Re: Need Inline::Perl5 help

2017-03-05 Thread ToddAndMargo


   This is my notes on Inline::Perl5.  I hope this is useful to others.



# Inline::Perl5 test
# Reference:

use Inline::Perl5;
use Term::ANSIColor:from;

# my $Red   = Term::ANSIColor.RED;
# my $Reset = Term::ANSIColor.RESET;
my $Red   = color('red');
my $Reset = color('reset');

print "High Level method:\n";
print $Red ~ "--Red--" ~ $Reset ~ "\n\n";

print "Low Level method:\n";
my $P5Color =;
$P5Color.use( 'Term::ANSIColor' );
my $ResetColor = "RESET";
print ( $ 'Term::ANSIColor::GREEN' ) ~
"Red\n" ~
$ "Term::ANSIColor::$ResetColor" ) ~
"\n" );

my $p6str = "Perl 6 String";
my $perl5colors =;
use Term::ANSIColor qw [ BLUE RESET ];
print "p5 term with color\n" .
BLUE . "I am blue\n" .
"$p6str" . RESET . "\n\n";

print "\'run\' method:\n";
my $perl5 =;
$ ' print "Perl 5\' local time is " . localtime . "\n\n"; ' );

print "Test of return values\n";
my $RetStr =;
print ${ return ( "P5 return string\n\n" ) });

Re: Need Inline::Perl5 help

2017-03-05 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 03/05/2017 09:05 PM, Brock Wilcox wrote:

Looks like Term::ANSIColor does weird things with exported constants --
they are some sort of constant-function rather than simple strings. Here
is an alternate usage that does what you want:

use Inline::Perl5;
use Term::ANSIColor:from ;

my $Red   = color('red');
my $Reset = color('reset');
print ( $Red ~ "--Red--" ~ $Reset ~ "\n\n" );

You can also refer to this function with Term::ANSIColor::color(...).


Thank you!
Having been erased,
The document you're seeking
Must now be retyped.

Re: Need Inline::Perl5 help

2017-03-05 Thread Brock Wilcox
Looks like Term::ANSIColor does weird things with exported constants --
they are some sort of constant-function rather than simple strings. Here is
an alternate usage that does what you want:

use Inline::Perl5;
use Term::ANSIColor:from ;

my $Red   = color('red');
my $Reset = color('reset');
print ( $Red ~ "--Red--" ~ $Reset ~ "\n\n" );

You can also refer to this function with Term::ANSIColor::color(...).


On Sat, Mar 4, 2017 at 1:15 AM, ToddAndMargo  wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to write myself an example of how
> to use Inline::Perl5  (yes, I know there is a way
> to write in color in Perl 6).
> I also have a low level test(.use), which I am not
> showing, as it works.
> I am doing this in an Xfce 4.12 (Linux) "Terminal".
> #!/usr/bin/perl6
> use Inline::Perl5;
> use Term::ANSIColor:from;
> my $Red   = Term::ANSIColor.RED;
> my $Reset = Term::ANSIColor.RESET;
> print ( $Red ~ "--Red--" ~ $Reset ~ "\n\n" );
> Term::ANSIColor--Red--Term::ANSIColor
> ^^  is printing in red
>   ^^^ is back to black
> Why is it printing out "Term::ANSIColor"?
> Many thanks,
> -T
> Yesterday it worked.
> Today it is not working.
> Windows is like that.

Re: clipboard and ps questions?

2017-03-05 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 02/17/2017 06:38 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

1)  Is there a reliably Perl 6 way to copy things to the
clipboard?  (Perl 5 has a module, but it is unreliable
and I have to make a system call.)

In Linux, OS::Clipboard is using xclip and is writing to the
"mouse over" and "center click" clipboard, not the ctrl-c/v
clipboard.  I wrote him about the issue over on

A quick tutorial on xclip that I wrote myself for the do-it-

  xclip Reference:

  to write to the secondary clipboard ()
  echo abc | xclip -selection clipboard

  to read from the secondary clipboard ()
  xclip -selection clipboard -o

  to write from the primary clipboard  (mouse over)
 echo xyz | xclip -selection primary -o

  to read from the primary clipboard  (center click)
 xclip -selection primary -o

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

[perl #130924] [BUG] wrong results for huge double-roped strings

2017-03-05 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Zoffix Znet 
# Please include the string:  [perl #130924]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

Expected proper char count or an exception:

16:29   IOninja m: (("a" x 100) x 1073741824).chars.say
16:29   camelia rakudo-moar 9cec31: OUTPUT: «0␤»

16:31   IOninja m: (('a' x 100) x 100).chars.say
16:31   camelia rakudo-moar 22f43d: OUTPUT: «3567587328␤»

[perl #130923] [BUG] diacritics on Format characters

2017-03-05 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Zefram 
# Please include the string:  [perl #130923]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

> "\x[200b,308]".chars

Here I've put an umlaut on a zero-width space, making a single grapheme.
This is a bug: these codepoints do not form a single grapheme cluster.
U+200b has General_Category=Format, so per UAX #29 qualifies as
Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Control, so should always have a grapheme cluster
break after it, regardless of the following character.


[perl #130922] [BUG] grapheme cluster doesn't include Indic prefixed consonants

2017-03-05 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Zefram 
# Please include the string:  [perl #130922]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

> "\x[111c2,111c4]".chars

The above is erroneous: these two codepoints make up a single extended
grapheme cluster.  U+111c2 "Sharada sign jihvamuliya" has the property
Indic_Syllabic_Category=Consonant_Prefixed, which per UAX #29 makes it a
Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Prepend, which means that it falls under rule GB9b,
so there should not be an extended grapheme cluster break following it
(except when what follows is a control character or end of text).

Strangely, the rule about Prepend characters doesn't seem to be being
entirely ignored.  It is taking effect if the following character is
also a Prepend:

> "\x[111c2,111c3]".chars
