[perl #48260] [TODO] [C] [core] Write function documentation

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Paul Cochrane 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48260]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48260 

There are MANY functions within the Parrot repository which as yet aren't
documented.  These need to be documented, please!  Each needs an appropriate
description of what the function does, and the meaning of any arguments.

[perl #48264] [TODO] [C] [core] Write file-level documentation

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Paul Cochrane 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48264]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48264 

Many files in the Parrot repository are lacking descriptions within the 
pod DESCRIPTION section.  This needs to be done.  An appropriate description
of what the given file does is all that is necessary.

[perl #48266] [TODO] [C] Write file-level documentation

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Paul Cochrane 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48266]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48266 

This transaction appears to have no content

[perl #48266] [TODO] [C] Write file-level documentation

2007-12-06 Thread Paul Cochrane via RT
Apologies for the extra email!  This was an abortive attempt to Ctrl-C
out of a command line RT session.  Closing ticket.

What is the origin of the nickname, Texas quotes?

2007-12-06 Thread Thom Boyer

From S02:

   The double angles may be written either with French quotes, «$foo
   @bar[]»||, or with Texas quotes, $foo @bar[],|| as the ASCII

I'm curious about the naming of Texas quotes.

My guess is that the name is inspired by the existence of a town called 
Paris, Texas. That city's name might remind you of France, but isn't the 
real thing. Similarly, Texas Quotes|| might remind you of «French 
Quotes», but they're not quite as elegant.

Have I got that right?

Happiness lies in being privileged to work hard for long hours in doing 
whatever you think is worth doing.

--Dr. Jubal Harshaw in /To Sail Beyond the Sunset/, by Robert A. Heinlein

[OT][SPAM] Re: Pair notation for number radix

2007-12-06 Thread Paul Hodges

This is another great example of why I love this list. :o]

I live in GA, so far out in the boonies that I can't get cable or
broadband at *all* except for by satellite. I've stopped trying to
explain what I do, because I start saying things like this, and they
glaze and visibly regret it, lol

Now I just tell them my official job title is computer monkey.
That works pretty well. :)

But so that this post isn't (hopefully) entirely hot air, 
 How does this sort of adverbial typecasting relate back to compile
time typing? The old my Dog $spot thing?

There seems to be a significant relationship, but I can't wrap my head
around where the underlying mechanics might be usefully applied.

goes off to reread the synopses/exegeses et alii

--- Ryan Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 07:39:16AM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
  On Sun, Oct 07, 2007 at 03:01:06PM -0600, David Green wrote:
   What happened to the suggestion of using ` to designate units?
  It's kinda caught between two other notions.  On the one hand,
  we're trying to reserve ` for user definition, in part because it's
  so difficult to tell from ' in many fonts so we're avoiding it for
  standard usage.  On the other hand, it's not clear that units
  generally just simple multiplication by a scaling factor: 1*in,
  1*in == 2.54*cm, for instance.  Units could also be viewed as type
  conversion, which would give us kg(1) and 1.kg as conversion forms
  in current Perl 6.  Since 1.kg is essentially using the units as a
  postfix, presumably the 1kg form could also work on literals, just
  we currently allow 1i to convert 1 to i via the postfix:i
  (And I suppose there's a sense in which 10e-2 is specifying the
  scaling factor of the left side explicitly.)
  In any case, though, if we treated them as type names rather than
  just methods, we'd probably want to require predeclaration of unit
  names since a type name like kg or in or fortnight could
  collide with a user-defined routine.  Or maybe they still want some
  special sigil-ish mark to stay in their own namespace.  Dunno.  I
  think we have to solve that for 6.0.0 in any case, especially if we
  require predeclaration of which unit names are wanted, in which
  there might just be a units pragma that can pull in selections of
  the predefined units:
  use units :cgs, :nasa, μfortnight gibibyte;
  my newton $thrust = 42.lbf;
  But with a sigilish mark we could just pull in all the units from
  /usr/share/units.dat, I suppose.
 I don't know if I ever mentioned it on the mailing list, but a while
 back I did some work on a units module that uses units.dat
 (examples/rules/unitsdat-grammar.pm in the pugs repo).  I think
 that a simple postfix syntax (e.g.) doesn't give you the ability to
 specify the kind of composite units that are common in scientific
 applications where units are heavily used (e.g. Gauss per square root
 Hertz).  Those kind of units also rule out simple type-based units,
 having roles for length, mass, etc. - you can't do a role to the -7/3
 power.  I settled on a syntax that allows a mini-language similar to
 9.8.:asm / s ** 2
 $field_noise.:asgauss / sqrt(Hz)
 But someone may be able to come up with something better.  My
 implementation does unit type-checking at runtime, but compile-time
 checking would be much nicer where possible.  It would also be cool
 be able to define roles that can represent themselves in several
 different units:
 role Photon does NumUnit { ??? }
 my Photon $p .=new( energy = 42.:aseV );
 say energy is $p.:aszJ zeptojoules;
 say wavelength is $p.:asangstrom Å;
 say frequency is $p.:asTHz THz;


