[perl #112728] LTA message on missing radix conversion param

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sat Dec 27 05:33:02 2014, pesc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Am Mi 02. Mai 2012, 09:03:34, pawel.pab...@implix.com schrieb:
  17:54 bbkr: rakudo: :2()
  17:54 p6eval: rakudo 0059aa: OUTPUT«Nominal type check failed for
  parameter '$str'; expected Str but got Parcel instead␤  in sub unbase
  at src/gen/CORE.setting:4144␤  in block anon at
  IMO it should complaint about missing param, not about bad type
 Rakudo currently throws an X::Numeric::Confused for the example code:
 13:29   pschm: :2() # RT #112728
 13:29   camelia rakudo-moar 7ea485: OUTPUT«You have confused
 the number  with the textual representation ;␤if you wanted to
 render the number in the given base, use $number.base($radix)␤  in
 block unit at /tmp/na_4apNiYp:1␤␤»
 STD on the other hand parses it just fine, which I assume happens
 because there's no backend that actually does anything with the parse
 13:29   pschstd: :2()
 13:29   camelia std 76ccee1: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 136m␤»

Passing tests added to S02-literals/radix.t , resolving ticket.
Will Coke Coleda

[perl #77550] $. in regexp accepted by Rakudo but not by STD

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sat Aug 29 02:21:26 2015, coke wrote:
 On Tue Aug 31 03:04:46 2010, pawel.pab...@implix.com wrote:
  [12:02] bbkr rakudo: / $. / # another one not accepted by STD
  [12:02] p6eval rakudo 6ccdcd:  ( no output )
  [12:02] bbkr std: / $. / # another one not accepted by STD
  [12:02] p6eval std 32120:
  use of $. variable; in Perl 6 please use the filehandle's .line
  at /tmp/qiax0mJToC line 1:␤-- / $.⏏ / # another
  one not
  accepted by STD␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:02 116m␤»
 Behavior changed:
 08:35   [Coke]  m: / $. /
 08:35   GLRelia rakudo-moar 1a2b58: OUTPUT«Method 'match' not found
 for invocant of class 'Any'␤  in block unit at /tmp/TFShklg1xA:1␤␤»
 08:35   camelia rakudo-moar 5fb81f: OUTPUT«Method 'match' not found
 for invocant of class 'Any'␤  in block unit at /tmp/d3k6Y2ajJ4:1␤␤»

More data:

05:23  FROGGS m: $_ = ; / $. /
05:23  GLRelia rakudo-moar 766e70: ( no output )
05:23 +camelia rakudo-moar 5fb81f: ( no output )

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #77550] $. in regexp accepted by Rakudo but not by STD

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Tue Aug 31 03:04:46 2010, pawel.pab...@implix.com wrote:
 [12:02] bbkr rakudo: / $. / # another one not accepted by STD
 [12:02] p6eval rakudo 6ccdcd:  ( no output )
 [12:02] bbkr std: / $. / # another one not accepted by STD
 [12:02] p6eval std 32120:
 use of $. variable; in Perl 6 please use the filehandle's .line method
 at /tmp/qiax0mJToC line 1:␤-- / $.⏏ / # another
 one not
 accepted by STD␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:02 116m␤»

Behavior changed:

08:35   [Coke]  m: / $. /
08:35   GLRelia rakudo-moar 1a2b58: OUTPUT«Method 'match' not found for 
invocant of class 'Any'␤  in block unit at /tmp/TFShklg1xA:1␤␤»
08:35   camelia rakudo-moar 5fb81f: OUTPUT«Method 'match' not found for 
invocant of class 'Any'␤  in block unit at /tmp/d3k6Y2ajJ4:1␤␤»

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #113026] [GLR] array iterator does not track a growing array

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Mon May 21 11:45:12 2012, KyleHa wrote:
 I put a test for this in S04-statements/for.t

Which is now passing in the glr branch. Closing ticket.
Will Coke Coleda

[perl #117685] IO.accessed failures on [OS X]

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sat Apr 20 20:25:12 2013, coke wrote:
 Failures in t/spec/S16-filehandles/filestat.t
 not ok 6 - IO.accessed should NOT be updated when file is opened for writing
 not ok 7 - IO.accessed should NOT be updated when file is opened for reading

