Re: the future of testing

2008-01-09 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Allison Randal wrote in perl.perl6.internals :
 In the Python test suite, there's a single global location to declare a 
 list of test files that are expected to be skipped on a particular 
 platform. This has a much cleaner feel than our own motley collection of 
 skip and todo markers in various test files.

That assumes that tests are skipped per file, which is not always the
case (sometimes you want to skip only one test, sometimes even to work
around an OS bug that appears only in one specific version). But
reorganizing platform-dependent tests might be a good idea.

I (mostly on behalf on P5P) would find it interesting to see how that
turns out to be implemented in parrot's test suite, so we can blatanly
copy the good ideas and avoid the pitfalls :)

The man does not exist who, outside his own specialty, is not credulous.
-- Borges

Re: RPMs

2007-05-24 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
David Fetter wrote in perl.perl6.internals :

 I've been wrestling with the .spec file to generate RPMs for parrot
 0.4.12, and so far, the .spec file is winning, so I figured I'd do
 what I always do when I'm losing: fight dirty and call in help :)

I think that Steven Pritchard has worked on RPMs for Fedora. See the
fedora-perl-devel-list, at Notably, he posted this specfile
there :

I asked for concrete usage cases, not for everyone's opinions.
-- Jeff Johnson in rpm-devel

Re: Safety and security

2004-03-25 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Larry Wall wrote in perl.perl6.internals :
 Do bear in mind that Perl can execute bits of code as it's compiling,
 so if a bit of code is untrustworthy, you shouldn't be compiling it
 in the first place, unless you've prescanned it to reject Cuse,
 CBEGIN, and other macro definitions, or (more usefully) have hooks
 in the compiler to catch and validate those bits of code before
 running them.  Doesn't do you much good to disallow
 eval 'system rm -rf /';
 at run time if you don't also catch
 BEGIN { system rm -rf /; }
 at compile time...

That's mostly what Perl 5's Safe is doing. Hence my previous comment.

The major flaw with this approach is that it's probably not going to
eval 'while(1){}'
eval '$x = take this! x 1_000_000'
or my personal favourite, the always funny 
eval 'CORE::dump()'
unless you set up a very restrictive set of allowed ops.

(in each case, you abuse system resources: CPU, memory or ability to
send a signal. I don't know how to put restrictions on all of these
in the general case...)

Re: and the history of the world

2004-03-16 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Larry Wall wrote in perl.perl6.internals :
 Not using metaconfig (or something like it) would be the biggest
 mistake.  It's actually next to impossible to maintain something like
 a Configure script directly.

Actually as parrot already uses IIUC variables set up by Configure,
I think one could drop the or something like it. The biggest drawback
of Configure is that it's UNIX-centric. But it's yet impressively
portable and backwards-compatible (ask any Richard Clamp).

[Some time ago Raphael Manfredi, bored by the autocrap tools (as he
names it) expressed the intent to work on metaconfig again, but then he
disappeared again.]

Re: parrotbug working...

2004-03-05 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Jerome Quelin wrote in perl.perl6.internals :
 But what should those addresses do when receiving a message?
 - parrotbug: should open a RT ticket?
 - status-ok: ?
 - status-nok: should open a RT ticket?

Excuse me from stepping in, but I don't see why three adresses are
necessary. From my (limited) knowledge of RT, I thing that the parrot
bug address could create a ticket in the parrot queue, or add the mail
body to the appropriate ticket if the subject contains [perl #X]
-- then, it could close the ticket automatically if the subject matches
an OK report.

Re: This Week's Summary

2003-08-14 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Piers Cawley wrote in perl.perl6.internals :
 I want a Ponie!
 I promise that, as development of Ponie (the port of Perl 5 to Parrot)
 accelerates you'll see a summary of Ponie activity in this summary as

In fact I imagined I was more or less going to do this, based on
imagining what will be the contents of the future ponie discussions :

how the hell will I be able to interface that spaghetti Perl 5 mess
with that clean Parrot API ? Will I really be forced to reimplement
the whole subrecursive frobnizer for tied magic ?

Re: This week's summary

2003-06-30 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Alan Burlison wrote in perl.perl6.internals :
 Piers Cawley wrote:
   Small Perl task for the interested
 Want to get involved in the Parrot development process? Don't know much
 about Virtual Machine design and implementation? Do know Perl? Dan has a
 small but interesting task for you.
 At present, Parrot gets built without any compiler level optimizations
 turned on because files like tsq.c can't have any optimizations turned
 on (tsq.c is the thread safe queue module, which is annoyingly
 execution-order-dependent because it has to operate safely as interrupt
 code potentially interrupting itself).
 Dan would like a version of which can build a makefile (or
 whatever build tool we end up using) with per-C-file compiler flags, and
 it needs to be possible to override those flags, per file, by the
 platform configuration module.
 Hmm, I'm only a lurker, but that looks *very* suspect to me.  Some compilers 
 may choose to reorder even without optimization turned on.  I'd say that it 
 is a bug in Parrot if it requires optimization to be off for this code - how 
 many different compilers have you tried?