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page. 

Re: What is the origin of the nickname, Texas quotes?

2007-12-06 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 09:36:36AM -0700, Thom Boyer wrote:
 From S02:

The double angles may be written either with French quotes, «$foo
@bar[]»||, or with Texas quotes, $foo @bar[],|| as the ASCII


 I'm curious about the naming of Texas quotes.

 My guess is that the name is inspired by the existence of a town called 
 Paris, Texas. That city's name might remind you of France, but isn't the 
 real thing. Similarly, Texas Quotes|| might remind you of «French 
 Quotes», but they're not quite as elegant.

 Have I got that right?

Good guess, but no.  It comes from the fact that Texas always bragged
about how they were the largest state in the union, and had the biggest
everything, including ten-gallon hats.  That was before we added Alaska.
Now if they pull that stunt we offer to carve Alaska up into 4 states,
in which case Texas would be the 5th largest.

But Texans still like to think big, and we love 'em all to pieces for it.
Especially Patrick these days... :)


[perl #48270] [PCT] missing class in parseactions should give error

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Jerry Gay 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48270]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48270 

if the class set on the 'parseactions' attribute on a PCT::HLLCompiler
is not found, there should be a descriptive error message, rather than
the cryptic and incorrect
  get_string() not implemented in class 'ResizableStringArray'

that's exists now. brrr.

Re: Standards bearers (was Re: xml and perl 6)

2007-12-06 Thread Larry Wall
On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 12:09:48PM +, Smylers wrote:
: This isn't something which needs to influence language design -- in the
: sense that it doesn't need to be sorted before the design can be final
: and Perl 6 released.

Well, and to the extent that it needs to influence language design, it
already has.  Much of S11 (http://perlcabal.org/syn/S11.html#Versioning)
is about that.


[perl #48272] [TODO] [C] Stop exporting Parrot_signbit()

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Paul Cochrane 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48272]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48272 

In config/gen/platform/*/math.c there is the todo item:

Parrot_signbit is exported because PerlNum.set_number_native() uses it.
XXX: This is probably not a good reason.

So, stop exporting it and find a better way to have the same functionality.

[perl #48274] [TODO] [C] Stop ignoring the known errors in Parrot_dlopen()

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Paul Cochrane 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48274]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48274 

In config/gen/platform/darwin/dl.c:Parrot_dlopen() there is the todo item:

/* XXX for now, ignore all the known errors */

We need to handle these errors, and so this needs to be implemented.

[perl #48276] [TODO] [C] Warn when failure occurs in Parrot_setenv()

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Paul Cochrane 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48276]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48276 

In config/gen/platform/win32/env.c:Parrot_setenv() there is the todo item:

/* TODO: Shouldn't we tell anyone that we failed? */

Add an appropriate warning/error message about failure in the noted

[perl #48278] [TODO] [C] Should we call GetLastError for failure messages in .../win32/exec.c?

