Re: [perl #130338] perl6 changes breaking code

2016-12-14 Thread mt1957


I've rebuild rakudo from the ground up. Version I get now is 
2016.11-236-g7b09bee built on MoarVM version 2016.11-41-gd2139b5 which 
looks better now. However, problem still exist. Can do for now with the 
unit package line before all use statements.

Re: [perl #130338] perl6 changes breaking code

2016-12-14 Thread mt1957


How did you build your Perl 6?

That version number looks suspicious. You say you're on 2016.11-238-g2f502b4, 
but the current HEAD/nom is 2016.11-226-g1d46004, 12 commits fewer than yours.

The most obvious answer is you're in possession of a time machine and are 
reporting bugs from the future. In which case, would you mind including this 
week's lottery numbers in your reply?

Let us know,
Thank you.

Well, it is one of those undocumented features of perl 6 :-) About the 
lottery: 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 ...

What I do is pulling rakudo directly from the repo like I did this 
morning(11:05 CET);

> git pull
remote: Counting objects: 159, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (21/21), done.
remote: Total 159 (delta 110), reused 102 (delta 102), pack-reused 35
Receiving objects: 100% (159/159), 47.58 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (113/113), completed with 32 local objects.
From git://
   5d6a8e9..7b09bee  nom-> origin/nom

> perl --gen-moar --backends=moar
> make test
> make install

After the installation
> perl6 -v
This is Rakudo version 2016.11-271-g416e83b built on MoarVM version 

What about this version? is it better? 40 commits further than 238. 
(maybe its a pull count instead of commit count ;-)

Thanks for all of your work everyone (I must say it somewhere someplace)