Variable registers

2005-10-01 Thread vanderlay

I read that with the new calling conventions, there are a variable number of 
registers. So, if I understand correctly, if a function call takes 2 
parameters, then there are only 2, and if there are 30 parameters, there will 
be a frame holding 30 registers. Is this about right?

How does this stand WRT the 32 registers in Parrot. Is this still the case, or 
will this change as well?


Re: Exceptuations, fatality, resumption, locality, and the with keyword; was Re: use fatal err fail

2005-10-01 Thread Austin Hastings
Yuval Kogman wrote:

On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 13:52:54 -0400, Austin Hastings wrote:

[Bunches of stuff elided.]

A million years ago, $Larry pointed out that when we were able to use
'is just a' classifications on P6 concepts, it indicated that we were
making good forward progress. In that vein, let me propose that:

* Exception handling, and the whole try/catch thing, IS JUST An awkward
implementation of (late! binding) run-time return-type MMD.

Exception handling is just continuation passing style with sugar.

Have a look at haskell's either monad. It has two familiar keywords
- return and fail.

Every statement in a monadic action in haskell is sequenced by using
the monadic bind operator.

The implementation of =, the monadic bind operator, on the Either
type is one that first check to see if the left statement has
failed. If it does, it returns it. If it doesn't it returns the
evaluation of the right hand statement.

Essentially this is the same thing, just formalized into a type  

Internally, it may be the same. But with exceptions, it's implemented by
someone other than the victim, and leveraged by all. That's the kind of
abstraction I'm looking for. My problem with the whole notion of Either
errorMessage resultingValue in Haskell is that we _could_ implement it
in perl as Exception|Somevalue in millions of p6 function signatures.
But I don't _want_ to. I want to say MyClass and have the IO subsystem
throw the exception right over my head to the top-level caller.

I guess that to me, exceptions are like aspects in they should be
handled orthogonally. Haskell's Either doesn't do that -- it encodes a
union return type, and forces the call chain to morph whenever
alternatives are added. The logical conclusion to that is that all subs
return Either Exception or Value, so all types should be implicitly
Either Exception or {your text here}. If that's so, then it's a
language feature and we're right back at the top of this thread.

Specifically, if I promise you:

  sub foo() will return Dog;

and later on I actually wind up giving you:

  sub foo() will return Exception::Math::DivisionByZero;

In haskell:

   foo :: Either Dog Exception::Math::DivisionByZero

e.g., it can return either the expected type, or the parameter.

Haskell is elegant in that it compromises nothing for soundness, to
respect referential integrity and purity, but it still makes thing
convenient for the programmer using things such as monads


For appropriate definitions of both 'elegant' and 'convenient'. Java
calls this 'checked exceptions', and promises to remind you when you
forgot to type throws Exception::Math::DivisionByZero in one of a
hundred places. I call it using a word to mean its own opposite: having
been exposed to roles and aspects, having to code for the same things in
many different places no longer strikes me as elegant or convenient.

the try/catch paradigm essentially says:

I wanted to call csub Dog foo()/c but there may be times when I
discover, after making the call, that I really needed to call an anonymous
csub { $inner::= sub Exception foo(); $e = $inner(); given $e {...} }/c.

Yes and no.

The try/catch mechanism is not like the haskell way, since it is
purposefully ad-hoc. It serves to fix a case by case basis of out
of bounds values. Haskell forbids out of bound values, but in most
programming languages we have them to make things simpler for the
maintenance programmer.

Right. At some level, you're going to have to do that. This to me is
where the err suggestion fits the most comfortably: err (or doh!
:) is a keyword aimed at ad-hoc fixes to problems. It smooths away the
horrid boilerplate needed for using exceptions on a specific basis.

  do_something() err fix_problem();

is much easier to read than the current

 { do_something(); CATCH { fix_problem(); }}

by a lot. But only in two conditions: first that all exceptions are
identical, and second that the correct response is to suppress the

To me that fails because it's like Candy Corn: you only buy it at
Halloween, and then only to give to other people's kids.

As syntactic sugar goes, it's not powerful enough yet.