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Paul Cochrane 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48278]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48278 

In config/gen/platform/win32/exec.c there are two todo items which say:

/* XXX njs Should call GetLastError for failure message? */

So, at this point in the code, should GetLastError be called for the
failure message?

[perl #48280] [TODO] [C] Check for a sub with more up-to-date unit-type lookup

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Paul Cochrane 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48280]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48280 

In compilers/imcc/cfg.c:find_basic_blocks() there is the todo item:

/* XXX FIXME: Now the way to check for a sub is unit-type */

Convert the code in these locations to use the more up-to-date method of
checking for a sub; namely a unit-type lookup/call/thingy.

[perl #48282] [TODO] [C] Check that invoke is ok near the set_addr instruction in bb_findadd_edge()

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Paul Cochrane 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48282]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48282 

In compilers/imcc/cfg.c:bb_findadd_edge() there is the todo item:

/* XXX is probably only ok, if the invoke is near the
 * set_addr ins

Check whether or not the code following this comment is ok, and in which
situations.  Also, what does ok mean in this context?  And is there a
good feeling for what near is with respect to the invoke operation?
Anyway, this issue needs to be investigated and corrected if necessary.

[perl #48284] [TODO] [C] Life_range variable will never get used; so, it can be removed

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Paul Cochrane 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48284]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48284 

 In compilers/imcc/cfg.c:propagate_need() there is the todo item:

l = r-life_info[bb-index]; /* XXX Will never get used */

So why is this code there?

There is also a commented out line which reads:

/* l-last_ins = bb-end; XXX:leo why? */

Why?  I don't know either.  I wish I did, otherwise I could just fix the
code and not write an RT ticket...

Anyway, it looks like this code can be removed, and this needs to be done

[perl #48286] [TODO] [C] Warnings aren't emitted if a var isn't initialised and -w flag is on in propagate_need()

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Paul Cochrane 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48286]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48286 

In compilers/imcc/cfg.c:propagate_need() there is the todo item (with some

   * emit a warning if -w
   * looking at some perl6 examples, where this warning
   * is emitted, there seems always to be a code path
   * where the var is not initialized, so this might
   * even be correct :)
   * XXX subroutines

Unfortunately, I don't know what subroutines have to do with this, however
the code which follows is commented out and it reports a warning if a 
variable (in perl6) is uninitialised when the -w flag is used.  This 
looks like some repair is in order.

Re: Standards bearers (was Re: xml and perl 6)

2007-12-06 Thread Larry Wall
On Sun, Dec 02, 2007 at 07:43:25PM -0800, Peter Scott wrote:
: I do feel strongly that we need some sort of solution to this so that Perl
: 6 is not merely an outstanding framework that leaves all domain-specific
: extensions to the end user.

Perl 6 as a language doesn't address this (except to keep the library
namespaces precise and accurate), but that doesn't mean it won't get
addressed or that we don't want it addressed.  We're aiming for an
ecology more like Linux, where we distribute the kernel, and others
build distributions around it, and those distributions are designed
to make it easier for various classes of end users.  In any case,
I'm certain the community will also make sure that something CPANishly
downloadable is there, since no distribution can possibly guess right
all the time.  But a single editorial board is not scalable over the
long haul.  We'll eventually need multiple such boards that compete
among various perceived and real ecological niches.  We can start
with one distribution as long as it is explicitly realized that anyone
can fork it at any time, for any reason.  Then let Darwin take over,
and see what the service economy does with it.

