Re: AW: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-08 Thread Damian Conway
Christian Renz wrote:

Now, I might be stupid, but I keep asking myself what you would need a
property for in this example.

Yes. It's important to remember that the shiny new hammer of properties
is not necessarily the appropriate tool to beat on *every* problem. :-)


Re: 'my int( 1..31 ) $var' ?

2003-01-05 Thread attriel
>> If I have "0", it's possible I might at some point (this having been
>> user input perhaps) have some reason to care whether it was an integer
>> or a string.
> How would the user distinguish when providing the input?  The Perl 5

having slept now, the same thought occurs to me ... I think I wasthinking
of the user typing "0" to show that they're putting it in in string
context ... but then the variable would hold ""0"" ... which seems like
it'd solve the problem itself, at that point, since a user defined entity
can now /\"\d+\"/ to find out if it's built that way even if it does
collapse back to a number

>> I know I hate the fact that, in almost every lang I use, adding the
>> strings "014" and "231" requires me to do ' "" + string1 + "" +
>> string2 '
> Fortunately Perl isn't one of those languages.  In general you need for

I should learn not to read/respond when i'm tired :o  I was thinking of
all the Java & JS I've been doing the last couple weeks.  Perl I'd just do
"$a$b" and be done with it.

>> ... I imagine there might exist cases where the information is useful
>> ...
> I'm struggling to think of any -- if you come up with some please could
> you mail them so I can understand your viewpoint better.  Needing to
> know about this kind of thing strikes me as most unPerlish.

Yeah, since the user would have to in some way dicatate that it was a
string value (typing "0" or such), the code will actually receive enough
information to build that if the programmer wants it.  And I have ZERO
idea what I was thinking of as a "useful case" ... But since it is
user-garnerable information, and no cases are springing to mind, I retract
my earlier comments and say that it might be interesting in some case, but
in the same case it is feasible to simply allow the programmer to generate
it rather than killing ops generating it automatically ...


(I'll quit posting just before I go to bed now :o)

Re: 'my int( 1..31 ) $var' ?

2003-01-05 Thread Smylers
Attriel wrote:

> Well, in general I think it would be good to have some mechanism for
> determining the type of the data rather than the type of a
> representation of the contained value.

Why?  One of the nice things about Perl is that coercian takes care of
these kind of things so that you don't have to worry about them.  If you
pass a string containing a sequence of digit characters when an integer
is expected, Perl just works it out.

> If I have "0", it's possible I might at some point (this having been
> user input perhaps) have some reason to care whether it was an integer
> or a string.

How would the user distinguish when providing the input?  The Perl 5
ways of reading input -- whether from the keyboard, a file, or a form on
a webpage -- yield strings.  Even if the user thinks she has provided an
integer, the program gets a string (but that doesn't matter).

For validation purposes things like Regexp::Common are currently handy
for determining whether provided input can be treated as a number or an
integer or whatever.  Perl 6's ability to use its own grammar rules
should make those kinds of things considerably easier.

> I know I hate the fact that, in almost every lang I use, adding the
> strings "014" and "231" requires me to do ' "" + string1 + "" +
> string2 '

Fortunately Perl isn't one of those languages.  In general you need for
either variables or operators to be typed.  JavaScript has problems with
untyped variables and addition/concatenation; PHP has problems with
string/numeric comparisons.

Many languages 'solve' this problem by ensuring all variables have
types.  Perl goes the other way and ensures operators are sufficiently
typed, having C<+> and C<.>, and C and C<< < >>.  Perl 5 fell down
in having the bitwise operators behave differently with numbers and
strings; Perl 6 fixes this by having different operators for each

So the type that data has previously been (albeit possibly only in the
mind of the user who entered it) isn't particularly useful; if the data
can be coerced to that type (or any other required type), then that is

> ... I imagine there might exist cases where the information is useful
> ...

I'm struggling to think of any -- if you come up with some please could
you mail them so I can understand your viewpoint better.  Needing to
know about this kind of thing strikes me as most unPerlish.


Re: 'my int( 1..31 ) $var' ?

2003-01-04 Thread attriel
>> print "date" if $var.isa(int);
>> print "date" if isa $var: int;
>> print "date" if $var ~~ int;
>> Those should all work.  IMO the first reads the best.  That will also
>> work for Cs, as C is a subclass of C (I think).
> These only determine if $var is of type int or Int.  However:
> my $var = 0;
> # or my $var = "0";
> # or my int $var = 0;
> # or my num $var = 0;
> # all 4 cases should print "is integer"
> print "is integer" if int $var == $var;
> This should work as a more generic method to test Integer *value*,
> rather than type, which IMHO is more useful (and more commonly wanted).

