
Now I use my brand new commit access:

Non-Terminal IO-Layers often call down to the lower-lying
layers. Until now this was done in a while-loop reimplemented in every
upper layer (At the moment there is only one io_buf but there will be
more). This commit introduces new io_system private helper-functions
which do the iteration of the layer-stack. PIO_xxx_down() walks the
layersstack starting at the passed in layer, and calls the first
implementation of the API it finds. All manual versions of the
iteration are replaced by this helper functions.

This commit is internal to the PIO subsystem, it should have no effect
on the rest of parrot.

Juergen Boemmels                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fachbereich Physik                      Tel: ++49-(0)631-205-2817
Universitaet Kaiserslautern             Fax: ++49-(0)631-205-3906
PGP Key fingerprint = 9F 56 54 3D 45 C1 32 6F  23 F6 C7 2F 85 93 DD 47

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