We're conditionally editing the return stack. This fits right in with
the earlier thread about conditionally removing code from the inside of
loops, IMO. Once you open this can, you might as well eat more than one
worm. Another conceptually similar notion is that of AUTOLOAD. As a perl
coder, I don't EVER want to write

  say Hello, world
or die Write to stdout failed.;

-- it's correct. It's safe coding.  And it's stupid for a
whole bunch of reasons, mostly involving the word yucky.

It's incorrect because it's distracting and tedious.

Code which does it is, IMHO bad code because obviously the author
does not know where to draw the line and say this is good enough,
anything more would only make it worse.

For instance, some 

Re: [perl #37303] [PATCH] Relaxing parrot dependency on parrot_config

2005-10-01 Thread Nick Glencross
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0539-3, 30/09/2005), Outbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
 # New Ticket Created by  Joshua Hoblitt 
 # Please include the string:  [perl #37303]
 # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
 # URL: 
 - Forwarded message from Nick Glencross [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 From: Nick Glencross [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I've been wanting to relax the dependency that parrot's core has on

I'm not sure that the patch made it into RT. Here it is again, with a 
small tweak to a Makefile dependency.

src/config.c will need to be 'svn add'ed when applying the patch, and 
Configure rerun to recreate the top-level Makefile.



Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline;


Re: Variable registers

2005-10-01 Thread Leopold Toetsch

On Oct 1, 2005, at 8:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I read that with the new calling conventions, there are a variable 
number of registers. So, if I understand correctly, if a function call 
takes 2 parameters, then there are only 2, and if there are 30 
parameters, there will be a frame holding 30 registers. Is this about 

Yes. The argument passing opcodes take a variable amount of registers

How does this stand WRT the 32 registers in Parrot. Is this still the 
case, or will this change as well?

This will change. Register frame size and thus the amount of registers 
will be adapted to the actual usage of a subroutine.



Re: merge release

2005-10-01 Thread Leopold Toetsch

On Sep 28, 2005, at 10:50, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

3) Release will follow at the weekend

I'll start the release procedure RSN. Please no more svn checkins at 


Re: Exceptuations, fatality, resumption, locality, and the with keyword; was Re: use fatal err fail

2005-10-01 Thread Austin Hastings
TSa wrote:

 The view I believe Yuval is harboring is the one examplified
 in movies like The Matrix or The 13th Floor and that underlies
 the holodeck of the Enterprise: you can leave the intrinsic
 causality of the running program and inspect it. Usually that
 is called debugging. But this implies the programmer catches
 a breakpoint exception or some such ;)

 Exception handling is the programmatic automatisation of this
 process. As such it works the better the closer it is in time
 and context to the cause and the more information is preserved.
 But we all know that a usefull program is lossy in that respect.
 It re-uses finite resources during its execution. In an extreme
 setting one could run a program *backwards* if all relevant
 events were recorded!

The current state of the art dictates that exceptions are to be avoided
when it is possible to handle the error in-line. That exceptions should
only be used for exceptional cases, and anything you encounter in the
manual pages is not exceptional.

I don't agree with this, because it is IMO effectively saying We had
this powerful notion, but it turned out to be difficult to integrate
post-hoc into our stack-based languages, so we're going to avoid it.
Rather than admitting defeat, though, we're going to categorize it as
some kind of marginal entity.

I don't see exceptions as necessarily being outside the intrinsic
causality of the running program. They are non-traditional forms of flow
control: event-based programming, if you will, in an otherwise
sequential program.

We do much the same thing when we talk about coroutines: violate the
traditional stack model. We do the same thing again when we talk about
aspects: de-localize processing of certain (ahem) aspects of the problem
domain. The telling part of aspects, though, was the the first popular
implementation (AspectJ) required a preprocessor and a special markup
language to implement. Why? Because nobody uses extensibility and Java
in the same sentence. I guess aspects are traditional in that regard,
though: remember CFront. Perl, OTGH, doesn't have the poor body-image or
whatever it is that keeps people afraid to change the syntax.

 It can't be a method because it never returns to it's caller - it's

 It beeing the CATCH block? 

Ahh, no. It in this case is the .resume call. My question was is
cresume/c a multi, an object method, or what?

 This is because the types of exceptions I would want to resume are
 ones that have a distinct cause that can be mined from the exception
 object, and which my code can unambiguously fix without breaking the
 encapsulation of the code that raised the exception.