Now, it might well be that a Perl standards body could specify a
mininum suggested set of modules for any distribution to enhance
interoperability, but we haven't got to that point yet, I don't think.
Someone with an organizational bent could get a running start to come
up with such a editorial center, but setting standards out ahead of
practice is rarely the optimal approach.  And right now, we would,
at best, be guessing from Perl 5 best practice.  Maybe that's good
enough to start with, if we can get any two people to agree on what
the Perl 5 best practices are.  :)

Anyway, that's the reasoning behind supplying as little as possible
with the P6 kernel.  We don't want anyone mistaking it for a
distribution in the first place, nor do we want us language lawyers
to evolve into any kind of official distribution board.  Central
planning doesn't scale over the long term.  We should restrict our
federal activities to those that help all the states get along
with each other, at least well enough to avoid a civil war.

Of course, as the U.S. proved at the beginning, when you fear a
strong federal government it's possible to invent too weak a federal
government.  There's a balance in there somewhere that we're still
trying to figure out...


Re: Parrot Partial application

2007-12-06 Thread Jonathan Worthington
metavery behind on everything while moving apartment and country, but 
here's a start on catching up.../meta

chromatic wrote:

If there isn't a better way to do this, how would I get the arity of a 

I'm not sure you can from PIR, which I've argued is a problem.  I think 
eventually we'll have to have some metadata available on invokable PMCs that 
lets us get the expected arity, as that will fix a nasty problem we have with 
NCI calls versus normal Subs.
For subs, the sub PMC contains the offset in the bytecode. From knowing 
that, you can in look in the bytecode there for the get_params 
instruction of the sub. That points you to the signature PMC, which 
tells you how many args there are.

What it implemented (when I get chance, which should be this weekend) as 
an arity method on the Sub PMC?

Jonathan is working on an update to our bytecode that may fix this, so there 
may be a solution coming.
On partial application generally, I don't think anything in what I'm 
doing will make that any easier.

Another approach is to have a PMC that wraps up a sub PMC with the 
supplied arguments. It'd have an array for supplied positionals and a 
slurply for supplied named args. I think that'd give us what we want for 
implementing Perl 6's .assuming too, and perhaps better than a thunk...



2007-12-06 Thread David Brunton
This last SOTO re-reminded me of what an inveterate fan I am of Perl 6.  Wow.

My question today is about concurrency.  I can imagine how things like IPC 
Mailboxes (e.g. RFC 86) happen in modules.  I can also imagine why Threads 
(e.g. RFC 1) should be in modules- given the obvious dependence on underlying 
OS.  I do see both Cfork and Cwait in S29, but not in STD.pm, which brings 
me to the questions:

* Where will Cfork, Cwait, and possible friends (e.g. Perl 5's 
Copen-with-|) live?
* Is there any expectation of message-passing concurrency functions living 
inside STD.pm?
* How about shared/software-transactional memory?

Hopefully I'm not inadvertently starting any kind of flame-fest about anyone's 
favorite concurrency model here :-D



Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page. 

Re: [perl #47792] [BUG]: languages/dotnet/Configure.pl causes configuration error

2007-12-06 Thread Jonathan Worthington

Will Coleda via RT wrote:
r23011 added code to config/gen/languages.pm to configure dotnet when configuring parrot 
instead of (as before) manually, after parrot was built.

This isn't ready to happen yet. Reverting 23011 in spirit, dotnet is on its own 
Certainly, the .Net implementation is fairly unmaintainted at the 
moment. I'm struggling for time for core Parrot stuff, let alone a 
language as well.


Re: Concurrency

2007-12-06 Thread Moritz Lenz
I'll try to reply as good as possible, but I'm sure others will do better.

David Brunton wrote:
 This last SOTO re-reminded me of what an inveterate fan I am of Perl 6.  Wow.
 My question today is about concurrency.  I can imagine how things like IPC 
 (e.g. RFC 86) happen in modules.  I can also imagine why Threads (e.g. RFC 1) 
 be in modules- given the obvious dependence on underlying OS.
 I do see both Cfork and Cwait in S29, but not in STD.pm, which brings me 
the questions:

There's no need for any keyword to be in STD.pm. STD.pm just defines
the grammar. Syntactically fork will be like just another sub, so it can
safely be handled in the compiler's runtime.

