=>'s container and binding semantics

2005-11-06 Thread Ingo Blechschmidt

my ($key, $value) = ;
my $pair  = ($key => $value);

$pair.key = "new";
# Should this fail ("cannot modify a constant")?
# Should this update $pair.key, but leave $key untouched?
# Should this update $pair.key, implicitly updating $key as well?

$pair.value = "new";
# Should this fail ("cannot modify a constant")?
# Should this update $pair.value, but leave $value untouched?
# Should this update $pair.value, implicitly updating $value
# as well?

If setting $pair.value changes $value, should rebinding $pair.value
cause the binding to get destroyed:

$pair.value := $some_other_var;
$pair.value = "new";
# $value unchanged, $some_other_var set to "new"

If setting $pair.value does not change $value, should binding
$pair.value to $value do what I mean:

$pair.value := $value;
$pair.value = "new";
# $value changed


Parrot 0.3.1 "Wart" Released

2005-11-06 Thread Leopold Toetsch

On behalf of the Parrot team I'm proud to announce the release of
Parrot 0.3.1. I'd like to thank all involved people as well as our
sponsors for supporting us.

What is Parrot?

Parrot is a virtual machine aimed at running Perl6 and other dynamic

Parrot 0.3.1 changes and news

- Variable sized register frames are finished. Each subroutine gets
  the amount of registers that it actually needs. No more spilling.
- Vastly improved PGE (Parrot Grammar Engine) including shift-reduce,
  precedence-based expression parser and support for matching of
  bracketed text delimited by e.g. ()[]{}'"
- uniccode character classification (is_upper ...)
- support for heredoc syntax in assembler
- improved examples, basic JSON support
- debian packaging support
- the usual improvements, bug fixes, and cleanup
- test count exceeds 3000

After some pause you can grab it from

As parrot is still in steady development we recommend that you
just get the latest and best from SVN by following the directions at

Turn your web browser towards  for more
information about Parrot, get involved, and:

Have fun!