Re: [perl #36597] [PATCH]Dominance Frontiers

2005-07-29 Thread Curtis Rawls
Thanks for pointing this out.  I tracked the bug down, and it looks
like the dominator algorithm does not handle unreachable blocks
correctly, and the dominance frontier algorithm suffers for it.  Why
the unreachable blocks are generated in the first place might be an
interesting question for someone working on PGE.

I'll work on the dominator bug before applying the DF patch.

On 7/28/05, Will Coleda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The eval tests are failing with a pristine checkout so we can ignore
 those. Applying your patch to a pristine build yields only the
 backtrack.t failure: #2 eats 100% of the CPU until I kill it: it
 doesn't behave that way in svn-head.
 Looks like PerlString and String were red herrings. Should track down
 why p6rules is misbehaving with your patch, though.
 On Jul 28, 2005, at 1:55 PM, Will Coleda wrote:
  FYI, on OS X 10.4.2, I get:
  Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
  t/p6rules/backtrack.t1   256151   6.67%  2
  t/pmc/eval.t 3   768143  21.43%  12-14
  t/pmc/perlstring.t   1   256681   1.47%  61
  t/pmc/string.t   1   256351   2.86%  28
  I have some slight differences from svn-latest which of course
  shouldn't affect these tests. =-)
  On Jul 19, 2005, at 10:39 PM, Curtis Rawls (via RT) wrote:
  # New Ticket Created by  Curtis Rawls
  # Please include the string:  [perl #36597]
  # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
  # URL: 
  This patch adds support for dominance frontiers in imcc, including:
  -Array of Sets for dominance frontiers
  -An efficient algorithm described in A Simple, Fast Dominance
  Algorithm, Cooper et al. (2001)
  -Free and dump functions

Accessing Hash with strings/keys

2005-07-29 Thread Klaas-Jan Stol


I'm trying to extend the standard Hash PMC, if it returns None, 
because there was no value at the specified key, then I want to override 
this behaviour by returning something else. In order to do that, I 
should know what methods are called. That's where I'm running into 
trouble. I can just do a
   fprintf(stderr, signature);

to check if the method is called.
Now, when I do:

P0 = new .Hash
P1 = P0[42]


I0 = 42
P1 = P0[I0]

the method

   PMC *get_pmc_keyed_int(INTVAL)

gets called (as I would expect). So, I can just override this method, 
and if the return value of SUPER() is None, then I return my own stuff 
(nil to be exact). So, when I try to index the hash with a string like:

P1 = P0[hi]


S0 = hi
P1 = P0[S0]

I would expect the method

   PMC *get_pmc_keyed_str(STRING *)

gets called. It seems to me this is not the case. The same is true for 
indexing with a PMC:

P2 = new .Key
P2 = hello
P1 = P0[P2]

This should call (I think)

   PMC *get_pmc_keyed(PMC *)

Well, that would be logical, right? (I can't find any other suitable 
methods in hash.pmc that could be called, because the return value 
should be a PMC)

Anybody an idea what I'm doing wrong here?


Re: [perl #36677] Parrot cannot startup if STDERR or STDOUT is closed

2005-07-29 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Thu, Jul 28, 2005 at 12:31:33PM -0700, jerry gay via RT wrote:
 i've added a new test t/run/exit.t that checks parrot exit codes under
 different scenarios. the 8 subtests all pass on win32.

These tests pass, and yet:

$ perl -wle 'close STDOUT;  system parrot --version;  print STDERR $?  8'
Parrot IO: Failed init layer(unix).


It appears to be your redirect which is doing it.

$ perl -wle 'close STDOUT;  system parrot --version  /dev/null 21 ;  print 
STDERR $?  8'

It must be reopening STDERR and STDOUT.

Michael G Schwern [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ahh email, my old friend.  Do you know that revenge is a dish that is best 
served cold?  And it is very cold on the Internet!

Re: Accessing Hash with strings/keys

2005-07-29 Thread Leopold Toetsch

On Jul 29, 2005, at 10:38, Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:

Anybody an idea what I'm doing wrong here?

By far the simplest thing is either look at the opcode in 
ops/core_ops.c or use a debugger and set a breakpoint at the 
appropriate opcode, e.g.