That doesn't make this per-C-file-cc-option-tweaking necessarily
unuseful. Perl 5 uses something similar, because the lexer is sometimes
miscompiled when some compilers with a high optimization level. Example :
see the hints files and lookup XXX_cflags or toke_cflags in

Re: Using imcc as JIT optimizer

2003-02-22 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Nicholas Clark wrote in perl.perl6.internals :
r-score = r-use_count + (r-lhs_use_count  2);
 r-score += 1  (loop_depth * 3);
 I wonder how hard it would be to make a --fsummon-nasal-demons flag for gcc
 that added trap code for all classes of undefined behaviour, and caused
 code to abort (or something more colourfully undefined) if anything
 undefined gets executed. I realise that code would run very slowly, but it
 would be a very very useful debugging tool.

What undefined behaviour are you referring to exactly ? the shift
overrun ? AFAIK it's very predictable (given one int size). Cases of
potential undefined behavior can usually be detected at compile-time. I
imagine that shift overrun detection can be enabled via an ugly macro
and a cpp symbol.

(what's a nasal demon ? can't find the nasald(8) manpage)

Re: AUTOLOADED pre- and post- handler methods?

2003-01-26 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Dan Sugalski wrote in perl.perl6.internals :
 In Perl terms, assume we have a method PRE that gets called before 
 any method in a class is called, and AUTOLOAD which is called if you 
 call a method on a class and that method doesn't exist. Does AUTOLOAD 
 have to get called to check for PRE if PRE doesn't exist in a class?

In Perl 5, AUTOLOAD is called for destructors :

$ perl -wle 'sub AUTOLOAD{print $AUTOLOAD};bless{}'

While I think this is annoying in most cases, I imagine this may be
useful. And adding an empty destructor to a class is not a huge effort.

The situation is similar for a PRE method. If it's not defined, there's
no error ; if it's not defined but if AUTOLOAD exists, AUTOLOADing is
tried. (I imagine that if AUTOLOAD gracefully refuses to create the PRE
method, no further attempt will be made.)

Re: Tasks for the interested

2002-06-18 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez

Dan Sugalski wrote in perl.perl6.internals :
 Okay, here are some tasks for the interested. They're all related (I 
 expect you'll see the pattern), but independent anyway.
 1) Dig through the perl source and find out all the opcodes. (pp.c 
 and friends) Document the opcodes and what they do.

Hint for the brave soul : look at (Be sure to send the docs
to P5P, too.)

Re: Perl 5 to Parrot

2002-04-05 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez

Melvin Smith wrote in perl.perl6.internals :
 It sounds like what you are embarking on is a compiler implementation
 with a full grammar, etc. Right?

Not at all, he wants to reuse the perl 5 parser to generate parrot
opcodes from perl 5 opcodes.

 I also remember there was work already in progress, Simon Cozens mailed
 out a tokenizer and I recall Damian Conway saying he was going to deliver
 a parser (maybe I'm confused as I often am)? I assume this could be reused,
 else we end up with 2 architectures of compiler for Perl5 and Perl6.

Well, IIRC Simon's tokenizer was a draft perl 6 tokenizer.

Re: Perl 5 to Parrot

2002-04-04 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez

James A Duncan wrote in perl.perl6.internals :
 I've started work on B::Parrot, which is a Perl 5 to Parrot translation 
 engine.  Its very basic at the moment, but I've got it successfully 
 translating things like:
 my $perliv = 10;
 my $perlpv = \n;
 print $perliv;
 print $perlpv;
 into working, assemble-able parrot code.  Before I go any further on 
 this crack-fuelled project is there anything I should be aware of?  Are 
 others working on this?  Have I done far too much crack smoking to 
 consider doing something like this now?

I think you're already aware of the main issue : the compiler backends
are executed after compilation of the Perl 5 program. Thus, things that
happen at compile-time (BEGIN and CHECK blocks, hints to the compiler
via pragmas and the $^H / %^H variables) are difficult (or impossible)
to spot correctly.

The best (safest) method to port Perl 5 to Perl 6 would be IHMO to
reimplement a full-blown Perl 5 parser to generate Parrot code. However
this doesn't exclude the interest of your B::Parrot approach. Do you
plan to release it on CPAN ?

Oh, and don't forget to test it with and without threads. Look at the
existing B:: modules for hints.

Rafael Garcia-Suarez :
It's not a can of worms, it's a tank of shai-hulud.
-- Jarkko Hietaniemi

Re: CPP Namespace pollution

2002-01-28 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez

Simon Cozens wrote in perl.perl6.internals:
 Similarly, I'd like Parrot/ to move to lib/

And Test/, while you're at it.

 But doesn't this require much CVS hackery to keep the revision history?

Don't be the slave of your tools ;-)

Rafael Garcia-Suarez