I haven't been able to duplicate this for a while, rejecting ticket.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #125872] DateTime.new() doesn't parse lowercase T or Z

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sun Aug 23 02:40:15 2015, labster wrote:
 Invalid DateTime string '2015-08-23t02:27:33-07:00'; use an ISO 8601
 timestamp (-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ or -mm-ddThh:mm:ss+01:00) instead
 However, RFC 3339 points out that ISO 8601 allows lowercase t and z,
 because ABNF is case-insensitive:

Passing tests added to S32-temporal/DateTime.t

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #113546] Duplicate flattened nameds aren't filtered out

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Thu Aug 21 13:12:32 2014, coke wrote:
 On Thu Jun 07 13:07:46 2012, kristofbogae...@gmail.com wrote:
  p6: sub s_s(*%n)  { %n.say }; s_s(|{:assoclist}, :assocleft); #
  which one is correct?
  rakudo e75a0a: OUTPUT«duplicate named argument in call␤  in block
  anon at /tmp/ohG08nWXj0:1␤␤»
  niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«left␤» 21:54:05
  p6: sub s_s(*%n)  { %n.say }; s_s(:assoclist, :assocleft);
  rakudo e75a0a, niecza v18-6-ge52d6c3: OUTPUT«left␤»
  Rakudo has inconsistent behavior in that areas.
  For non-flattened nameds it filters out the dupes
  Flattened ones it can't do that, and Parrot barfs on dupe named args.
 16:11  [Coke] p6: sub s_s(*%n)  { %n.say }; s_s(|{:assoclist},
 16:11 +camelia rakudo-jvm bc6a32: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
 16:11 +camelia ..niecza v24-109-g48a8de3: OUTPUT«left␤»
 16:11 +camelia ..rakudo-parrot bc6a32: OUTPUT«duplicate named argument in
  call␤  in block  at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤␤»
 16:11 +camelia ..rakudo-moar bc6a32: OUTPUT«list␤»
 16:12  [Coke] ... wow, it's getting worse.

Looks better, but I think we need jvm  moar to agree here.

06:12  [Coke] r: sub s_s(*%n)  { %n.say }; 
06:12  GLRelia rakudo-moar 05ce1e: OUTPUT«list␤»
06:12 +camelia rakudo-jvm 5fb81f: OUTPUT«left␤»
06:12 +camelia ..rakudo-moar 5fb81f: OUTPUT«list␤»

06:16  [Coke] when flattening duplicate named args, does the one that gets 
picked matter?
06:17  moritz [Coke]: iirc the last one wins

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #122895] [BUG] list assignment to a constant doesn't flatten

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Fri Oct 03 13:29:43 2014, kellydasov...@gmail.com wrote:
 Not sure if this is actually a rakudobug or a specbug, but it is definitely
 surprising and unsettling.
 (my @ = 'a', b c)[1].perl.say;
 # b
 (constant @ = 'a', b c)[1].perl.say;
 # (b, c)
 perl6 -v
 # This is perl6 version 2014.09-81-g89abcf2 built on MoarVM version

This behavior is changing:

06:17  [Coke] m: (my @ = 'a', b c)[1].perl.say; (constant @ = 'a', b 
06:17  GLRelia rakudo-moar 00a34b: OUTPUT«(b, c)␤(b, c)␤»
06:17 +camelia rakudo-moar 5fb81f: OUTPUT«b␤(b, c)␤»

GLR shows the glr branch, camelia is the current behavior on nom.

The behavior going forward won't flatten it either case, and is consistent 
between the two.

Passing glr tests added S04-declarations/constant.t; Closing case.
Will Coke Coleda

[perl #77170] 'maximum recursion depth exceeded' comes with complete stack trace

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Tue Aug 17 21:46:38 2010, coke wrote:
 Here's a simple program if you're lazy and want to cut and paste
 something to test:
 sub recursion($a) {
 recursion(see also);

BTW, I am having a really hard time on moar making this crash. I added some 
debug output to show the number of invocations on moar.