 Agreed. I tried to express the same above with my words.
 The only thing that is a bit underspecced right now is
 what exactly is lost in the process and what is not.
 My guiding theme again is the type system where you leave
 information about the things you need to be preserved to
 handle unusual cicumstances gracefully---note: *not*
 successfully, which would contradict the concept of exceptions!

This is the classical view of exceptions, and so it is subject to the
classical constraints: you can't break encapsulation, so you can't
really know what's going when the exception occurs.

The reason I like the with approach is that it lets us delocalize the
processing, but does _not_ keep the exceptions are violent,
incomprehensible events which wrench us from our placid idyll mentality.

In that regard, exceptuations are resumable gotos.


Re: Look-ahead arguments in for loops

2005-10-01 Thread Austin Hastings
Damian Conway wrote:

 Rather than addition Yet Another Feature, what's wrong with just using:

 for @list ¥ @list[1...] - $curr, $next {


1. Requirement to repeat the possibly complex expression for the list.
2. Possible high cost of generating the list.
3. Possible unique nature of the list.

All of these have the same solution:

@list = ...
for [undef, @list[0...]] ¥ @list ¥ [EMAIL PROTECTED], undef] - $last, $curr,
$next {

Which is all but illegible.


Re: Exceptuations, fatality, resumption, locality, and the with keyword; was Re: use fatal err fail

2005-10-01 Thread Yuval Kogman
On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 05:57:54 -0400, Austin Hastings wrote:

 Internally, it may be the same. But with exceptions, it's implemented by
 someone other than the victim, and leveraged by all. That's the kind of
 abstraction I'm looking for. My problem with the whole notion of Either
 errorMessage resultingValue in Haskell is that we _could_ implement it
 in perl as Exception|Somevalue in millions of p6 function signatures.
 But I don't _want_ to. I want to say MyClass and have the IO subsystem
 throw the exception right over my head to the top-level caller.

In haskell it's the job of the Either monad to let you pretend you
aren't doing Exception|Somevalue everywhere.

You can sequence operations in a deeply nested manner, and then
'fail' at some point. Then control flow will just pop back up all
the way with the error, instead of trying to continue.

You don't really need to say 'Either ... ...', you just use do

 For appropriate definitions of both 'elegant' and 'convenient'. Java
 calls this 'checked exceptions', and promises to remind you when you
 forgot to type throws Exception::Math::DivisionByZero in one of a
 hundred places. I call it using a word to mean its own opposite: having
 been exposed to roles and aspects, having to code for the same things in
 many different places no longer strikes me as elegant or convenient.

I agree with that wholeheartedly, but in haskell you are making no
obligation towards the shape of an exception - it can be 'Either
thing Error' where Error is any data type you like.

In this sense haskell is just as flexible but requires more
abstraction than perl etc. It has it's merits - it's safer, and more
reusable. It tends to win ICFP contests, and so forth.

However, to just get that thing working real fast, without having
to pay too much when the context becomes maintenance instead of
development, i think Perl 6 will be the most suitable language in
the world.

 Right. At some level, you're going to have to do that. This to me is
 where the err suggestion fits the most comfortably: err (or doh!
 :) is a keyword aimed at ad-hoc fixes to problems. It smooths away the
 horrid boilerplate needed for using exceptions on a specific basis.

Which is why it's such a nice propsal =)

 As syntactic sugar goes, it's not powerful enough yet.

err next # catch all
err Pattern, next # catch some

Putting my code where my mouth is:

sub infix:err (lhs is delayed, Pattern ?$match = Any, rhs is 
delayed) {
when $match { rhs }
default { die }

Ofcourse, these can also stack:

my $fh = open file
err rx/Permission Denied/, next
err rx/No such file/, die;

But i don't think this is very useful for one or at the very most
two catches - for anything else it's ad-hoc nature just doesn't
scale as nicely as CATCH blocks, which can be applied to several
error generating blocks of code at once.

Ofcourse, true acid heads can always say:

do {
} err ..., ...
  err ..., ...;

but that's their problem. =)

 The last sentence is telling, I think. The run-time system SHOULD take
 as much care as possible. And rub my feet.

Yes =)

 True for any method that invokes exit(), no? Or that says NEXT on a
 label outside its scope.

