[perl #125317] [BUG] sign(NaN) is 1, not NaN, in Rakudo

2015-06-06 Thread Christian Bartolomaeus via RT
There is a passing test in S32-num/sign.t. I'm closing this ticket as 

[perl #124813] Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S32-num/sign.t line:49 reason: Nom does not yet have a NaN framework in place

2015-06-06 Thread Christian Bartolomaeus via RT
The tests was unfudged with commit 
https://github.com/perl6/roast/commit/de3372559d. I'm closing this ticket now.

[perl #125319] localization bug in Test module

2015-06-06 Thread Christian Bartolomaeus via RT
I'm closing this ticket as 'resolved'. If you think, we should have a test for 
this, please reopen the ticket.

[perl #125302] [BUG] Segfault in Regex construction

2015-06-06 Thread Christian Bartolomaeus via RT
This was fixed with commits c79bcc5698 and 2cc3afe985.

I added a test to S05-metasyntax/regex.t with commit 

I'm closing this ticket as 'resolved'.

[perl #125343] Using an earliest { ... wait 0 { ... } } causes

2015-06-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Rob Hoelz 
# Please include the string:  [perl #125343]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125343 

The attached script reproduces the issue.

When I use earliest with a wait 0 block, I get the following error message:

No exception handler located for last_label

Interestingly enough, if I increase 0 to some arbitrary timeout, this affects 
the bug; I've found if I keep it below 220ms, it triggers the bug.  Going 
higher fixes the problem.

Description: Binary data

[perl #125342] New segfault over last week. Reported in Panda - https://github.com/tadzik/panda/issues/165

2015-06-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  David Warring 
# Please include the string:  [perl #125342]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125342 

The following has started segfaulting for me on rakudo Moar over about the last 
week. Between 27499bbdbf9bbc1163f9afb2397ce1af8c8493c4 and 

sub build-order(@module-files) {
for @module-files {
warn $_;

my @module-files = lib/DBIish.pm6

build-order(@module-files) for (1..100);

Somewhat golfed this from https://github.com/tadzik/panda/issues/165: panda 
install DBIsh. Could do with bisection.

Re: [perl #125285] AutoReply: Capturing separator (like /something % (.+?)/ ) spews out backtracking

2015-06-06 Thread Alex Jakimenko
I works this way though:
perl6 -e say 'rule1 foo rule2 bar' ~~ /^ ( 'rule1' || 'rule2' )* %%
$baz=[.+?] $/

「rule1 foo rule2 bar」
 0 = 「rule1」
 baz = 「 foo 」
 0 = 「rule2」
 baz = 「 bar」

Change [] to () and it will break the same way.

On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 3:05 AM, perl6 via RT perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org


 This message has been automatically generated in response to the
 creation of a trouble ticket regarding:
 Capturing separator (like /something % (.+?)/ ) spews out
 a summary of which appears below.

 There is no need to reply to this message right now.  Your ticket has been
 assigned an ID of [perl #125285].

 Please include the string:

  [perl #125285]

 in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. To do
 you may reply to this message.

 Thank you,

 This command:
 perl6 -e say 'rule1 foo rule2 bar' ~~ /^ ( 'rule1' || 'rule2' )* %% (.+?)

 Outputs this:
 「rule1 foo rule2 bar」
  0 = 「rule1」
  1 = 「 」
  1 = 「 f」
  1 = 「 fo」
  1 = 「 foo」
  1 = 「 foo 」
  0 = 「rule2」
  1 = 「 」
  1 = 「 b」
  1 = 「 ba」
  1 = 「 bar」

 I can't see any reason why these partial matches should appear in the match
 object. I expected this:

 「rule1 foo rule2 bar」
  0 = 「rule1」
  1 = 「 foo 」
  0 = 「rule2」
  1 = 「 bar」

[perl6/specs] 6e1c9d: Update design docs for how Str/NFG has worked out.

2015-06-06 Thread GitHub
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/perl6/specs
  Commit: 6e1c9d45c225eb61ae1e6da6048689aeab291d55
  Author: Jonathan Worthington jn...@jnthn.net
  Date:   2015-06-06 (Sat, 06 Jun 2015)

  Changed paths:
M S02-bits.pod
M S03-operators.pod
M S05-regex.pod
M S32-setting-library/Str.pod
M contents.pod

  Log Message:
  Update design docs for how Str/NFG has worked out.