 * Where will Cfork, Cwait, and possible friends (e.g. Perl 5's 
 Copen-with-|) live?

What do you mean by where? The namespace? Or the implementation?

 * Is there any expectation of message-passing concurrency functions living 
 inside STD.pm?

Again it won't be in STD.pm, because it doesn't care about it.
But I think there will be both event based and thread based concurrency
in Perl 6.
Larry Wall usually points to this paper:

Something like that, with a perlish interface, will be part of Perl 6's
concurrency model.

 * How about shared/software-transactional memory?

Maybe http://svn.pugscode.org/pugs/docs/Perl6/Spec/Concurrency.pod
(still a draft) contains a bit more helpful information.

 Hopefully I'm not inadvertently starting any kind of flame-fest
 about anyone's favorite concurrency model here :-D

Why flame, when we can have all of them at once? ;-)

Moritz Lenz
http://moritz.faui2k3.org/ |  http://perl-6.de/

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: perl 6 grammar

2007-12-06 Thread Jonathan Lang
Larry Wall wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 08:40:10AM -0800, Jonathan Lang wrote:
 : or (I think):
 :   method test ($value) {
 : setup();
 : when $value { doit() } #[smart-match the calling object $_ against 
 :   }

 I know it used to be that way back near the Dawn of Time, but methods
 don't automatically topicalize anymore unless you explicitly name
 one of the parameters '$_':

Huh.  I guess I need to review current standards for method
declaration; last I'd checked, the invocant did not need to be
explicitly named.

 : (Question: assuming that the above is valid, would breaking out of the
 : when block be the same as returning from the method?  Or would it
 : qualify as an abnormal termination of the method?)

 Well, according to S04:

 If the smart match succeeds, Cwhen's associated block is
 executed, and the innermost surrounding block that has C$_
 as one of its formal parameters (either explicit or implicit)
 is automatically broken out of.

...which didn't answer my question, since returning from the method
and having the method die both qualify as breaking out of the method
in my mind.

 So it merely returns normally from the method, which is what you'd
 generally expect.

This makes sense to me.  Perhaps S04 could be updated to make this a
bit more explicit?  Also, can 'break' take a parameter?  My gut
instinct is no; if you want to break out of a method while
specifying a return value, you should probably use 'return' instead of
'break'.  Indeed, you may want to make this mandatory, much like the
conjecture about forcing people to use 'next' or 'last' instead of
'break' when in a loop.

Jonathan Dataweaver Lang

Re: perl 6 grammar

2007-12-06 Thread Larry Wall
On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 08:40:10AM -0800, Jonathan Lang wrote:
: or (I think):
:   method test ($value) {
: setup();
: when $value { doit() } #[smart-match the calling object $_ against 
:   }

I know it used to be that way back near the Dawn of Time, but methods
don't automatically topicalize anymore unless you explicitly name
one of the parameters '$_':

method test ($_: $value) {
when $value { doit() } #[smart-match the calling object $_ against 

: (Question: assuming that the above is valid, would breaking out of the
: when block be the same as returning from the method?  Or would it
: qualify as an abnormal termination of the method?)

Well, according to S04:

If the smart match succeeds, Cwhen's associated block is
executed, and the innermost surrounding block that has C$_
as one of its formal parameters (either explicit or implicit)
is automatically broken out of.

So it merely returns normally from the method, which is what you'd
generally expect.  If you have more questions about switches, S04
probably already discusses it.


Re: Pair notation for number radix

2007-12-06 Thread brian d foy
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Smylers

 brian d foy writes:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Larry Wall
   On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 08:28:48AM -0800, brian d foy wrote:
   : In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Larry Wall
   : [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   :  : Later in the Literals section of S02, there's a chart of the
   :  : corresponding forms for fat arrow, pair, and paren notation. It has
   :  : 
   :  :a = 'foo'  :afoo  :a(foo)

   You're confusing various levels here when you say same thing.
   They're the same in some ways and different in others.

