[perl #112276] [TODO] Implement 0-arg slurp in Rakudo

2012-04-05 Thread Carl Mäsak
# New Ticket Created by  Carl Mäsak 
# Please include the string:  [perl #112276]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: https://rt.perl.org:443/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=112276 

moritz p6: say $*IN.slurp.comb(/e/).elems
p6eval rakudo 4373f0, niecza v15-6-gefda208: OUTPUT«88␤»
masak r: say slurp.comb(/e/).elems
p6eval rakudo 4373f0: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤CHECK FAILED:␤Calling
'slurp' will never work with no arguments (line 1)␤Expected any of:␤
 :(Any $filename)␤»
masak how come lines() defaults to $*IN, but slurp() doesn't?
moritz not $*IN, $*ARGFILES
moritz ... and I don't know
masak they feel somehow analogous.
moritz agreed
* masak patches the spec
masak oh, and S32/IO already has it that way. it's just that Rakudo
doesn't implement it.
* masak submits rakudo todo-ticket
moritz masak: now spectesting a fix
masak moritz++

[perl #112288] [BUG] Non-deducible sequence ending in a Whatever star fails to give an error in Rakudo

2012-04-05 Thread Carl Mäsak
# New Ticket Created by  Carl Mäsak 
# Please include the string:  [perl #112288]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: https://rt.perl.org:443/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=112288 

moritz r: say 1, 2, 6 ... *
p6eval rakudo 4373f0: OUTPUT«...␤»
moritz r: say 1, 2, 6 ... 10
p6eval rakudo 4373f0: OUTPUT«unable to deduce sequence [...]
masak moritz: what was that first one?
masak is this something out of RT?
moritz it is
masak oh good :) it belongs there :)
moritz r: say ~(1, 2, 6 ... *)[10]
p6eval rakudo 4373f0: OUTPUT«␤»
moritz eeks
moritz no, that particular thing isn't in RT
* masak submits rakudobug

Re: [perl #112288] [BUG] Non-deducible sequence ending in a Whatever star fails to give an error in Rakudo

2012-04-05 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Thu, Apr 05, 2012 at 01:46:53PM -0700, Carl Mäsak wrote:
 moritz r: say ~(1, 2, 6 ... *)[10]
 p6eval rakudo 4373f0: OUTPUT«␤»
 moritz eeks
 moritz no, that particular thing isn't in RT
 * masak submits rakudobug

For the moment, I'm going to argue Rakudo's behavior here as 
correct, or at least consistent with the spec.

The sequence (1, 2, 6 ... *)  produces a list with
four elements:  1, 2, 6, and a Failure object containing
unable to deduce sequence.  This list is then asked for
its tenth element, which is Nil (because it's beyond the end
of the list), which is what is stringified and printed.

Since the Failure object is never used, its associated
exception is never thrown.

I suppose one could argue that a ... * sequence should produce
a non-terminating list of Failure objects; I may see if that
works out.

Along similar lines, the other mostly eager forms of trying 
to obtain the Failure end up not working because the ... * part 
of the sequence signals treat as potentially infinite at this
point, which pre-empts the mostly-eagerness.  

I agree that in most cases a mostly eager operation on a
infinite list should probably go ahead and reify a few terms
from the sequence first, rather than stopping immediately
(e.g. with '...') upon encountering it.  But I haven't found
a good bright-line rule for handling this in the general case,
nor do the Synopses have any good hints about it yet.