Of note, the StrLen and StrPos types are gone, and Str only works at
grapheme level; as per S15 we have Uni and its subtypes for working
at codepoint level, and Buf for working at bytes level.

[perl #125345] Certain noncapturing subrules fail to advance Cursor pos

2015-06-06 Thread Brian S. Julin
# New Ticket Created by  Brian S. Julin 
# Please include the string:  [perl #125345]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125345 

This is a relatively recent regression probably sometime in May 2015:

20:44   skids   m: my $*guard = 0; grammar Foo { regex TOP { [a | [ [ R b? 
] ]]+ % b { die if $*guard++  500 } }; regex b { b }; regex R { TOP+ % [ 
.b? / ] } }; Foo.parse([aba]).say; Foo.parse([abab]).say;
20:44   camelia rakudo-moar 869306: OUTPUT«「[aba]」␤ R = 「aba」␤  TOP = 
「aba」␤Died␤  in regex TOP at /tmp/8iN9r23p25:1␤  in regex R at 
/tmp/8iN9r23p25:1␤  in regex TOP at /tmp/8iN9r23p25:1␤  in block unit at 
/tmp/8iN9r23p25:1␤  in any unit-outer at /tmp/8iN9r23p25:1…»
20:44   skids   star: my $*guard = 0; grammar Foo { regex TOP { [a | [ [ R 
b? ] ]]+ % b { die if $*guard++  500 } }; regex b { b }; regex R { TOP+ % 
[ .b? / ] } }; Foo.parse([aba]).say; Foo.parse([abab]).say;
20:44   camelia star-m 2015.03: OUTPUT«「[aba]」␤ R = 「aba」␤  TOP = 
「aba」␤「[abab]」␤ R = 「aba」␤  TOP = 「aba」␤»
20:44   skids   m: my $*guard = 0; grammar Foo { regex TOP { [a | [ [ R b? 
] ]]+ % b { die if $*guard++  500 } }; regex b { b }; regex R { TOP+ % [ 
b? / ] } }; Foo.parse([aba]).say; Foo.parse([abab]).say;
20:44   camelia rakudo-moar 869306: OUTPUT«「[aba]」␤ R = 「aba」␤  TOP = 
「aba」␤「[abab]」␤ R = 「aba」␤  TOP = 「aba」␤»

The only difference in the last (successful) expression is the use of b 
instead of .b

[perl #125344] Int..Whatever ranges are slow (~20 times slower than Int..Int)

2015-06-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Rob Hoelz 
# Please include the string:  [perl #125344]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125344 

Let's say I have an array where @array.end == $end.  Using @array[0..$end] is 
about 20 times faster than @array[0..*].  I have attached an example script 
that demonstrates this.

Description: Binary data

[perl #125346] Type signature failures non-deterministically reported in start { ... } blocks

2015-06-06 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Rob Hoelz 
# Please include the string:  [perl #125346]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125346 

See the attached script.

The worker(Any, Int) sub is called from within a start block with only a single 
Any argument; I would expect this to either fail at compile time, throw an 
exception in the await'ing thread, or set the statuses of the Promises in 
@workers to a failed state.  Instead, different behavior occurs across repeated 
execution non-deterministically, namely:

  - Sometimes await() never returns and just blocks forever.
  - Sometimes Too few positionals passed is raised during execution.
  - Sometimes I see a cannot write to readonly value warning
  - I used to see Type check failed in binding exception; expected 'Any' but 
got 'Mu', but that's not appearing in my latest tests.use v6;

sub worker(Any $a, Int $b) {}

my $value = Any;

my @workers = (^2).map: {
start { worker($value) }

await @workers;

[perl #125293] Match objects don't roundtrip through .perl

2015-06-06 Thread Christian Bartolomaeus via RT
As far as I understand it, the problem can be golfed to the following:

$ perl6 -e 'say EnumMap.new(a, 42).perl'

$ perl6 -e 'say EnumMap.new(a, 42).perl.perl'

$ perl6 -e 'say EnumMap.new(a, 42).perl.EVAL'