Parrot_set_p_p_kc   (or _kic)

and step on from there

(The keyed_str variants are only used internally to avoid constructing 
key PMCs at runtime. For opcodes this isn't a problem because these key 
pmcs are created just once at PBC load tine)



Re: [perl #36597] [PATCH]Dominance Frontiers

2005-07-29 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Thu, Jul 28, 2005 at 03:39:33PM -0400, Andy Dougherty wrote:
 On Thu, 28 Jul 2005, Will Coleda wrote:
  Applying your patch to a pristine build yields only the backtrack.t failure:
  #2 eats 100% of the CPU until I kill it: it doesn't behave that way in
 I can confirm the backtrack #2 failure under SPARC/Solaris.  I can't say 
 what other tests may have changed; the script I had running the comparison 
 got stuck at backtrack.t and never finished.

Just to add to the picture -- I also tried applying df.patch to a fresh
checkout of parrot/trunk (r8727), and also observed the same problem
of getting stuck on test #2 in t/p6rules/backtrack.t .  (FWIW, I'm running
Fedora Core 4.)

Some additional investigation reveals that with df.patch applied it's 
the PIR compiler that is getting stuck.  I'm able to reproduce this
with the code below, which doesn't do anything useful other than 
demonstrate that the compiler gets stuck when one tries to compile:

$ cat x4.pir
.sub foo
print started\n
bsr R1
goto end
goto R2
if $I0 goto R2
bsr R2

$ parrot -t -v -o x4.pbc x4.pir
debug = 0x0
Reading x4.pir
using optimization '0' (0) 
Starting parse...

at which point the process is stuck until interrupted somehow.  

The problem seems to be with the exact goto/if/bsr sequence given in R1 --
remove any of them or reorder them and the code successfully compiles.

I completely grant that the specific sequence of statements that
trigger this problem is bizarre -- it only occurred in PGE because
of a missing optimization in PGE's code generator.  The cut operator 
(for backtracking control) generated a goto R2 statement to 
handle the cut, but then also generated the code that would've 
performed the backtracking had the cut not been present.  Note that
having the extra code after the goto doesn't change the syntactic
or semantic correctness at all -- it just causes the compiler to choke
somehow (when df.patch is applied).

I'll definitely fix PGE to not generate the unnecessary code
following the goto, but it seems to me that the compiler should
not hang on something like this in any case.

I'll be very happy to add the above PIR segment to the imcc test
suite if someone can tell me which imcc/t/*/*.t file it should go in.
Then I'll fix PGE to not generate the code it should not have 
been generating in the first place.  :-)

Hope this helps!


Re: [perl #36597] [PATCH]Dominance Frontiers

2005-07-29 Thread Leopold Toetsch

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

...  I'm able to reproduce this
with the code below

Good catch.

I'll be very happy to add the above PIR segment to the imcc test
suite if someone can tell me which imcc/t/*/*.t file it should go in.

Probably time to start a new subdir:


or some such.



[perl #36683] Test failures on OS X 10.3.9

2005-07-29 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Michael G Schwern 
# Please include the string:  [perl #36683]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

The latest parrot build is failing as follows on OS X 10.3.9.

Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/dynclass/gdbmhash.t   13  332813   13 100.00%  1-13
t/library/pcre.t 1   256 11 100.00%  1
t/pmc/eval.t 3   768143  21.43%  12-14

The full test output is attached.  This Parrot was built using fink's
perl 5.8.6 and fink's pcre (4.2) and gdbm (1.8.0) libraries.

