Branch: refs/heads/blead
  Commit: 0fe48720193fff589686a091880b8bcf7c58a54b
  Author: Karl Williamson <>
  Date:   2024-04-26 (Fri, 26 Apr 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs
    M ext/POSIX/lib/
    M locale.c
    M perl.h

  Log Message:
  Don't output msg for harmless use of unsupported locale

This fixes GH #21562

Perl doesn't support all possible locales.  Locales that remap elements
of the ASCII character set or change their case pairs won't work fully,
for example.  Hence, some Turkish locales arent supported because
Turkish has different behavior in regard to 'I' and 'i' than other
locales that use the Latin alphabet.

The only multi-byte locales that perl supports are UTF-8 ones (and there
actually is special handling here to support Turkish).  Other multi-byte
locales can be dangerous to use, possibly crashing or hanging the Perl
interpreter.  Locales with shift states are particularly prone to this.

Since perl is written in C, there is always an underlying locale.  But
most C functions don't look at locales at all, and the Perl interpreter
takes care to call the ones that do only within the scope of 'use
locale' or for certain function calls in the POSIX:: module that always
use the program's current underlying locale.

Prior to this commit, if a dangerous locale underlied the program at
startup, a warning to that effect was emitted, even if that locale never
gets accessed.

This commit changes things so that no warning is output until and if the
dangerous underlying locale is actually attempted to be used.

Pre-existing code also deferred warnings about locales (like the Turkish
ones mentioned above) that aren't fully compatible with perl.  So it was
a simple matter to just modify this code a bit, and add some extra
checks for sane locales being in effect

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