Got up to 1000 invocations before I got bored and killed it.
Will Coke Coleda

[perl #117763] [BUG] Internal error talking about coroutines when combining recursion and gather in Rakudo

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Fri Jun 19 12:57:49 2015, barto...@gmx.de wrote:
 I tried the evaluation from this bug report and didn't get that
 internal error anymore. There is still a type check error, though
 (which looks plausible to me):
 $ perl6-m -e 'sub p(*@l) { gather { if @l == 1 { take @l } else {
 @l.shift; for p(@l) - @p {} } } }; say p 1..4'
 Type check failed in binding @p; expected 'Positional' but got 'Int'
   in block  at -e:1
 If I change @p to a scalar container $p, the code does not die:
 $ perl6-m -e 'sub p(*@l) { gather { if @l == 1 { take @l } else {
 @l.shift; for p(@l) - $p {} } } }; say p 1..4; say alive'
 I'm not quite sure how a proper test for this ticket would look like.
 Just testing for X::TypeCheck?

Behavior changes in GLR:
09:05  [Coke] m: sub p(*@l) { gather { if @l == 1 { take @l } else { 
@l.shift; for p(@l) - @p {} } } }; say p 1..4
09:05  GLRelia rakudo-moar 966096: OUTPUT«␤»
09:05 +camelia rakudo-moar fd1612: OUTPUT«Type check failed in binding @p; 
expected 'Positional' but got 'Int'␤  in block  at
 /tmp/SqXtcgfOAz:1␤  in block unit at /tmp/SqXtcgfOAz:1␤␤»

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #124017] [BUG] Shouldn't be allowed to declare a class called `Foo:D` in Rakudo

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sun Mar 08 07:10:57 2015, masak wrote:
 masak m: class Foo:D {}; say Foo.new
 camelia rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«Foo.new()␤»
 * masak submits rakudobug
 masak (the bug being that that `:D` is allowed on a class declaration)

More data:

06:40  [Coke] m: class Foo:any-ole-adverbial {}; say Foo.new
06:40  GLRelia rakudo-moar 00a34b: OUTPUT«Foo.new␤»
06:40 +camelia rakudo-moar 5fb81f: OUTPUT«Foo.new␤»

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #103106] [BUG] Can't regex-match on a junction of strings in Rakudo

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Mon Nov 07 07:28:26 2011, masak wrote:
 masak rakudo: say foo  a nice old foo ~~ /foo/
 p6eval rakudo 95371a: OUTPUT«This type cannot unbox to a native
 string [...]
 masak b: say foo  a nice old foo ~~ /foo/
 p6eval b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«Bool::True␤»
 masak niecza: say foo  a nice old foo ~~ /foo/
 p6eval niecza v11-22-gbebf7a0: OUTPUT«all(#match from(0) to(3)
 text(foo) pos([].list) named({}.hash), #match from(11) to(14)
 text(foo) pos([].list) named({}.hash))␤»
 * masak submits rakudobug
 I'm not sure why b's output boolifies there. I like Niecza's result
 better. nom's error seems based on a misunderstanding -- the regexp
 matcher shouldn't be seeing a junction, because the junctional value
 should've autothreaded into individual strings at that point.

Behavior has changed, but not for the better:

07:32  [Coke] m: say foo  a nice old foo ~~ /foo/
07:32  GLRelia rakudo-moar ec355f: OUTPUT«␤»
07:32 +camelia rakudo-moar fd1612: OUTPUT«「all(Failure.new(exception = 
X::OutOfRange.new(what = Start argument to substr,
 got = 5, range = 0..3, comment = use *5 if you want to 
index relative to the end), backtrace =
 Backtrace.new), e o)」␤»

Note that while nom fails, glr doesn't match.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #117403] [BUG] .first on an infinite list generated with gather take is excruciatingly slow

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Wed Mar 11 20:16:11 2015, Mouq wrote:
 On Fri Mar 29 06:37:47 2013, thunderg...@comcast.net wrote:
  my @j := (0 .. *).list;
  say @j.first: {$^_  10};
  returns 11 in .01 seconds on my system
  my @l := gather map {take $_ }, 0 .. *;
  say @l.first: {$^_  10};
  returns 11 in 63.97 seconds on my system
 FWIW, on my system with perl6 version 2015.02-275-g3da1bbd built on
 MoarVM version 2015.02-49-gb5b5435, I get about 8 seconds for:
 perl6 -e'my @l := gather map {take $_ }, 0 .. *; say @l.first: {$_ 
 And about 1 second for:
 perl6 -e'my @j := (0 .. *).list; say @j.first: {$_  10}'
 I'm thinking this is less outrageous. This should probably be added to
 perl6-bench or something to ensure we don't regress. Once we have some
 kind of test in place, I think this ticket can be resolved.