Well, that's a semantic detail. The issue is that those methods
*can* return, but don't.

A continuation will never return - because it already has another
place to return - the place that created it.

This is ignoring CPS, ofcourse, in which every return and every call
is a continuation. While this may be true under the hood, this is
not what the average Perl 6 user can observe.

 The scenario is that I try something (error_throwing_code) and catch an
 exception. Then while showing a dialog box to the user, for example, I
 get another exception: not enough handles or whatever. So someone higher
 than me resolves that on my behalf, then resumes me. I'm still trying to
 resume the error thrown earlier:

Yes, that should work.

 Now I need to ask, what happens when show_dialog_box throws an
 exception? Presumably, I don't catch it in this code path, or there will
 be a stack fault shortly.

If the exception from show_dialog_box was thrown, and another CATCH
handler fixed it for you, you don't need to worry about it - you can
never know because you don't get access to that exception. It's as
if it was never propagated.

 One possibility is that the catcher of an exception knows little or
 nothing about the innards of the thrower.

It's the job of exception classes to bridge these - they have a
class, and any number of attributes.


In fact I suspect that Exception::IO::Open enforces a certain type of
fix, too:

class Exception::IO::Open is Exception {

Re: Look-ahead arguments in for loops

2005-10-01 Thread Damian Conway

Austin Hastings wrote:

All of these have the same solution:

@list = ...
for [undef, @list[0...]] ¥ @list ¥ [EMAIL PROTECTED], undef] - $last, $curr,
$next {

Which is all but illegible.

Oh, no! You mean I might have to write a...subroutine!??

sub contextual (@list) {
return [undef, @list[0...]] ¥ @list ¥ [EMAIL PROTECTED], undef]

for contextual( create_list_here() ) - $last, $curr, $next {

The horror!!!



RE: Look-ahead arguments in for loops

2005-10-01 Thread Joe Gottman

 -Original Message-
 From: Damian Conway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005 8:53 AM
 Subject: Re: Look-ahead arguments in for loops
 Austin Hastings wrote:
  All of these have the same solution:
  @list = ...
  for [undef, @list[0...]] ¥ @list ¥ [EMAIL PROTECTED], undef] - $last, 
  $next {
  Which is all but illegible.
 Oh, no! You mean I might have to write a...subroutine!??
  sub contextual (@list) {
  return [undef, @list[0...]] ¥ @list ¥ [EMAIL PROTECTED], undef]
  for contextual( create_list_here() ) - $last, $curr, $next {

   This looks useful enough to be in the core, but it needs a couple of
parameters, one to say how many copies of the list it zips up, and another
to say what the first offset is.

   sub contextual($number_of_copies, $first_offset, @list) {...} # I'm not
sure how to write it.
Then your example would be

for contextual(3, -1, create_list_here() )- $last, $first, $next {

Joe Gottman

Parrot 0.3.0 Alex Released!

2005-10-01 Thread Leopold Toetsch

On behalf of the Parrot team I'm proud to announce the release of
Parrot 0.3.0. I'd like to thank all involved people as well as our
sponsors for supporting us.

What is Parrot?

Parrot is a virtual machine aimed at running Perl6 and other dynamic

Parrot 0.3.0 changes and news

- New calling conventions implemented: see PDD03 for details
- Merge multiple Parrot bytecode (PBC) files into a singe PBC file
- 'make smoke' target going beta
- bc now supports if statements, comparison ops, prefix inc/dec
- ParTcl adds [lassign], [switch] (partially); [expr] converted to a 

- Many exciting doc updates, tests, and bugfixes, too numerous to mention

After some pause you can grab it from

As parrot is still in steady development we recommend that you
just get the latest and best from SVN by following the directions at

Turn your web browser towards for more
information about Parrot, get involved, and:

Have fun!

Re: Look-ahead arguments in for loops

2005-10-01 Thread John Macdonald
On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 08:39:58PM -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
 Incidentally, the undef problem just vanishes here (being replaced by
 another problem).

Which reminds me that this same issue came up a while ago in a
different guise.  There was a long discussion about the reduce
functionality that takes an array and applies an operator to
each value and the previously collected result.  (Much of the
discussion was on determining what the identity value for an
operator was to initialize the previous result.)  Most of
the time that you want a loop that remembers the previous
value, it can be equally well expressed an a reduction of the
series of value using an customer defined operator.

