Re: Package installation: "Generating HTML..."

2010-04-23 Thread Serguei Trouchelle

Hello, wrote:

The problem is this: when I install a package (for example BioPerl),
everything works fine until I see the message "Generating HTML...". At that
point everything freezes and PPM never finishes the installation.

After every ActivePerl install I run attached script. It completely removes 
HTML generation, saving me a lot of time.

Serguei Trouchelle

use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;

my $perlbin = substr($^X, 0, rindex $^X, '\\');
my $perl = substr($perlbin, 0, rindex $perlbin, '\\');

# Patch Documentation Generation:
#  ActivePerl::DocTools::UpdateHTML_blib(verbose => 0, blib => "$pname/blib");
#  sub UpdateHTML_blib {
my $DocTools = $perl . '/lib/ActivePerl/';

print "Remove HTML generation\n";

if (-e $DocTools) {
chmod 0666, $DocTools;

if (open(FI, '<', $DocTools)) {
local $/;
my $DocToolsFile = ;
close FI;
$DocToolsFile =~ s/(sub UpdateHTML_blib {)/sub  UpdateHTML_blib {\n
return 1;/sg;
# Also add extra space so it would not add "return 1" once more
if (open(FO, '>', $DocTools)) {
print FO $DocToolsFile;
close FO;
chmod 0444, $DocTools;
} else {
warn "Cannot write to $DocTools, $!\n";
} else {
warn "Cannot read $DocTools, $!\n";
} else {
warn "Cannot find $DocTools\n";

#print "Add more repositories\n";
#system "ppm repo add uwinnipeg";
#system "ppm repo add Local P:/pub/development/languages/perl/repository";

# Make correct versions for updated files
my @fixlist = (
 'name' => 'File::Spec::Win32',
 'ver1' => '3.270101',
 'ver2' => '3.2701',
# 'name' => 

#$VERSION = '3.270101';

print "Fix versions\n";

my $db_file = $perl . '/etc/ppm-perl-area.db';
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db_file", "", "", {
 AutoCommit => 1,
 RaiseError => 1,

my $sql = q!
UPDATE feature
   SET version = ?
 WHERE name = ?
   AND version = ?

my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);

foreach my $fix (@fixlist) {
print 'Fix ', $fix->{'name'}, ' ', $fix->{'ver1'}, "\n";
$sth->execute($fix->{'ver2'}, $fix->{'name'}, $fix->{'ver1'});
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RE: Package installation: "Generating HTML..."

2010-04-12 Thread Jan Dubois
On Mon, 12 Apr 2010, wrote:
> I am learning Perl on Windows and now I'm trying to install new packages with
> Perl Package Manager (PPM4).
> The problem is this: when I install a package (for example BioPerl),
> everything works fine until I see the message "Generating HTML...". At that
> point everything freezes and PPM never finishes the installation.
> I've also tried to install BioPerl with the command line, but the same thing
> happens: it takes an infinite time to generate that HTML.

Can't really have been "infinite time", as you managed to send this
message *after* waiting that long. :)

So how long did you actually wait?  The HTML generation can be really
slow sometimes, so it might feel like it hangs, but it will eventually
finish, AFAIK.


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Re: Package installation: "Generating HTML..."

2010-04-12 Thread C.A. Gibson
You might try posting your question here -

I've gotten some good help there...


--- On Mon, 4/12/10,  

Subject: Package installation: "Generating HTML..."
Date: Monday, April 12, 2010, 8:56 AM

I am learning Perl on Windows and now I'm trying to install new packages with 
Perl Package Manager (PPM4).

The problem is this: when I install a package (for example BioPerl), 
everything works fine until I see the message "Generating HTML...". At that 
point everything freezes and PPM never finishes the installation.

I've also tried to install BioPerl with the command line, but the same thing 
happens: it takes an infinite time to generate that HTML.
Nevertheless I've noticed that if a package doesn't generate HTML during the 
installation process, it is installed properly.

Could you please help me with this problem?

Thanks, Moreno

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