Well, in general I think it would be good to have some mechanism for
determining the type of the data rather than the type of a representation
of the contained value.  If I have "0", it's possible I might at some
point (this having been user input perhaps) have some reason to care
whether it was an integer or a string.

I know I hate the fact that, in almost every lang I use, adding the
strings "014" and "231" requires me to do ' "" + string1 + "" + string2 '
since if I 'string1 + string2' I get  integer addition and end up with a
single number 245, or '"" + string1 + string2' becomes the string "245". 
I've come to accept it, and I realize that 'var-typed(string1) +
var-typed(string2)' takes more characters, looks uglier, and is generally
more annoying in all ways for that problem, but I imagine there might
exist cases where the information is useful ...

I suppose it could be stored at input time as a ... variable property (?)
that the program sets, but once it's read, I'm not sure the information
exists in any meeans to produce the information FOR the property, so it
would have to be set in the input functions themselves ...

Admittedly, the value-type is goin to be more interesting in a large
majority of the cases, so it probably SHOULD continue being the default
low-effort result ...

I had a point.  I think I made it in there.


Re: AW: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-04 Thread Christian Renz
Now, I might be stupid, but I keep asking myself what you would need a
property for in this example. To me, it totally confuses the
underlying structure. When was the last time you asked an integer to
identify itself as a valid credit card number? 

It is _not_ a property of the integer that it is a valid cc number,
rather it happens that it will be accepted as valid _by a certain
authority_. So why not go and ask the authority? Compare the case to a
phone number -- the phone number itself doesn't know if its valid. You
could only check a certain format (if e.g. in the USA, in Germany,
that would be very hard). To check the validity, query a directory
server or ask a phone to dial the number. Don't check the number

To provide even stronger evidence against using properties, consider
the fact that a credit card number will only be accepted with an
expiration date and -- with good merchants -- the three or four-digit
security code on the back of the card. Now you're up to doing
something like

   # funky syntax ahead
   my $cc = [ num => "8765 4321", expdate => "0799", code => "123" ];
   # do magic
   # ...
   print "I'm rich!" if $cc.prop{CreditCard("CAMELCARD")};

Ouch! I may be conservative, but again I think you should go and ask
the authority (ie., a validation service). The authority in this case
probably is already encapsulated in a CPAN module and could look like

   use CreditCard::Validation;
   deduct(10_000_000) if validate($number, $expdate, "PERLIAN EXPRESS");

or something like

   use CreditCard::Validation qw(ISA CAMELCARD MONKSCLUB);
   deduct(10_000_000) if validate($number, $expdate, $bankcode);

depending on your tastes. Yep, it doesn't use funky perl 6 syntax, but
it SWIMs (Says What I Mean, ie. it is readable).



"If God were a Kantian, who would not have us till we came to Him from
the purest and best motives, who could be saved?"
   -- C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain

Re: AW: AW: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-04 Thread John Williams
On Sun, 5 Jan 2003, Murat Ünalan wrote:
> > Properties *can* be smart-matched:
> >
> > print "creditcard" if $var.prop().{CreditCard} ~~ 'VISA';
> > or:
> > print "creditcard" if $var.prop{CreditCard} ~~ 'VISA';
> > or:
> > print "creditcard" if $var.CreditCard ~~ 'VISA';
> >
> I think this is similar to "John Williams" suggestion:
>  print "creditcard" if CreditCard( $var ) eq 'VISA';

Well, no.  In my suggestion, CreditCard is a sub which checks whether $var
is a valid credit card, returning the card type.

In Damian's example, he is assuming $var already has a property assigned
to it called CreditCard possibly containing the value 'VISA'.  So his has
less processing they either of ours.

The problem I see with:

>   print "creditcard" if $var ~~ CreditCard( 'VISA' );

is that CreditCard does not know what $var is.  Even if you overload the
smartmatch operator on $var's class, it is still comparing $var with the
value returned from CreditCard.

>  sub CreditCard
>  {
>   #connect to a "specific" database (VISA, MASTERCARD, ..)
>   #compare with "non-blocked or valid" cards
>  }
> Excerpt: My concept is to have a twofold view about "properties". One
> thing that is attributing a type during decleration, and something that
> could verified against in other context. All my thinking on that
> orginates from Damians Attribute::Type.
> Hopefully i do not confuse you too much.