I forget what the final choice was for syntax for the reduce
operator (it was probably even a different name from reduce -
that's the APL name), but it would be given a list and an
operator and run as:

my $running = op.identity;
$running = $running op $_ for @list;

So, to get a loop body that knows the previous value, you
define an operator whose identity is the initial value of the
list and reduce the rest of the list.


seeing the end of the tunnel

2005-10-01 Thread David Storrs
So, I was thinking about how $Larry's original plan for doing the  
Perl6 design was something along the lines of write a series of  
Apocalypses, one for each chapter of the Camel book.  I know that  
the latest version of the Apocalypses are in SVN, but I checked just to see what the current list was.  I see the  

* Apocalypse 1 - The Ugly, the Bad, and the Good
* Apocalypse 2 - Bits and Pieces
* Apocalypse 3 - Operators
* Apocalypse 4 - Syntax
* Apocalypse 5 - Pattern Matching
* Apocalypse 6 - Subroutines
* Apocalypse 7 - Formats (see Exegesis 7)
* Apocalypse 12 - Objects

Hmm, interesting; that actually sounds like a pretty complete  
design.  So, I pulled down my Camel v3 and started checking to see  
what was left to do.  I was surprised how few of the remaining  
chapters pertain directly to broad issues of language design; most of  
them are things like The Command Line Interface, The Debugger,  
etc...important, but not fundamentally critical to the language  
design.  Many of the others are things like Packages--they probably  
won't change much, and the differences have already been hammered  
out, just not consolidated into an Apocalyptic form.  Other chapters-- 
such as Chapter 33, Diagnostic Messages--will be better served by  
being left unwritten until the implementation is released.

All in all, I think that might just be the end of the tunnel up  
ahead.  Go us for getting here, and loud applause to @Larry for  
guiding us so well!


Here are the chapters which haven't been covered yet:

The Gory Details
* 8. References
* 9. Data Structures
* 10. Packages
* 11. Modules
* 13. Overloading
* 14. Tied Variables

Perl as Technology
* 15. Unicode
* 16. Interprocess Communication
* 17. Threads
* 18. Compiling
* 19. The CLI
* 20. The Perl Debugger
* 21. Internals and Externals

Perl as Culture
* 22. CPAN
* 23. Security
* 24. Common Practices
* 25. Portable Perl
* 26. Plain Old Documentation
* 27. Perl Culture

Reference Material
* 28. Special Names
* 29. Functions
* 30. The Standard Perl Library
* 31. Pragmatic Modules
* 32. Standard Modules
* 33. Diagnostic Messages

Re: Variable registers

2005-10-01 Thread Klaas-Jan Stol

Leopold Toetsch wrote:

On Oct 1, 2005, at 8:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I read that with the new calling conventions, there are a variable 
number of registers. So, if I understand correctly, if a function 
call takes 2 parameters, then there are only 2, and if there are 30 
parameters, there will be a frame holding 30 registers. Is this about 

Yes. The argument passing opcodes take a variable amount of registers

How does this stand WRT the 32 registers in Parrot. Is this still the 
case, or will this change as well?

This will change. Register frame size and thus the amount of registers 
will be adapted to the actual usage of a subroutine.

ah I thought so. just making sure. Then another question WRT this; will 
there be a register allocator? In other words, an attempt to minimize 
the number of needed registers? (in my simple code generator 
implementations, any time I need a new register, I just increment a 
counter, and use that, so in that case there is  No register allocation 


Re: Variable registers

2005-10-01 Thread Leopold Toetsch

On Oct 1, 2005, at 18:11, Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:

ah I thought so. just making sure. Then another question WRT this; 
will there be a register allocator? In other words, an attempt to 
minimize the number of needed registers? (in my simple code generator 
implementations, any time I need a new register, I just increment a 
counter, and use that, so in that case there is  No register 
allocation scheme)

Sure, the register allocator will remain. The increment the counter 
strategy is fine. The only difference will be that all lexicals and 
persistent variables, which are used around a function call, will be 
assigned to distinct Parrot registers. This strategy will solve the 
still lurking continuation bug that was discussed excessively here. 
Temps, not used around a function call, will have their registers 
reused as now.



