On Wed, 22 Dec 2010, Spencer Chase wrote:

[It would be best if you could post PDK related problems to the PDK mailing list
 and not to the general perl-win32-users; please remove perl-win32-user from
 follow-up posts.]

> I am trying to make exe files for win32 systems on my 64 bit
> installation. I can run the scripts with all the needed modules using
> Komodo but I can not make exes that include the required perl 5.8. These
> scripts need perl 5.8 but it is "not binary compatible" with 64 bit
> windows. This is the error message I get if I try to change the source
> for perl in the main perlapp window. Any way to get around this other
> than running perlapp from the 32 bit installation which requires rebooting.

You seem to be mixing 32-bit ActivePerl with 64-bit PDK or vice versa.  That
doesn't work; both must be either 32-bit or 64-bit.

You can install all versions side-by-side on Windows 7 64-bit, but you should
make sure that you put consistent versions on your PATH.  The default install
locations are:

32-bit:  C:\Perl
64-bit:  C:\Perl64

32-bit:  C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveState Perl Dev Kit 9.0.1
64-bit:  C:\Program Files\ActiveState Perl Dev Kit 9.0.1

The reason to install both 32-bit and 64-bit PDK is that some tools (just
PerlMSI and the Graphical Debugger, I think) are only available in the
32-bit releases, and you can use these tools to package or debug 64-bit

For PerlApp itself it isn't strictly necessary to use the 32-bit versions
to build 32-bit executables, you can also use the 64-bit PDK and use the
`--target windows-x86` option to request cross-platform wrapping.  But
either way should work fine.

The only thing that will not work is using a 32-bit ActivePerl with a 64-bit
PerlApp or the other way around.


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