 The colon can _also_ be used for forming adverbs (similarly to how the
 slash can be used for both regexes and division, in different places),
 but that doesn't effect the equivalence of the above.

The section where that table is talks about adverbs. This isn't just
the same characters being used for different things. Some pairs also
act like adverbs. See my earlier message on file test operators.

[perl #48294] [RFE] oo -- improve Method '...' not found' error

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Patrick R. Michaud 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48294]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48294 

Currently when invoking a non-existent method on an object,
the exception that is thrown reads:

Method 'get_scalar' not found

The error message would be much more helpful if it could also
indicate the class of the invocant:

Method 'get_scalar' not found for 'ResizablePMCArray' invocant


Re: Standards bearers (was Re: xml and perl 6)

2007-12-06 Thread cdumont

Larry Wall wrote:

Now, it might well be that a Perl standards body could specify a
mininum suggested set of modules for any distribution to enhance
interoperability, but we haven't got to that point yet, I don't think.

This would be great though!!
Even if it is afterward, it is still a lot better than nothing!
perl6 offers a lot of new nice features in the grammar itself,
but the lack of standards over than those of programming 'best practices'
could be a problem.
When I started to learn perl5,
I have read (and am still reading because I am far to be a good 
a lot of books, online tutorials but none of them were doing it the same 

And I am still trying to get it!
(What I liked though it is that I have learnt of lot more than other 

I guess perl6 is a solution to this problem thanks to the grammar itself.
This is great, I think.
But the above concerns regarding standards modules are a real issue too
it should not be underestimated.

Anyway, that's the reasoning behind supplying as little as possible
with the P6 kernel.  We don't want anyone mistaking it for a
distribution in the first place, nor do we want us language lawyers
to evolve into any kind of official distribution board.  Central
planning doesn't scale over the long term.  We should restrict our
federal activities to those that help all the states get along
with each other, at least well enough to avoid a civil war.


Of course, as the U.S. proved at the beginning, when you fear a
strong federal government it's possible to invent too weak a federal
government.  There's a balance in there somewhere that we're still
trying to figure out...



シリル・デュモン(Cyrille Dumont)
our work is the portrait of ourselves
tel: 03-5690-0230 fax: 03-5690-7366

Re: perl 6 grammar

2007-12-06 Thread Juerd Waalboer
Jonathan Lang skribis 2007-12-06 16:36 (-0800):
  I know it used to be that way back near the Dawn of Time, but methods
  don't automatically topicalize anymore unless you explicitly name
  one of the parameters '$_':
 Huh.  I guess I need to review current standards for method
 declaration; last I'd checked, the invocant did not need to be
 explicitly named.

It does if you want to access it by a name other than a lone sigil.
Met vriendelijke groet,  Kind regards,  Korajn salutojn,

  Juerd Waalboer:  Perl hacker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://juerd.nl/sig
  Convolution: ICT solutions and consultancy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[perl #48296] Implement get_namespace vtable from pdd17

2007-12-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Will Coleda 
# Please include the string:  [perl #48296]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48296 

From PDD17:

=item pmc_namespace [deprecated: See RT# 48144]

  PMC* pmc_namespace(INTERP, PMC* self)

Return the namespace object for this PMC. [NOTE: replaced by

=item get_namespace

  PMC* get_namespace(INTERP, PMC* self)

Return the namespace object for this PMC.


The get_namespace vtable entry doesn't exist yet in vtable.tbl.

[perl #48070] [TODO] Replace Parrot::IO::Capture::Mini with IO::CaptureOutput

2007-12-06 Thread James Keenan via RT
Am working on this with new Parrot contributor Alan Rocker.  We've
transformed 17 tests so far; 65 to go.

Re: Concurrency

2007-12-06 Thread David Brunton
Inadvertently replied to this off-list...

Moritz wrote:
There's no need for any keyword to be in STD.pm. STD.pm just defines
the grammar. Syntactically fork will be like just another sub, so it can
safely be handled in the compiler's runtime.