Re: About multithreading

2005-10-01 Thread Martin D Kealey
Leo wrote:
  The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
  Herb Sutter

On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, Jonathan Worthington replied:
 Yup, and it's encouraging to see Perl 6 is heading in a good direction on
 concurrency stuff at a language level too.

So can we look towards having things like map and grep be parallel (or
at least unordered) by default?


Re: Look-ahead arguments in for loops

2005-10-01 Thread Luke Palmer
On 10/1/05, John Macdonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I forget what the final choice was for syntax for the reduce
 operator (it was probably even a different name from reduce -
 that's the APL name), but it would be given a list and an
 operator and run as:

 my $running = op.identity;
 $running = $running op $_ for @list;

 So, to get a loop body that knows the previous value, you
 define an operator whose identity is the initial value of the
 list and reduce the rest of the list.

And that was never quite resolved.  The biggest itch was with
operators that have no identity, and operators whose codomain is not
the same as the domain (like , which takes numbers but returns

Anyway, that syntax was

$sum = [+] @items;

And the more general form was:

$sum = reduce { $^a + $^b } @items;

Yes, it is called reduce, because foldl is a miserable name.


Re: Look-ahead arguments in for loops

2005-10-01 Thread Austin Hastings
Damian Conway wrote:

 Austin Hastings wrote:

 All of these have the same solution:

 @list = ...
 for [undef, @list[0...]] ¥ @list ¥ [EMAIL PROTECTED], undef] - $last, $curr,
 $next {

 Which is all but illegible.

 Oh, no! You mean I might have to write a...subroutine!??

Austin Hastings wrote:

1. Requirement to repeat the possibly complex expression for the list.
2. Possible high cost of generating the list.
3. Possible unique nature of the list.

The subroutine addresses #1, but not 2 or 3.

Also, there's a #4: modified state, which is hinted at but not really
covered by #3.


Re: seeing the end of the tunnel

2005-10-01 Thread Luke Palmer
On 10/1/05, David Storrs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 All in all, I think that might just be the end of the tunnel up
 ahead.  Go us for getting here, and loud applause to @Larry for
 guiding us so well!

Applause for p6l for hashing out the issues that we didn't think of.

I recently wrote a Perl 6 design TODO, which was surprizingly small,
which enumerated the things to be done before I considered the design
of Perl 6 to be finished.  Larry replied with a couple more items.  In

 Here are the chapters which haven't been covered yet:

  * 17. Threads
  * 26. Plain Old Documentation
  * 29. Functions


Re: About multithreading

2005-10-01 Thread Leopold Toetsch

On Oct 1, 2005, at 22:20, Martin D Kealey wrote:

So can we look towards having things like map and grep be parallel 

at least unordered) by default?

I don't think so. First and foremost, these functions produce ordered 
results, that's the Perl semantics of it. Second, while we can for sure 
do some multithreading, if we are waiting for IO or such, it's hard for 
pure computations. Kicking off more threads has it's cost too and it's 
only worth the effort, if the computation is taking a lot of time (or 
CPU cycles). But that's a thing Parrot really doesn't know in advance.

That said, it's unlikely that autothreading w/o any user hints will 
happen soon.



Re: Look-ahead arguments in for loops

2005-10-01 Thread Damian Conway

Austin Hastings wrote:

1. Requirement to repeat the possibly complex expression for the list.
2. Possible high cost of generating the list.
3. Possible unique nature of the list.

The subroutine addresses #1, but not 2 or 3.

It does address 2. The list is generated once (wherever) and only passed to 
the subroutine once. No regeneration required. It's exactly like your all but 
illegible solution, just factored out and deuglified.

Since I don't understand what you mean by 3, I can't really judge whether it 
addresses it. But I *can* say it addresses it exactly as well as your all but 
illegible solution did.

Also, there's a #4: modified state, which is hinted at but not really
covered by #3.

4 is not possible using the pointy sub syntax in any form, since all params to 
pointy subs are always constant aliases.


Re: Look-ahead arguments in for loops

2005-10-01 Thread John Macdonald
On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 02:22:01PM -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
 And the more general form was:
 $sum = reduce { $^a + $^b } @items;
 Yes, it is called reduce, because foldl is a miserable name.

