chromatic wrote:

On Sun, 2004-01-25 at 02:19, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

s. t/pmc/orderedhash.t The initializer of the struct could look like:

 new P1, .OrderedHash
 set P1["a"], .DATATYPE_a
 set P1[1], 0
 set P1[2], 0
 set P1["b"], .DATATYPE_b
 set P1[4], 0
 set P1[5], 0
 new P2, .UnManagedStruct, P1

Now you can access P2[0] := P2["a"] or P2[1] := P2["b"] elements of the
structure by name or by struct item index. (The index is internally
multiplied by 3, so that it maps to the initializer item).

Ahh, I think I get it. Here's what a couple of hours of fumbling produced. It's still not quite right and I'm stuck, but I'm further than before.

I've corrected your code and the example, which is a new test now. Its working but need more testing.

So just get it from CVS.


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