Michael G Schwern [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you 
with 'til you understand who's in ruttin' command here. 
-- Jayne Cobb, Firefly
Compiling with:
cc -I/sw/include -fno-common -no-cpp-precomp -pipe -I/usr/local/include -pipe 
-fno-common -Wno-long-double -g -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes 
-Winline -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings 
-Waggregate-return -Winline -W -Wno-unused -Wsign-compare -Wformat-nonliteral 
-Wformat-security -Wpacked -Wdisabled-optimization -falign-functions=16 
-Wno-shadow -I./include -DHAS_JIT -DPPC -DHAVE_COMPUTED_GOTO -I. -o xx.o -c xx.c
bleadperl -e 'chdir shift @ARGV; system q{make}, @ARGV; exit $?  8;' docs
bleadperl -e '-d or mkdir $_,0777 or die foreach @ARGV' ops
bleadperl -e 'chdir shift @ARGV; system q{make}, @ARGV; exit $?  8;' 
bleadperl -e 'chdir shift @ARGV; system q{make}, @ARGV; exit $?  8;' 
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
bleadperl t/harness --gc-debug --running-make-test  t/library/*.t t/op/*.t 
t/pmc/*.t t/run/*.t t/native_pbc/*.t imcc/t/*/*.t t/dynclass/*.t t/p6rules/*.t 
t/src/*.t t/perl/*.t
# Failed test (t/library/pcre.t at line 33)
#  got: 'ok 1
# no extension: file 'libpcre'
# '
# expected: 'ok 1
# ok 2
# ok 3
# ok 4
# ok 5
# '
# './parrot  --gc-debug /usr/local/src/parrot/t/library/pcre_1.pir' failed 
with exit code 42
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.
Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay
all skipped: 64bit INTVAL platforms only
3/8 skipped: getline/setline changes not finished
2/2 skipped: no universal SIGFPE handling
1/18 skipped: Await exceptions
1/23 skipped: Pending some sort of lowercasing op
3/56 skipped: no stack limit currently
7/156 skipped: various reasons
2/13 skipped: various reasons
# Failed test (t/pmc/eval.t at line 358)
#  got: 'directory_pack segment 'BYTECODE_EVAL_1' used size 14 but 
reported 12
# '
# expected: 'hello from foo_1
# hello from foo_2
# '
# './parrot  --gc-debug /usr/local/src/parrot/t/pmc/eval_12.pir' failed with 
exit code 1

# Failed test (t/pmc/eval.t at line 402)
#  got: 'directory_pack segment 'BYTECODE_EVAL_1' used size 14 but 
reported 12
# '

[perl #36682] warning

2005-07-29 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Michael G Schwern 
# Please include the string:  [perl #36682]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

rsync'ing the latest parrot from and running configure on
OS X 10.3.9 using fink's perl 5.8.6 I get the following warning:

Generating build files..value for 'parrot_exe_def' in 
config/gen/makefiles/ is undef at lib/Parrot/Configure/ line 232, 
IN line 667.
value for 'ld_parrot_exe_def' in config/gen/makefiles/ is undef at 
lib/Parrot/Configure/ line 232, IN line 668.
value for 'cc_building_dynclass_flag' in config/gen/makefiles/ 
is undef at lib/Parrot/Configure/ line 232, IN line 34.

Michael G Schwern [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
-- Phillip K. Dick

Re: GMC for dummies

2005-07-29 Thread Ed Mooring
On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 10:33:37PM -0400, Bob Rogers wrote:
 This is sounding more and more like the CMUCL gencgc algorithm, which
 uses what I understand is a classic approach.  Instead of an IGP list,
 it write-protects all oldspace pages (hence my earlier question),
 unprotecting them transparently when one is stored into, so that it only
 needs to scan writable pages to look for newspace pointers.  It is my
 intuition that this would be less overhead than an IGP list, but I
 suspect this is data-dependent, and would take benchmarking to prove.

On a POSIX-ish OS, this approach involves a system call to change the
protection on each page, plus a signal handler that gets invoked whenever
such a page is stored into, and then another system call to unprotect the

 That's OK; if Leo believes it will work, then I'm sure it will.  My
 quibbles were about speed and complexity, and I don't want to distract
 you with unproven assertions about things that might not matter.

System calls aren't cheap, and page table manipulations are not
necessarilly cheap either. Whether this performance tradeoff is worth it
is going to be both OS- and processor-specific. It also lurches into the
realm of signal handlers, where POSIX guarantees very little behavior
that is portable behavior, but operating systems may allow much more,
but the allowed behaviors form an ever-changing and largely disjoint set.

In summary, just about any algorithm that avoids page table manipulations
and signal handlers is likely to be more portable, and will quite likely
be faster.
Ed M

Re: [perl #36677] Parrot cannot startup if STDERR or STDOUT is closed

2005-07-29 Thread Leopold Toetsch

Michael G Schwern (via RT) wrote:

Parrot cannot start up if either STDOUT or STDERR are closed.