So, the target of running a loop with both the current
and previous elements accessible could be written as either:

reduce :identity undef
{ code using $^prev and $^cur ... ; $^cur }


reduce :identity @items[0]
{ code using $^prev and $^cur ... ; $^cur }


[perl #37321] [TODO] Data::Escape::String needs to escape Unicode

2005-10-01 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Will Coleda 
# Please include the string:  [perl #37321]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

A quick check shows this fails at str[index] on line 78.

Re: Tcl - compiling expressions

2005-10-01 Thread Will Coleda

The simple version of the compiler is now mostly done in my sandbox:

Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed

t/cmd_global.t   3   768 63  50.00%  2-4
t/cmd_proc.t 4  1024114  36.36%  3-4 8-9
t/cmd_return.t   1   256 21  50.00%  1
t/cmd_string.t   3   768573   5.26%  21 45-46
t/tcl_backslash.t4  1024354  11.43%  31-34

These break down into two classes of errors:

1) ``Pad index out of range'' {global, proc, return}

2) Data::Escape::String can't escape unicode {string, backslash}

I've opened a TODO ticket for #2: [perl #37321] Any takers on this  

If I can get #1 working, I'll just TODO everything that depends on #2  
and get this checked in.

I've attached the generated PIR output for the sample program, which  
outputs 10

set a 0
while {$a  10} {
  incr a
puts $a

It's functional but ugly. (Patches welcome once I checkin)

.pragma n_operators 1
.sub blah @ANON
.include languages/tcl/lib/returncodes.pir
$P0 = new .String
$P1 = new .String
.local pmc command
$P2 = new .String
$S3 =  . $S3
push_eh bad_command3
command = find_global Tcl, $S3
if_null command, bad_command3
$P3 = command($P0,$P1)
goto resume3
$S3=concat invalid command name \ ,$S3
.include languages/tcl/lib/returncodes.pir
$P3 = new .String
$P3=$a  10
$P4 = new .String
$P4=\n  incr a\n
.local pmc command
$P5 = new .String
$S6 =  . $S6
push_eh bad_command6
command = find_global Tcl, $S6
if_null command, bad_command6
$P6 = command($P3,$P4)
goto resume6
$S6=concat invalid command name \ ,$S6
.include languages/tcl/lib/returncodes.pir
.local pmc read
read=find_global _Tcl, __read
$P6 = read(a)
.local pmc command
$P7 = new .String
$S8 =  . $S8
push_eh bad_command8
command = find_global Tcl, $S8
if_null command, bad_command8
$P8 = command($P6)
goto resume8
$S8=concat invalid command name \ ,$S8
.return ($P8)
.pragma n_operators 1
.sub blah @ANON
.include languages/tcl/lib/returncodes.pir
$P0 = new .String
.local pmc command
$P1 = new .String
$S2 =  . $S2
push_eh bad_command2
command = find_global Tcl, $S2
if_null command, bad_command2
$P2 = command($P0)
goto resume2
$S2=concat invalid command name \ ,$S2
.return ($P2)

On Sep 30, 2005, at 1:39 PM, Amos Robinson wrote:

Eeek. Yes, I forgot just how crazy a language it was. :-D

Yes, that's the plan, but the initial implementation isn't going to
be a compiler like most people would expect:

For example, something like:

while {$a  10} { incr a }

while isn't language syntax. it's a command. So, this code would
result in creating two PMCs for the args (first arg is {$a 10},
second is {incr a}), and then lookup the while PIR .sub, and invoke
it with the two PMC args.

Future versions of the compiler will be able to cheat (presuming the
while builtin hasn't been overriden) and generate inline-able PIR,
which should improve performance.)


Re: Tcl - compiling expressions

2005-10-01 Thread Will Coleda

On Oct 2, 2005, at 1:40 AM, Will Coleda wrote:

I've attached the generated PIR output for the sample program,  
which outputs 10

set a 0
while {$a  10} {
  incr a
puts $a

Ok, technically, it's not the output of a complete PIR program, it's  
the concatenated output of several chunks. One of the goals, however,  
will be to generate a standalone PIR program that can be compiled to  
