Fwd: [perl #112676] SUPER does not seem to work

2012-05-03 Thread phiroc


I have tried most of the examples in the Wrap Chapter in S6, and I kept 
gettting a

Not enough positional parameters passed; got 0 but expected 1 error message.

Try the following code:

sub thermo ($t) { say t is $t in thermo; }  
thermo.wrap( { callwith( ($^t-32)/1.8 ) } );
say thermo(12);

Furthermore, temp is treated as a sub (!) (could not find sub 'temp').

For instance,

sub thermo ($t) { say t is $t in thermo; }  
#thermo.wrap( { callwith( ($^t-32)/1.8 ) } ); 
temp thermo.wrap( { callwith($^t + 273.16) } );
say thermo(12);



- Mail transféré -
De: phi...@free.fr
À: perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org
Envoyé: Lundi 30 Avril 2012 11:34:51
Objet: Re: [perl #112676] SUPER does not seem to work


the S6 and S12 docs are not very clear on how to use nextsame to call super 
methods, etc.

Could you please provide examples of how to call the superclass's constructor?
Furthermore, I can't get the below code to work.

Many thanks.

Best regards,


class cell {
has Int $.contents = 0;
class reCell is cell {
has Int $.backup = 0;
method new(Int $contents) {
backup = $contents;
contents = $contents;

my $reCell = reCell.new(contents = 2);

print $reCell.contents;

- Mail original -
De: Moritz Lenz via RT perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org
À: phi...@free.fr
Envoyé: Lundi 30 Avril 2012 09:44:48
Objet: [perl #112676] SUPER does not seem to work 

There is no SUPER. And the WALK syntax you are using is purely
imaginary, and not backed by the spec. See S06 for nextsame and friends
about how to do the stuff you want to do.

Re: [perl #112676] SUPER does not seem to work

2012-05-03 Thread phiroc

the S6 and S12 docs are not very clear on how to use nextsame to call super 
methods, etc.

Could you please provide examples of how to call the superclass's constructor?
Furthermore, I can't get the below code to work.

Many thanks.

Best regards,


class cell {
has Int $.contents = 0;
class reCell is cell {
has Int $.backup = 0;
method new(Int $contents) {
backup = $contents;
contents = $contents;

my $reCell = reCell.new(contents = 2);

print $reCell.contents;

- Mail original -
De: Moritz Lenz via RT perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org
À: phi...@free.fr
Envoyé: Lundi 30 Avril 2012 09:44:48
Objet: [perl #112676] SUPER does not seem to work 

There is no SUPER. And the WALK syntax you are using is purely
imaginary, and not backed by the spec. See S06 for nextsame and friends
about how to do the stuff you want to do.

Re: [perl #112716] [BUG] lines() isn't lazy in Rakudo

2012-05-03 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Tue, May 01, 2012 at 09:11:22AM -0700, Carl Mäsak wrote:
 tadzik r: for $*IN.lines - $line { say $line.lc }
 p6eval rakudo 4c241c: OUTPUT«land der berge, land am strome, [...]
 goraki tadzik: masak: when I run either I don't get any output until
 I hit ctrl-d to end the input.
 masak goraki: let my try locally.
 masak my gosh, you're right!
 * masak submits rakudobug
 masak lines() is supposed to be lazy.

Actually, as implemented lines() is already lazy:

pmichaud@kiwi:~/p6/rakudo$ ./perl6
 my @a := $*IN.lines().map( { .lc.say } ); 1;
 say @a[0]

The problem is actually in the .map code itself (I suspect
a misoptimization) -- when map is attempting to reify multiple
elements, it's batching up the required number of elements
before processing any of them:


The problem line is in src/core/MapIter.pm:

my $munched := $!list.munch($argc * $count);

This causes all of the requested elements of the source $!list to
be reified before any of them are processed, thus .map isn't
properly lazy.  This line was added as an optimization to make
some .map operations faster, but lost some of the lazy aspects
of map (as well as other things).

The correct approach is to make .munch sufficiently performant
over repeated calls (avoiding repeated shifts of the
underlying list structures), which I plan to take care of 


[perl #112724] Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context does not report line number

2012-05-03 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Siddhant Saraf 
# Please include the string:  [perl #112724]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: https://rt.perl.org:443/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=112724 

sisar r: my @a; @a[1] = 42; say @a;
+p6eval rakudo 7836d2: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Any in
string context  in method Str at src/gen/CORE.setting:670␤␤ 42␤»
sisar moritz: this ^ does not report the line no. Is this bug already
filed ?
sisar moritz: RT #67808 was a similar bug.
moritz sisar: I'ma aware of it. Not sure if it's in RT

Updated: parrot-4.3.0-1 and rakudo-star-201204-1

2012-05-03 Thread Reini Urban
I updated the Cygwin distributions of parrot-4.3.0-1,
rakudo-201204.1-1 (aka perl6) and rakudo-star-201204-1

These are stable, a so-called supported releases.

Canonical homepages:

Canonical downloads:

Packaging Details:
* blizkost (perl5 in perl6) is gone.
* winxed and nqp is new, parrot-nqp is an old version unfortunately
required to bootstrap.
  maybe we'll add a new nqp package somewhen.
* you need at least 2GB free RAM and an initialized rebase database to rebuild

New in parrot
See http://parrot.org/news/2012/Parrot-4.3.0
- Core
+ Winxed snapshot updated to 1.7.0
+ Add type introspection to lexical variables.
+ New 'tools/release/parrot_github_release.pl' script to automate
  updates to the 'parrot.github.com' and 'parrot-docsx' repositories.
+ Numerous casting and consting fixes thanks to GCC 4.8 .
- Documentation
+ Updated 'docs/projects/release_manager_guide.pod'
+ Updated 'docs/projects/release_parrot_github_guide.pod'
+ Improved function documentation.
- Tests
- Community
- Platforms
+ Fixed alignment issues on ia64, sparc and mipsel.
+ Fixed a platform-specific issue with dlclose().

rakudo release announcement:

* much improved startup time
* much more robust module precompilation
* autovivification for arrays and hashes is implemented again
* many phasers like PRE, POST and REDO are now implemented
* improved support for calling C functions and modelling structs and arrays
via NativeCall.pm6
* now includes modules URI, LWP::Simple, jsonrpc and Bailador (a Perl 6 port
of Dancer)

This release also contains a range of bug fixes, improvements to error
reporting and better failure modes. Many more exceptions are thrown
as typed exceptions.

notable incompatible changes from the previous releases:
* the ‘lib’ directory is not included in the default module search path
anymore. You can manipulate the search path with the PERL6LIB environment


To update your installation, click on the Install Cygwin now link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Once you've downloaded setup.exe, run it and select Editors
or Text and then click on the appropriate fields until the above
announced version numbers appear if they are not displayed already.

If your mirror doesn't yet have the latest version of this package after
24 hours, you can either continue to wait for that site to be updated or
you can try to find another mirror.

Please send questions or comments to the Cygwin mailing list at:

If you want to subscribe go to:

I would appreciate if you would use this mailing list rather than
emailing me directly.  This includes ideas and comments about the setup
utility or Cygwin in general.

If you want to make a point or ask a question the Cygwin mailing
list is the appropriate place.
Reini Urban
http://cpanel.net/   http://www.perl-compiler.org/