvsroot/perl-win32-gui/Win32-GUI
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv27491

Modified Files:
CHANGELOG GUI_Helpers.cpp 
Log Message:
Restore Original WndProc

Index: GUI_Helpers.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/perl-win32-gui/Win32-GUI/GUI_Helpers.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.23
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -C2 -d -r1.23 -r1.24
*** GUI_Helpers.cpp 20 Jan 2007 17:09:22 -  1.23
--- GUI_Helpers.cpp 20 Jan 2007 19:45:44 -  1.24
*** 66,69 
--- 66,70 
  // Check perlpud
  if (perlud != NULL) {
+ HWND hwnd_self = handle_From(NOTXSCALL perlud->svSelf);
  // Free event hash
*** 89,93 
  /* Free into parent */
  if(SvOK(perlud->svSelf)) {
! HWND parent = GetParent(handle_From(NOTXSCALL 
  if (parent != NULL && *perlud->szWindowName != '\0')  {
  SV* SvParent = SV_SELF_FROM_WINDOW(parent);
--- 90,94 
  /* Free into parent */
  if(SvOK(perlud->svSelf)) {
! HWND parent = GetParent(hwnd_self);
  if (parent != NULL && *perlud->szWindowName != '\0')  {
  SV* SvParent = SV_SELF_FROM_WINDOW(parent);
*** 124,127 
--- 125,134 
+ // If we stored an original wndproc, then restore it so that
+ // WM_NCDESTORY messages get there.
+ if (perlud->WndProc) {
+ SetWindowLong(hwnd_self, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)(perlud->WndProc));
+ }
  // Free perlpud
  safefree (perlud);

RCS file: /cvsroot/perl-win32-gui/Win32-GUI/CHANGELOG,v
retrieving revision 1.107
retrieving revision 1.108
diff -C2 -d -r1.107 -r1.108
*** CHANGELOG   20 Jan 2007 17:09:22 -  1.107
--- CHANGELOG   20 Jan 2007 19:45:44 -  1.108
*** 6,9 
--- 6,14 
  Win32-GUI ChangeLog
+ + [Robert May] : 20 January 2007 - Restore Original WndProc
+ - GUI_Helpers.cpp - restore the window's original wndproc
+   when freeing PERLUD, so that WM_NCDESTROY messages get
+   to the original wndproc, rather than DefwindowProc
  + [Robert May] : 20 January 2007 - Bug Fixes
  - Tooltip.xs - SetTitle method had warning and info icons
*** 13,17 
  - Textfield.xs - re-write GetLine() to fix truncation caused by
line number being used as a character index, and to correctly
!   return zero lenght lines
  + [Robert May] : 5 November 2006 - 1.05 Release
--- 18,22 
  - Textfield.xs - re-write GetLine() to fix truncation caused by
line number being used as a character index, and to correctly
!   return zero length lines
  + [Robert May] : 5 November 2006 - 1.05 Release

[Perl-win32-gui-cvscommit] Win32-GUI/Win32-GUI-ReleaseNotes ReleaseNotes.pod, 1.2, 1.3 RN_1_06.pod, 1.1, 1.2

2007-01-20 Thread Robert May
Update of /cvsroot/perl-win32-gui/Win32-GUI/Win32-GUI-ReleaseNotes
In directory 

Modified Files:
ReleaseNotes.pod RN_1_06.pod 
Log Message:
Restore Original WndProc

Index: RN_1_06.pod
RCS file: /cvsroot/perl-win32-gui/Win32-GUI/Win32-GUI-ReleaseNotes/RN_1_06.pod,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** RN_1_06.pod 20 Jan 2007 17:09:23 -  1.1
--- RN_1_06.pod 20 Jan 2007 19:45:45 -  1.2
*** 45,48 
--- 45,52 
  like this.
+ =item Memory leaks
+ Various memory leaks have been resolved.

Index: ReleaseNotes.pod
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** ReleaseNotes.pod31 Oct 2006 22:24:16 -  1.2
--- ReleaseNotes.pod20 Jan 2007 19:45:45 -  1.3
*** 7,10 
--- 7,12 
+ =item Release L<1.06|Win32::GUI::ReleaseNotes::RN_1_06>
  =item Release L<1.05|Win32::GUI::ReleaseNotes::RN_1_05>