on my OSX box on nom: real  0m4.393s, and real  0m0.532s

on glr, the first is now a syntax error:
second is slower with: real 0m1.643s
Will Coke Coleda

[perl #122716] [BUG] Segmentation fault when digging into the package namespace of a type capture in Rakudo

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sat Jan 24 14:17:53 2015, barto...@gmx.de wrote:
 The segfaults are mostly gone. Only on parrot there is a Null PMC
 Access, but only for two of the four examples. With said two examples
 there is an (non segfaulting) error on Moar and JVM as well:
 $ perl6 -e 'role S[::N] { N::x }'   ## no error on Moar, Parrot and
 $ perl6 -e 'sub foo(::N) { N::x }'  ## no error on Moar, Parrot and
 $ perl6-m -e 'my (::N); N::x'
 Cannot call method 'at_key' on a null object
   in block unit at -e:1
 $ perl6-j -e 'my (::N); N::x'
 Can not call method 'at_key' on a null object
   in block unit at -e:1
 $ perl6-p -e 'my (::N); N::x'
 Null PMC access in find_method('at_key')
   in block unit at -e:1
 $ cat 122716.pl6
 role Zero {
  constant count = 0;
 role Suc[::N] {
  constant count = 1 + N::count;
 subset _0 of Zero;
 subset _1 of Suc[Zero];
 subset _2 of Suc[_1];
 say Suc[Suc[Suc[Zero]]]::count;
 $ perl6-m 122716.pl6
 Cannot call method 'at_key' on a null object
 $ perl6-j 122716.pl6
 Can not call method 'at_key' on a null object
 $ perl6-p 122716.pl6
 Null PMC access in find_method('at_key')

With the segfaults gone, this bug report is closable. (For extra points, try to 
make sure that the failure mode is correct, but that's not mandatory to close 
the ticket.)

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #119339] Octal digits warn twice.

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Sun Feb 01 12:33:27 2015, b...@abrij.org wrote:
 Fresher test results: no duplicate warnings, NULL pointers in REPL
 under parrot and jvm but not moar.  Probably LTA to be telling the
 user to use '0o8' or '0o9'.
 NOTE: my perl6-p is Star.2014.12 and my perl6-j/m are built from star-
 $ perl6-p -e 'say 09'
 Potential difficulties:
 Leading 0 does not indicate octal in Perl 6; please use 0o9 if you
 mean that
 at -e:1
 -- say 09⏏EOL
 $ perl6-m -e 'say 09'
 Potential difficulties:
 Leading 0 does not indicate octal in Perl 6; please use 0o9 if you
 mean that
 at -e:1
 -- say 09⏏EOL
 $ perl6-j -e 'say 09'
 Potential difficulties:
 Leading 0 does not indicate octal in Perl 6; please use 0o9 if you
 mean that
 at -e:1
 -- say 09⏏EOL
 $ perl6-p
  say 09
 Null PMC access in get_string()
  say 09;
 Null PMC access in get_string()
  say 8
 $ perl6-m
  say 09
 Potential difficulties:
 Leading 0 does not indicate octal in Perl 6; please use 0o9 if you
 mean that
 at unknown file:1
 -- say 09⏏EOL
  say 9
 $ perl6-j
  say 09

This works as expected in the REPL and out. Can be closed with tests.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #121967] MOP example dated in Advent 2012 day 22

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Mon May 26 12:30:44 2014, david.warring wrote:
 Hi There,
  The following example is presented in
 sub log-calls($obj, Role $r) {
  my $wrapper = RoleHOW.new;
  for $r.^methods - $m {
  $wrapper.^add_method($m.name, method (|$c) {
  # print logging information
  # note() writes to standard error
  note  $m;
  # call the next method of the same name,
  # with the same arguments
  # the 'does' operator works just like 'but', but
  # only modifies a copy of the object
  $obj does $wrapper;
 This is pre-NOM and clearly dated. Role and RoleHOW just don't exist
 for starters.
 There just isn't a good example, or documentation anywhere that I can
 find, showing how to do this in 2014.
 I'd suggest maybe revisiting this topic in the 2014 advent posts.