A sub is not a property.  It might be a method, which could sometimes look
like a property (as in Damian's third example), but you have strayed so
far away from properties that you are talking about something else now.

~ John Williams

AW: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-04 Thread Murat Ünalan
> Why should you care? Perl 6 isn't going to be that strictly 
> typed, is it?

Not even optional ?


AW: AW: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-04 Thread Murat Ünalan
> Properties *can* be smart-matched:
>   print "creditcard" if $var.prop().{CreditCard} ~~ 'VISA';
> or:
>   print "creditcard" if $var.prop{CreditCard} ~~ 'VISA';
> or:
>   print "creditcard" if $var.CreditCard ~~ 'VISA';
> Damian

I think this is similar to "John Williams" suggestion:

 print "creditcard" if CreditCard( $var ) eq 'VISA';

It is something different to scan a database of card types and return a
list of possible matches, instead
of just testing one requested card type. What if CreditCard is such a

 sub CreditCard
#connect to a "specific" database (VISA, MASTERCARD, ..)
#compare with "non-blocked or valid" cards 


 sub CreditCard
#cycle through all 800 CreditCard types and return matches

Then Damians suggetion

>   print "creditcard" if $var.CreditCard ~~ 'VISA';

could mean heavy processing, but

print "creditcard" if $var ~~ CreditCard( 'VISA' );

would be short work.

Excerpt: My concept is to have a twofold view about "properties". One
thing that is attributing a type during decleration, and something that
could verified against in other context. All my thinking on that
orginates from Damians Attribute::Type.

Hopefully i do not confuse you too much.


Re: AW: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-04 Thread Damian Conway
Murat Ünalan wrote:

print "creditcard" if $var ~~ CreditCard( 'VISA' );

Brought to a point: Properties could be also smart matched.

Properties *can* be smart-matched:

	print "creditcard" if $var.prop().{CreditCard} ~~ 'VISA';
	print "creditcard" if $var.prop{CreditCard} ~~ 'VISA';
	print "creditcard" if $var.CreditCard ~~ 'VISA';


Re: AW: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-04 Thread John Williams
On Sat, 4 Jan 2003, Murat Ünalan wrote:
>  print "creditcard" if $var == CreditCard( 'VISA' );
> wich should do a mod10 on $var and then match a regex or something.
> I think one could say "CreditCard( 'VISA' )" is then the property. And
> after
> reading further seeing it could be smart matched like:
>  print "creditcard" if $var ~~ CreditCard( 'VISA' );
> Brought to a point: Properties could be also smart matched.

Wouldn't it be easier to say:

  print "creditcard" if CreditCard( $var ) eq 'VISA';

~ John Williams

AW: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-04 Thread Murat Ünalan
> my $var = 0;
> # or my $var = "0";
> # or my int $var = 0;
> # or my num $var = 0;
> # all 4 cases should print "is integer"
> print "is integer" if int $var == $var;
> This should work as a more generic method to test Integer 
> *value*, rather than type, which IMHO is more useful (and 
> more commonly wanted).

I agree. And i found an interesting thread about that in comp.object


AW: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-04 Thread Murat Ünalan
> > In the above case int($var) == $var returns true when I 
> would want it 
> > to return false.
> print "date" if $var.isa(int);
> print "date" if isa $var: int;
> print "date" if $var ~~ int;
> Those should all work.  IMO the first reads the best.  That 
> will also work for Cs, as C is a subclass of C 
> (I think).
> Luke

and that should also work

print "date" if $var ~~ PropertyDate( 'monthday' );

smart match against a property. 'isa' wouldn't help then ?


AW: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-04 Thread Murat Ünalan
> > It's also far slower. Constructing a 31-element list, junctionizing 
> > it,
> This might well be done at compile-time. And/or, lazily. So 
> the cost of these two steps is likely to be negligible.
> > then testing against each element vs. 2 numeric comparisons.
> Yes. That's a significant cost in this case.

My example was bad. I intended something with more behind it.

 print "creditcard" if $var == CreditCard( 'VISA' );

wich should do a mod10 on $var and then match a regex or something.

I think one could say "CreditCard( 'VISA' )" is then the property. And
reading further seeing it could be smart matched like:

 print "creditcard" if $var ~~ CreditCard( 'VISA' );

Brought to a point: Properties could be also smart matched.


Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-04 Thread Simon Cozens
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joe Gottman) writes:
> In the above case int($var) == $var returns true when I would want it to
> return false.

Why should you care? Perl 6 isn't going to be that strictly typed, is it?

I wish my keyboard had a SMITE key
-- J-P Stacey

Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-04 Thread Joseph F. Ryan
Luke Palmer wrote:

>>> From: "Joe Gottman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 22:25:16 -0500
>>> "JG" == Joe Gottman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>   JG>   Speaking of which, is there a run-time test to check if a variable
>>>   JG>   is of
>>>   JG>  integral type?  Something like
>>>   JG>  print "date" if ($var is int) && (1 <= $var <= 31);
>>> the old standby is:
>>> int( $var ) == $var
>>I'm not sure if this works.
>> my $var = "0";  # Notice the quotation marks
>> print "is integer" if (int($var) == $var);
>> In the above case int($var) == $var returns true when I would want it to
>> return false.

Why?  It returns true in perl5; 0 certainly is an integer value.

> print "date" if $var.isa(int);
> print "date" if isa $var: int;
> print "date" if $var ~~ int;
> Those should all work.  IMO the first reads the best.  That will also
> work for Cs, as C is a subclass of C (I think).

These only determine if $var is of type int or Int.  However:

my $var = 0;
# or my $var = "0";
# or my int $var = 0;
# or my num $var = 0;

# all 4 cases should print "is integer"
print "is integer" if int $var == $var;

This should work as a more generic method to test Integer *value*,
rather than type, which IMHO is more useful (and more commonly wanted).

This message was sent using the Webmail System hosted by OARDC Computing Services  --

Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Luke Palmer
> From: "Joe Gottman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 22:25:16 -0500
> > > "JG" == Joe Gottman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >   JG>   Speaking of which, is there a run-time test to check if a variable
> is of
> >   JG>  integral type?  Something like
> >
> >   JG>  print "date" if ($var is int) && (1 <= $var <= 31);
> >
> > the old standby is:
> >
> > int( $var ) == $var
> >
>I'm not sure if this works.
> my $var = "0";  # Notice the quotation marks
> print "is integer" if (int($var) == $var);
> In the above case int($var) == $var returns true when I would want it to
> return false.

print "date" if $var.isa(int);
print "date" if isa $var: int;
print "date" if $var ~~ int;

Those should all work.  IMO the first reads the best.  That will also
work for Cs, as C is a subclass of C (I think).


Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Joe Gottman

- Original Message -
From: "Uri Guttman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Joe Gottman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

> >>>>> "JG" == Joe Gottman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   JG>   Speaking of which, is there a run-time test to check if a variable
is of
>   JG>  integral type?  Something like
>   JG>  print "date" if ($var is int) && (1 <= $var <= 31);
> the old standby is:
> int( $var ) == $var

   I'm not sure if this works.

my $var = "0";  # Notice the quotation marks
print "is integer" if (int($var) == $var);

In the above case int($var) == $var returns true when I would want it to
return false.

Joe Gottman

Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Uri Guttman
> "JG" == Joe Gottman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  JG>   Speaking of which, is there a run-time test to check if a variable is of
  JG>  integral type?  Something like

  JG>  print "date" if ($var is int) && (1 <= $var <= 31);

the old standby is:

int( $var ) == $var


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Stem and Perl Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding 
Search or Offer Perl Jobs
Damian Conway Perl Classes - January 2003 --

Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Joe Gottman

 - Original Message -
 From: "Mr. Nobody" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 1:58 PM
 Subject: Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

 > --- Smylers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > Murat Ünalan wrote:
 > >
 > > > print "date" if $var is int( 1..31 );
 > >
 > > I don't think that the type needs to be specified here, especially if
 > > the variable has already been declared to be of the required type, so a
 > > junction should be sufficient:
 > >
 > >   print "date" if $var == any(1 .. 31);
 > >
 > > Smylers
 > Superpositions in the core? You're kidding, right?
 > What's wrong with "if 1 <= $var <= 31"?

 For one thing they're not equivalent.

 my $var = 2.5;
 print "date" if $var == any(1..31);
 print "in interval" if 1 <= $var <= 31;

  Speaking of which, is there a run-time test to check if a variable is of
 integral type?  Something like

 print "date" if ($var is int) && (1 <= $var <= 31);

 Joe Gottman

Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Simon Cozens
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Damian Conway) writes:
> >
> > finds 141 articles.
> BTW, searching for "junctions" as well (i.e. the new name for the concept)
> adds an extra 70 or so articles.