 * Where will Cfork, Cwait, and possible friends (e.g. Perl 5's 
 Copen-with-|) live?

What do you mean by where? The namespace? Or the implementation?

I think I'm starting to get the distinction about what goes
 into STD.pm.  Coming most recently from a project in Erlang, concurrency
 still feels like a kind of flow control to me right now :-\  It looks
 like they live in the CProcesses namespace from S29.  The term built
 in in S29 confuses me a little, I think, but rereading the section
 about namespaces helped.

Maybe http://svn.pugscode.org/pugs/docs/Perl6/Spec/Concurrency.pod
(still a draft) contains a bit more helpful information.

Yeah, this was really fun to read.  It was also the only place I saw
 Cyield, Cproduce, Ccoro, etc., so I began to suspect the warning
 at the top that it's just random notes might be accurate ;)

 Hopefully I'm not inadvertently starting any kind of flame-fest
 about anyone's favorite concurrency model here :-D

Why flame, when we can have all of them at once? ;-)

Hear, hear!


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Re: Parrot Partial application

2007-12-06 Thread chromatic
On Thursday 06 December 2007 15:49:45 Jonathan Worthington wrote:

 chromatic wrote:
  If there isn't a better way to do this, how would I get the arity of a

  I'm not sure you can from PIR, which I've argued is a problem.  I think
  eventually we'll have to have some metadata available on invokable PMCs
  that lets us get the expected arity, as that will fix a nasty problem we
  have with NCI calls versus normal Subs.

 For subs, the sub PMC contains the offset in the bytecode. From knowing
 that, you can in look in the bytecode there for the get_params
 instruction of the sub. That points you to the signature PMC, which
 tells you how many args there are.

 What it implemented (when I get chance, which should be this weekend) as
 an arity method on the Sub PMC?

That would be much nicer, as then parameter passing wouldn't have to call 
invoke on a Sub or descendent to get the bytecode offset (which doesn't make 
sense with an NCI call) to determine if it has to pass parameters (which 
occurs *after* the invoke, which is sort of a problem if you want to pass 
parameters to the NCI call you've just invoked and which has already returned 
with an error that you haven't actually passed any parameters to it).

 Another approach is to have a PMC that wraps up a sub PMC with the
 supplied arguments. It'd have an array for supplied positionals and a
 slurply for supplied named args. I think that'd give us what we want for
 implementing Perl 6's .assuming too, and perhaps better than a thunk...

Heh, wouldn't you call that the Thunk PMC?  How about Future?

-- c

Re: What is the origin of the nickname, Texas quotes?

2007-12-06 Thread Thom Boyer

Larry Wall wrote:

On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 09:36:36AM -0700, Thom Boyer wrote:

From S02:

   The double angles may be written either with French quotes, «$foo
   @bar[]»||, or with Texas quotes, $foo @bar[],|| as the ASCII

I'm curious about the naming of Texas quotes.

My guess is that the name is inspired by the existence of a town called 
Paris, Texas. That city's name might remind you of France, but isn't the 
real thing. Similarly, Texas Quotes|| might remind you of «French 
Quotes», but they're not quite as elegant.

Have I got that right?

Good guess, but no.  It comes from the fact that Texas always bragged
about how they were the largest state in the union, and had the biggest
everything, including ten-gallon hats.  That was before we added Alaska.
Now if they pull that stunt we offer to carve Alaska up into 4 states,
in which case Texas would be the 5th largest.

But Texans still like to think big, and we love 'em all to pieces for it.
Especially Patrick these days... :)


So, it's because this is so much bigger than «this», this, or 'this'?

By the way, as a native Texan, I find offensive your claim that Texas*4 
 Alaska. The truth is hurtful enough:

   Texas*2.1787 = Alaska
I had to carry it out to 4 decimal places so I wouldn't have to round 
the last digit UP.