Added this request for docs to the WANTED list under perl6/doc on github.

Closing ticket.
Will Coke Coleda

[perl #125940] Missed frame handler abort when returning from start { } in a sub

2015-08-29 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Rob Hoelz 
# Please include the string:  [perl #125940]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125940 

See the example code. 

The return in the start { ... } probably shouldn't compile.

Description: Binary data

[perl #123154] Stash values are all Mu

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Fri Nov 07 20:44:27 2014, r...@hoelz.ro wrote:
 .say for OUTER::OUTER::.values; # a bunch of Mus
 Shouldn't this be equivalent to my $stash = OUTER::OUTER::; .say for
 %stash.map({ %stash{$_} })?

I'm not sure that does what you think it does; Fixing the sigil typo, I get:

15:08  [Coke] m: .say for OUTER::OUTER::.values;
15:08 +camelia rakudo-moar 6a1879:

15:08  [Coke] m: my %stash = OUTER::OUTER::; .say for %stash.map({ %stash{$_}
15:08 +camelia rakudo-moar 6a1879: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value
 element of type Mu in string context  in block  at
 /tmp/bInF751r1z:1␤(Any)␤Use of uninitialized value element
 of type Mu in string context  in block  at
 /tmp/bInF751r1z:1␤(Any)␤Use of uninitialized value element
 of …»

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #123072] 'for' loop in sink context isn't invoking block in sink context

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Mon Oct 27 21:55:46 2014, pmichaud wrote:
 This is a reminder/placeholder ticket for a bug I found tonight while
 researching GLR-related topics.  A for loop executed in sink context
 isn't executing its block in sink context.  From #perl6:
 04:50 pmichaud m:  class Sinker { method sink() { say Blub } };
 my $i = 0; while $i  5 { $i++; Sinker.new(); }; 1
 04:50 camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Blub␤Blub␤Blub␤Blub␤Blub␤»
 04:50 pmichaud m:  class Sinker { method sink() { say Blub } };
 for ^5 { Sinker.new(); }; 1
 04:50 camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: ( no output )
 Earlier in the conversation:
 00:38 pmichaud ...which one is correct?  (post-GLR)
 00:41 pmichaud i.e., does a loop executed in sink context execute
 its body in sink context?
 03:16 TimToady pmichaud: why would a loop in sink context ever want
 a value from its loop body?
 03:16 TimToady I'm a bit surprised the 2nd one isn't sunk already
 03:21 TimToady well, not really, given what I know about internals
 04:39 pmichaud TimToady: I'm not surprised the second one isn't sunk
 already; sink context in Rakudo is (still) somewhat inconsistently
 04:40 pmichaud Implementors sometimes remembered to throw away the
 values, but forgot to tell the values they were being thrown away.
 04:41 pmichaud anyway, I'll be looking at fixing that shortly
 The bug will likely be taken care of as part of the GLR; this ticket
 is to remind us that we need a test for it.  :)

behavior updated, consistent currently in nom and glr.

15:11  [Coke] m:  class Sinker { method sink() { say Blub } };  my $i = 0;
while $i  5 { $i++; Sinker.new(); }; 1
15:11 +camelia rakudo-moar 6a1879: OUTPUT«WARNINGS:␤Useless use of constant
 integer 1 in sink context (line 1)␤Blub␤Blub␤Blub␤Blub␤Blub␤»
15:11  GLRelia rakudo-moar a977dc: OUTPUT«WARNINGS:␤Useless use of constant
 integer 1 in sink context (line 1)␤Blub␤Blub␤Blub␤Blub␤Blub␤»
15:11  [Coke] m:  class Sinker { method sink() { say Blub } };  for ^5 {
Sinker.new(); }; 1
15:11 +camelia rakudo-moar 6a1879: OUTPUT«WARNINGS:␤Useless use of constant
 integer 1 in sink context (line 1)␤»
15:11  GLRelia rakudo-moar a977dc: OUTPUT«WARNINGS:␤Useless use of constant
 integer 1 in sink context (line 1)␤»

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #124082] [BUG] Num doesn't have a Range coercer