Fixed in trunk - r8730

Now a Undef PMC is stored as the PIO STDxx PMC. This will give nice 
effects if you print something.


Re: [svn ci] (r8717) Win32 Dynclasses

2005-07-29 Thread Will Coleda


None of the tests are currently failing on OS X, though there are  
several TODOs hey. Many (All??) of the failing tests are TODOs:  
perhaps the test harness isn't happy about TODOs on win32, for some  

Do TODO tests report as passed in the core suite? If so, it's  
probably something with lib/Parrot/Test/ ...

Thanks for your work on this, Jonathan!

On Jul 28, 2005, at 4:11 PM, Jonathan Worthington wrote:


Dynclasses now work on Win32 when building Parrot with the MS  
Visual Studio compiler.  That means that all t\dynclass\*.t  
passes.  :-)

I've also (after ci'ing a fix to config/gen/makefiles/  
managed to build Partcl on Win32 and run the tests.  Here's what  
I'm seeing.

Failed Test   Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed

t\cmd_expr.t  433   6.98%  41-43
t\cmd_linsert.t51  20.00%  2
t\cmd_proc.t   41  25.00%  4
t\cmd_source.t 21  50.00%  1
t\cmd_string.t374  10.81%  16, 33-35
t\cmd_time.t   11 100.00%  1
t\tcl_backslash.t 162  12.50%  12, 14
t\tcl_command_subst.t 101  10.00%  10
t\tcl_misc.t  121   8.33%  12
t\tcl_pir_compiler.t   31  33.33%  3
Failed 10/39 test scripts, 74.36% okay. 16/266 subtests failed,  
93.98% okay.

Any problems, let me know.

Take care,


Re: [perl #36567] t/perl/Parrot_Docs.t doesn't clean up properly.

2005-07-29 Thread Andy Dougherty
On Fri, 15 Jul 2005, Chromatic wrote:

 On Fri, 2005-07-15 at 08:27 -0700, Andy Dougherty wrote:
  After running 'make test', Parrot leaves the following files lying around
  in /tmp.  I think there's from t/perl/Parrot_Docs.t.
  There are two problems:
  1.  Parrot should clean up after itself.
  2.  Parrot should probably pick directory names less 
  likely to collide with other legitimate uses of /tmp.
 Agreed.  This patch appears to fix #1.  If there are no objections in a
 day or two, I'll apply it.

Thanks.  Applied as revision 8731.

Andy Dougherty  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does it cost anything to use a big pmc everywhere?

2005-07-29 Thread Amir Karger
[Accidentally posted to Google Groups first]

I'm finally doing some work on Leo's PIR Z-machine interpreter. (I've
added about 15 opcodes to the 10 or so he started with. Luckily, he did
a lot of the infrastructure stuff that scared me as a PIR newbie. The
tester I wrote while developing Plotz passes 85 tests. Mostly.)

The compiler translates Z-code into PIR, then compiles and runs it. The
image of the Z-file (where the Z-machine stores its global variables
and other useful things) is stored in a global called Image. So if you
need to access one of the Z-machine's global variables, you emit code

.local pmc image
image = global 'Image'
.GET_WORD($I181 , image, 692)

where the last line is a macro that pulls the global variable out of
the Z-machine memory. But Leo was smart and, while translating, says to
only load image (i.e. to only output the first two lines) once per
Z-code subroutine.

Now here's the problem. My Z-code emitted code like this:

if $I17 == 3 goto L1234
.local pmc image
image = global 'Image'
.GET_WORD($I181 , image, 692)
print yes, blah
.GET_WORD($I182 , image, 692)

If $I17==3, then when we get to the second GET_WORD we exit with an
error because we don't know what image is.

So I think to avoid these problems I need to declare image at the top
of every Z-code sub. My question is, is there any cost associated with
always declaring this array holding 50-500K ints, other than having one
P register always full? Since everything else in the translated code is
integers  strings I'm not really worried about filling my P registers.
The only other option I can think of is keeping track of how my scopes
are nesting while translating, which sounds like a disaster.

This is what I get for trying to develop in PIR after ignoring the
mailing list for 6 months and not reading the basic docs.


-Amir Karger
It's better to write me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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