Some of which are superimposed! :)

Oh, and Mr. Nobody - if you still don't think it's been argued against
properly, look at any one of my posts from those threads. :)

> I never thought I'd say this, but you're getting very strange.
Thank God: I thought it was everybody else.
- J-P Stacey

Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Damian Conway
Simon Cozens wrote:
finds 141 articles.

Thanks, Simon.

BTW, searching for "junctions" as well (i.e. the new name for the concept)
adds an extra 70 or so articles.


Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Damian Conway
Various folks wrote:

Superpositions in the core? You're kidding, right?

Nope. They're in (this week at least!)

What's wrong with "if 1 <= $var <= 31"?

...nothing.  If you like it, by all means use it.  But, (1) TIMTOWTDI,
(2) Smyler's version is more visually concise (although, granted, it
actually takes a few extra chars), (3) Smyler's version puts the
variable (the important thing in the expression) on the left instead
of the in the middle, and (4) IMHO, Smyler's version reads better as

It's also far slower. Constructing a 31-element list, junctionizing it,

This might well be done at compile-time. And/or, lazily. So the cost of these
two steps is likely to be negligible.

then testing against each element vs. 2 numeric comparisons. 

Yes. That's a significant cost in this case.

Wanting to do this for arbitrary lists dosen't need junctions. "if grep $_ ==
$var, @mylist" suffices.

Except that it's much uglier (and hence less maintainable) than:

	if $var == any(@mylist)

Moreover, in this case, junctions may well be faster, since they short-circuit and
C probably still doesn't.


Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Simon Cozens
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mr. Nobody) writes:
> I looked through the p6l archives, there really wasn't much discussion about
> it.
finds 141 articles.

An ASCII character walks into a bar and orders a double.  "Having a bad
day?" asks the barman.  "Yeah, I have a parity error," replies the ASCII
character.  The barman says, "Yeah, I thought you looked a bit off." 
-- from Skud

Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Mr. Nobody
--- Smylers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Storrs wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 10:58:49AM -0800, Mr. Nobody wrote:
> >
> > > --- Smylers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > > > junction should be sufficient:
> > > > 
> > > >   print "date" if $var == any(1 .. 31);
> > > 
> > > Superpositions in the core? You're kidding, right?
> Yeah, somehow they just slipped right in there without anybody on this
> mailing list really noticing -- and certainly without any long threads
> discussing the syntax for their operator incarnations and the knock-on
> effect that could have on other operators ...

I looked through the p6l archives, there really wasn't much discussion about

> > What's wrong with "if 1 <= $var <= 31"?
> > 
> > ...nothing.  If you like it, by all means use it.  But, (1) TIMTOWTDI,
> > (2) Smyler's version is more visually concise (although, granted, it
> > actually takes a few extra chars), (3) Smyler's version puts the
> > variable (the important thing in the expression) on the left instead
> > of the in the middle, and (4) IMHO, Smyler's version reads better as
> > English.

It's also far slower. Constructing a 31-element list, junctionizing it, then
testing against each element vs. 2 numeric comparisons. I know where my money

> Those are stylistic things, and to some degree a matter of taste.  More
> importantly the junction version -- or even better, the smartmatch
> version as pointed out by Chris Dutton -- work for arbitrary sets, not
> just ranges of consecutive values.

Wanting to do this for arbitrary lists dosen't need junctions. "if grep $_ ==
$var, @mylist" suffices.

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Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Smylers
David Storrs wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 10:58:49AM -0800, Mr. Nobody wrote:
> > --- Smylers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > junction should be sufficient:
> > > 
> > >   print "date" if $var == any(1 .. 31);
> > 
> > Superpositions in the core? You're kidding, right?

Yeah, somehow they just slipped right in there without anybody on this
mailing list really noticing -- and certainly without any long threads
discussing the syntax for their operator incarnations and the knock-on
effect that could have on other operators ...

> > What's wrong with "if 1 <= $var <= 31"?
> ...nothing.  If you like it, by all means use it.  But, (1) TIMTOWTDI,
> (2) Smyler's version is more visually concise (although, granted, it
> actually takes a few extra chars), (3) Smyler's version puts the
> variable (the important thing in the expression) on the left instead
> of the in the middle, and (4) IMHO, Smyler's version reads better as
> English.