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Mon Mar 16 05:01:38 2015, hmbrand wrote:
 $ p6 -e'int.Range.say'
 $ p6 -e'int.Range.max.say'
 $ p6 -e'Int.Range.say'
 $ p6 -e'Int.Range.max.say'
 $ p6 -e'Num.Range.say'
 No such method 'Range' for invocant of type 'Num'
   in block unit at -e:1
 $ p6 -e'my int $i = int.Range.max; $i.say'
 $ p6 -e'my Int $i = Int.Range.max; $i.say'
 Type check failed in assignment to '$i'; expected 'Int' but got 'Num'
   in block unit at -e:1
 $ p6 -e'Inf.WHAT.say'
 $ p6 -e'Inf.Int.WHAT.say'

15:37  [Coke] m: Int.Range.say; Num.Range.say;
15:37 +camelia rakudo-moar 6a1879: OUTPUT«-Inf..Inf␤-Inf..Inf␤»
15:37  GLRelia rakudo-moar a057dd: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
15:38  [Coke] ^^ There's another GLR bug.

So, this exists now... but it's broken in GLR.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #123678] [PATCH] Use TAP::Harness for t/harness instead of Test::Harness

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Mon Jan 26 15:02:24 2015, flusse...@gmail.com wrote:
 I saw some LHF in the test harness code and had a go at improving it.
 Doesn't add noticeable spectest speedups, sorry (just prettier code :)

Apologies for the delay in replying. Pull requests to github get -slightly- 
better turnaround time.

TAP::Harness was introduced in 5.10.1 - I'm pretty sure our current perl5 build 
requirement is 5.10.0 - I'm not sure if we are ready to bump that up.

Additionally, this patch no cleanly applies.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #123678] [PATCH] Use TAP::Harness for t/harness instead of Test::Harness

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Mon Jan 26 15:02:24 2015, flusse...@gmail.com wrote:
 I saw some LHF in the test harness code and had a go at improving it.
 Doesn't add noticeable spectest speedups, sorry (just prettier code :)

Apologies for the delay in replying. Pull requests to github get -slightly- 
better turnaround time.

TAP::Harness was introduced in 5.10.1 - I'm pretty sure our current perl5 build 
requirement is 5.10.0 - I'm not sure if we are ready to bump that up.

Additionally, this patch no longer cleanly applies.

Will Coke Coleda

[perl #113042] [BUG] [WEIRD] LTA internals-leaky error message when doing 'for our $:: ();' in Rakudo

2015-08-29 Thread Will Coleda via RT
On Tue Oct 28 15:16:43 2014, barto...@gmx.de wrote:
 The internal error message has changed slightly (but is still LTA):
 $ perl6-m -e 'for our $:: ()'
 MVMArray: Index out of bounds
 $ perl6-p -e 'for our $:: ()'
 QRPA: index out of bounds
 $ perl6-j -e 'for our $:: ()'
 VMArray: Index out of bounds
 STD complains about a missing block:
 $ viv -c -e 'for our $:: ()'
 Missing block at (eval) line 1 (EOF):
 -- for our $:: ()⏏EOL
 expecting initializer
 Parse failed
 But it looks as if the problem ('Index out of bounds') is not related
 to the for loop:
 $ perl6-m -e '$::'
 MVMArray: Index out of bounds
 With other sigils the same error occurs:
 $ perl6-m -e '@::'
 MVMArray: Index out of bounds
 $ perl6-m -e '::'
 MVMArray: Index out of bounds
 STD gives 'syntax OK for those three. Especially it seems to parse
 '$::' the same way as '$'.

New behavior:

15:55  [Coke] r: for our $:: ();
15:55 +camelia rakudo-{moar,jvm} 6a1879: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while
 compiling /tmp/tmpfile␤Signatures as constraints on variables
 not yet implemented. Sorry. ␤at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤-- for our
 $:: ()⏏;␤»
15:55  GLRelia rakudo-moar 287360: OUTPUT«(timeout)»

15:56  [Coke] m: $::
15:56 +camelia rakudo-moar 6a1879: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling
 /tmp/qyCyFL1Z6t␤Variable '$' is not declared␤at
 /tmp/qyCyFL1Z6t:1␤-- BOL⏏$::␤»
15:56  GLRelia rakudo-moar 287360: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling
 /tmp/chCtyvb9XT␤Variable '$' is not declared␤at
 /tmp/chCtyvb9XT:1␤-- BOL⏏$::␤»
Will Coke Coleda