Those are stylistic things, and to some degree a matter of taste.  More
importantly the junction version -- or even better, the smartmatch
version as pointed out by Chris Dutton -- work for arbitrary sets, not
just ranges of consecutive values.


Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Smylers
Chris Dutton wrote:

> On Friday, January 3, 2003, at 08:55 AM, Smylers wrote:
> > Murat Ünalan wrote:
> >
> > > print "date" if $var is int( 1..31 );
> >
> >   print "date" if $var == any(1 .. 31);
> I was under the impression the "smart match" operator would cover that 
> implicitly.

Ah, yes; of course it does.

> print "date" if $var =~ 1..31;
> Has this changed somewhere without my noticing it?

No -- I just forgot about it.  But now you bring it up, I do remember
that the symbol changed, so I think it should be:

  print "date" if $var ~~ 1..31;


Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Luke Palmer
> Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 12:06:24 -0500
> From: Chris Dutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Friday, January 3, 2003, at 12:00 PM, Chris Dutton wrote:
> > print "date" if 1..31 given $var;
> Except that this would always be true.  Nevermind, I'm an idiot.

You're not such an idiot.  You just got one word wrong:

print "date" when 1..31 given $var;

There is definitely postfix C. C, and C are postfix,
so I don't see why C wouldn't be.  Miko seems to want it
enough.  But, in accordance with Larry's "Nope, still can't chain
[postfix conditions,]" this would not be very useful.  Hopefully he'll
reconsider whether you can chain them or not? :)


Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread David Storrs
On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 10:58:49AM -0800, Mr. Nobody wrote:
> --- Smylers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > junction should be sufficient:
> > 
> >   print "date" if $var == any(1 .. 31);
> Superpositions in the core? You're kidding, right?
> What's wrong with "if 1 <= $var <= 31"?

My understanding was that junctions were most definitely in the core.  

As to what's wrong with the example you give...nothing.  If you like
it, by all means use it.  But, (1) TIMTOWTDI, (2) Smyler's version is
more visually concise (although, granted, it actually takes a few
extra chars), (3) Smyler's version puts the variable (the important
thing in the expression) on the left instead of the in the middle, and
(4) IMHO, Smyler's version reads better as English.


Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Mr. Nobody
--- Smylers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Murat Ünalan wrote:
> > print "date" if $var is int( 1..31 );
> I don't think that the type needs to be specified here, especially if
> the variable has already been declared to be of the required type, so a
> junction should be sufficient:
>   print "date" if $var == any(1 .. 31);
> Smylers

Superpositions in the core? You're kidding, right?

What's wrong with "if 1 <= $var <= 31"?

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Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Chris Dutton
On Friday, January 3, 2003, at 12:00 PM, Chris Dutton wrote:

print "date" if 1..31 given $var;

Except that this would always be true.  Nevermind, I'm an idiot.

Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Chris Dutton
On Friday, January 3, 2003, at 08:55 AM, Smylers wrote:

Murat Ünalan wrote:

print "date" if $var is int( 1..31 );

I don't think that the type needs to be specified here, especially if
the variable has already been declared to be of the required type, so a
junction should be sufficient:

  print "date" if $var == any(1 .. 31);

I was under the impression the "smart match" operator would cover that 

print "date" if $var =~ 1..31;

Has this changed somewhere without my noticing it?

Hmmm... thinking about another form of the above, I wonder... is there a 
postfix version of "given"?

print "date" if 1..31 given $var;

Re: "my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Smylers
Murat Ünalan wrote:

> print "date" if $var is int( 1..31 );

I don't think that the type needs to be specified here, especially if
the variable has already been declared to be of the required type, so a
junction should be sufficient:

  print "date" if $var == any(1 .. 31);


"my int( 1..31 ) $var" ?

2003-01-03 Thread Murat Ünalan
I have an idea !

Damian conway's Attribute::Types suggests
"my $date: INTEGER(1..31);" 

but i think 
"my int( 1..31 ) $date"

is more like a c++/java
"Integer date( 1, 31 );"

and a weddig of both should fit perl6 best. Would mean:

my int( 1..31 ) $var;

$date = 23;  # okay
$date = 32;  # KABOOM!

I have some additional idea, when someone dislikes the tie-like
behaviour: an explicit testing with

print "date" if $var is int( 1..31 );

I think this suggestion should had been packed into a RFC, but when
the RFC-process closed i was still in my perl baby-shoes.
